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That's one of the hardests concepts of addiction to deal with...the environment, which plays a huge role. You learn to associate certain environments with the drug, ex clubs or your bedroom, whatever...

In one study i had to read for school, coke addicts were shown lines of fake coke on a mirror and physiologically, their heart rates were allready raised from just the sight of what appeared to be coke.

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My problem is that I associated it with movies and TV also. I would do mad amounts while watching and become part of the show. I would be hanging with the smurfs one hour, killing Kenny on South Park another hour, then entering the Matrix later.

Now when I watch TV, I feel like I need to do other things to compensate. So, I placed my PC close by, and multitask taking my mind off the cravings. When I'm watching a Sci Fi movie and can't stop reminsicing, I grab a low carb meal replacement bar and chow down. That usually helps.

I know people that will not go out at all without bumps in their pocket. Even on first dates, they need to have it to take the edge off. I've been there, so I know exactly how that feels.


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Evan, I know what u mean!! I have a very low attention span now when watching tv...i often used to wonder if i would ever be able to have as deep and be fulley interested in long conversations again, like those i was used to from many nites of coke...

After awhile, you begin to associate certain drugs with "fun" and you wonder if you'll ever be able to have fun without them...thankfully, it took a complete change of friends and a lot of time spent with my family, and a wonderful boyfriend to realize that having fun does not always constitute using drugs.

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Guest hotshit

Evan, interesting history. I was going to ask you how you met those people in your San Gennaros 2002 photos. I know most of them, their from jersey. They live in my town, I was looking at your photos and I was like oh shit I know those people!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah.. The company that did the flash include the tshirts, coffee mugs shit as their revenue maker. I have no control of that. As for the story, wouldn't u have liked someone that could have warned you of the dangers of going toward this life. You were lucky that u didn't spend the money (which is really hard to beleive if u lead the same kind of life.). What about the health risk as well as your risk to getting caught. This story isn't about showing off or saying I did more shit than you. It's about the carp that I put my life through because of drugs.


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There is ONE page of Nicole on my site. She came to one of my parties. Don't try bringing up TS' on my site. I'm tried of hearing about them.

And I'm not trying to "impress" you. This story was NOT about impressing anyone. I could have talked about orgies, drug parties, etc... But I didn't. I wanted to talk about how easy it is to fall off the deep end like I did. Anyway, the story wasn't just for you. I got some really great e-mails and IMs from people who decided that this story had woken them up and made a difference in their lives. That means a thousand times more to me than your petty insults.


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Hey man, I'm not trying to insult you. And I have nothing against the trannies. I'm glad some people have e-mailed you and IMed you and whatever. I personally didn't see why you thought your story was so interesting when you could go to Factory and Saturday and find 3000 people with the same story.

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Thanks crack. Anyway... this kid Evan started doing drugs to get more attention and to make friends and to get laid. So now he is bragging about his great life of drugs and girls and parties that he had... HAD. Now he's bored again and is re-juvinating the stories to get more attention. And that, crack, is why he is on here, not to help you, to get more attention.


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True..i DID do drugs to get all that. But again, I have thousnads of better stories to tell if I was trying to show off. This is not about that. Whether you can accept that is totally up to you. I am actually using this thread as an example of what people in rehab cvan do for themselves. This has been one of the best decisions I've had in a while to express the loss and grief that drugs has caused.


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Evan this was very intresting reading. I am glad you have the strength to remember and write about it. I feel bad it is all over the web (the job interview, that sucks but it's funny too) But if it helps people to think about it and stop. Then it was worth it. I stopped doing K almost 2 years ago. Just a nasty drug.

Maybe you can put all your stories on your site. So they dont end up everywhere.

Take care and dont give up. Keep writing.

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Originally posted by somebitch

evan, you really piss me off u fucken pansy boy. u r gonna get a disease and drop dead fucking all these "women".. you are an idiot.

you expect people to believe that anyone PMs u about your boring little petty life with all the trannies running around your apartment & u telling us how hot your "girlfriends" are. :laugh:

it is people like u that make me wanna :puke: i hope i never meet another pathetic/disrespectful/worthless loser like yourself in my life. have some respect for life, for the "women" u bring home & for yourself. and do us a favor and stop acting like anyone cares.


shush....he seems to have an audience here...believe it or not :eek:

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Originally posted by Evan

So then honestly.. Now that you are getting to understand that my story is not about showing off but trying to warn people about the dangers of drugs use, what do you think of my story so far?


i think you are an obsessive-compulsory wannabe-writer. and i'd suggest you try more drugs and write a lexicon of drug abuse...

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Originally posted by zlatang

i think you are an obsessive-compulsory wannabe-writer. and i'd suggest you try more drugs and write a lexicon of drug abuse...

Bro, I agree. My earlier posts say it all. And you know what, the only people that are listening to these fairy tales are people that don't even use drugs. Because all of the people that have used or do use know u are just looking for attention. Sorry so harsh. And sadly by talking about the women and drugs from your past might make someone who is lacking attention turn to drugs. I doubt anyone that has been into drugs gives a shit about your egotistical tales that are probably only half, if that, true.

NOW, I CAN TELL U STORIES!!!! Hahahah Not stories to teach you a lesson about drugs, but funny shit that involves drugs, women and of course Sound Factory! LOL

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Originally posted by velvetropeprod

Bro, I agree. My earlier posts say it all. And you know what, the only people that are listening to these fairy tales are people that don't even use drugs. Because all of the people that have used or do use know u are just looking for attention. Sorry so harsh. And sadly by talking about the women and drugs from your past might make someone who is lacking attention turn to drugs. I doubt anyone that has been into drugs gives a shit about your egotistical tales that are probably only half, if that, true.

NOW, I CAN TELL U STORIES!!!! Hahahah Not stories to teach you a lesson about drugs, but funny shit that involves drugs, women and of course Sound Factory! LOL

Umm no, actually, I have used in the past but find his story interesting. Why dont you start your own thread and tell some stories. I am sure that they will be entertaining!

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Originally posted by velvetropeprod

Bro, I agree. My earlier posts say it all. And you know what, the only people that are listening to these fairy tales are people that don't even use drugs. Because all of the people that have used or do use know u are just looking for attention. Sorry so harsh. And sadly by talking about the women and drugs from your past might make someone who is lacking attention turn to drugs. I doubt anyone that has been into drugs gives a shit about your egotistical tales that are probably only half, if that, true.

NOW, I CAN TELL U STORIES!!!! Hahahah Not stories to teach you a lesson about drugs, but funny shit that involves drugs, women and of course Sound Factory! LOL

By the way, I love the song that is in your thread! Well, at least I used to.

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I find it interesting and entertaining as fuck.

Isn't that enough?

Maybe it helps to write about it, maybe he wants to tell others what can happen, maybe he was bored, maybe he wanted to show off, maybe he wanted to reminice, who the fuck cares....

Its still a great story.

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