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Sound Factory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by girly

keep their shirts on hell noooo. You guys like to see girls with their boobs hanging out, why can't everyone be showing some skin? such a double standard:mad: I want to see it all dammit:D

I have no problem with showing skin, but sweaty mofos with their shirts off is just plain nasty, no to mention, unsanitary.

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Originally posted by dkny8

I have no problem with showing skin, but sweaty mofos with their shirts off is just plain nasty, no to mention, unsanitary.

you sweat in clubs period and theres a lot of mofos that have sweat drenched shirts that are "on" and are still dripping sweat everywhere. Its just what happens. some of you people pick on the most trivial stuff..

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Maybe I'm getting old but it seems like factory isn't what it used to be. I used to have the best time there. The last couple times I've left that place I was disgusted. I remember when there was actually some sort of a dress code. Now everyone dresses down. There trannies everywhere now. NASTY. Every weekend used to be the shit there. The only time I look forward to factory now is Halloween. I don't know if I changed or if the crowd changed but everyone seems so fuckin shady in there now. :(

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I kind of miss getting dress up to go out. Lately I find myself picking out things so I don't look over dressed.

Originally posted by mrbadabing

Maybe I'm getting old but it seems like factory isn't what it used to be. I used to have the best time there. The last couple times I've left that place I was disgusted. I remember when there was actually some sort of a dress code. Now everyone dresses down. There trannies everywhere now. NASTY. Every weekend used to be the shit there. The only time I look forward to factory now is Halloween. I don't know if I changed or if the crowd changed but everyone seems so fuckin shady in there now. :(

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I had a good time nye because I made it fun. It wasn't the best crowd but screw it, I was there for me. As for pretty- everyone is so wrecked they can't tell the difference. Have fun on your own!

I's rather feel sweaty skin than sweat soaked cotton. Keep your shirts off!


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Originally posted by djoner

fuckin druggatics at factory. Like hardcore Ex kiddies go there. Fuck that. And ya its nasty inside..

The drugs always been there but on nye it was crazy. . . . . People were strung out all over the place. I saw a girl that couldnt have been more then 17 wacked out in a k-hole it was pathetic. . . . . . . .

I never thought id say this but the place should be shut down before patrons die. . . . . . . Either that or get the drugs out of there by having security do their jobs so we don't have another Twilo on our hands. . .

Disgusting is too nice a word. Left a bad taste in my mouth. Factory = Crackhead central

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Here goes the essay of the year!

I am sure SF has changed a little , but not as much as the older people that have grown up and think that SF has changed. For example: do you still like and enjoy 99% of the same things at 25 that you did when you were 20? How about comparing 25 now for those of you that are over 30? Those are easy questions. People change as the get older (everyone does, some more slowly than others).

I was at SF for the first time in my life four weeks ago (I am 30). I couldn’t do SF more then once every 4 - 6 weeks that’s for sure (or I’d probably look like some of the skinny kids that go 5’ 9â€, 140 lbs.) and I probably wouldn’t go there more than 4 - 6 times a year if I lived in NYC.

Roughly 80% (probably more) of the people in there were ‘tweaked’ in one way or another. I talked to about 60 people and everyone was very friendly and inviting. I told most people that I talked to that I was in NYC from Denver visiting my brother (who was off at Limelight and since I only had three nights in NYC I HAD to go to SF ) and was running solo that night (morning). I thought that the vibe was very, very laid back with a ‘whatever goes’ attitude. Security was all over the bathrooms though and I saw a girl hitting the ‘k-hole’ on the third floor that security kicked out along with her boyfriend.

The people aren't all ugly either. That is bullshit. There is huge mixture of different demographics in SF that’s for sure. I thought overall the crowd was good/decent looking. Sure there were some freaky looking people ands some ‘trash’ in there, but what do you expect? It’s SF after all! I’ve been to a lot exclusive places so I know what ‘the’ crowd looks like. I saw a lot of ‘trash’ that same night earlier at Lotus too. They were more dressed up though. They were just a more sophisticated, but cheesy kind of trash. The kind of wannabe Cameron Diaz & 90210 type ‘trash’. People that are trying to be someone they’re not. Shit, you could compain about the crowd at ANY spot! What kind of crowd do you expect at SF given the reason why most people go there? I did see a lot of young people (a lot of 18 -22 year olds), but so what? That didn’t ruin the vibe for me at all because the people were cool. That’s what it’s all about; it’s about having fun. Also there were plenty of older people too (late 20’s to mid 30’s and even older) and there really wasn’t a definite ‘feel’ to the place as far as defining crowd in one certain way.

I spent most of the time on the 2nd floor. Yes there are some ‘bodybuilder types’ (BB) that take their shirts off and strut around in Adidas breakaways. So what? Who’s it hurting? Don't people have anything else better to worry about when they are ‘partying’ in SF then who’s not wearing a shirt? I am more worried about the guy that is knocking into everyone he walks by because he is rolling so hard he can’t walk nor see straight. The same one that almost falls down the stairs!

I also didn’t see any guys walking around dripping with seat either (other than some on the dance floor that were sweating profusely.) Most every shirtless guy would go into the bathroom and clean up when leaving the dance floor. All of the BB shirtless guys I talked to when I was there last month (I was by myself too) were cool as hell. Maybe that is just because I am a fellow BB and go about 5 '9", 175 lbs. at 6%. Who knows? Everyone was cool and I found there to be ZERO attitude. Gotta love a club like that! I had a blast! Too bad I had to leave at 8 AM (I got there at 3:45 AM). I also met TONS of hotties. Moslty Jersey hoties, but some from Upstate and the boroughs. Yes there were a lot of Jersey people there, (lots of Jersey women who are so INCREDIBLY fine!) but I could give a fuck where the people are from. I’ll leave the bridge and tunnel drama bullshit to everyone else too. I think it’s actually very petty and shallow.

I will say this: SF is THE biggest drug fest I ever have seen in my life! (Space in Miami takes a close second. The only difference between Space and SF was that I saw several 'tickets' being sold at SF whereas at Space it is not as out in the open). That's why I think 75% of the people go there. I could not believe how many people I saw there that were ‘f’d up o something. I must have had 100 people bump into me during the course of the night that had trouble walking. They were all cool and said ‘excuse me’ (most did anyway). However you want party is fine, but that's what the main point of SF is. 'Partying'!!!.

If you don’t like SF compared to old times, accept that fact that it is you that have probably changed the most and SF has changed very little over the last few years. It’s just that many of you are older now and see/experience things differently now. As far as I can tell SF is a very good club. Great club? I don't know about that. It probably depends on the night. I’d give it an ‘7.5’ (maybe an '8') on a scale of 1 to 10 (I was there Sunday 12/09/02) and I even left about 5 - 6 hours too. before it ‘peaked’ ... lol

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Originally posted by girly

you sweat in clubs period and theres a lot of mofos that have sweat drenched shirts that are "on" and are still dripping sweat everywhere. Its just what happens. some of you people pick on the most trivial stuff..

And you should pick on your lice, you disease infested white trash hoe.

PS: Get a Job!



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Originally posted by iliana

And you should pick on your lice, you disease infested white trash hoe.

PS: Get a Job!



this is coming from someone who lives in huntington:laugh: You fucking nigger take your own advice!!:laugh::aright:

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"Pretty people place".............hahah, pretty ugly people place. I'm really dissapointed at what this place has become. Backin the day (98-2000) I had some really good times there (most of them sober). It was great to roll into there with like 15 heads and all hang up on the 3rd floor. Now, I couldn't get anyone to go there w/ me if I tried.

I went last week, the Sat. before NYE. It was HORRIBLE. They hardly hassle you at the door for anything (which I wish they would, at least to thin the herd a little). JP wasn't playing up to par. The crowd was nasty. I'm afraid that place is gonna turn into the waste of space that Exit is. Hmmmm, I miss the good old days.

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Now with all you people who hate Factory not going there anymore there should be so much more room for us who dont care what the crowd looks like on a certain night. For those of us who enjoy The Music and the Vibe, not just the looks, we become regulars.

Who does have the best looking crowd then? Exit (haha)? ARC (good looking?)? The Limelight (Gay Party)? Since you people are so into the looks, what place DOES have the best looking people? And when you think of one, go there, and stay there, where you are comfortable. Everyone is entitled to like what THEY like. Personal Preference and Choice is what this country is all about isnt it. Freedom of Choice and Expression. We live in New York, home of the most diverse Society basically in the world.

You dont like when people are sweaty with no shirts on, dont go to a club, cause if you are Dancing like you are supposed to do at a DANCE CLUB you get sweaty. I personally dont take my shirt off but I also dont care if people do.

People complain about JP not spinnng like he used to. This isnt 98-99 anymore dorothy. Music changes, people change, DJ's change. Name ONE PLACE that has the same DJ spinning to the Same Calibur, the same type of tracks, and still packs em in week after week.

I agree that Factory isnt what it USED TO BE, cause thats the past. When i was 16 i loved Exit, now i cant step foot in that place. I used to like LimeLight, it got shut down and now its only doing a Gay Party.

Im not trying to stick up for Factory here eventhough I am a regular, im sticking up for the fact that there is still someplace with the same offerings for 13 years and still running strong.

So stop bitching about what you dont like about places, start explaining what you do like about places.

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