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**Weight Loss Question


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ok here's my problem -

ever since i've been little, my fat that i accumulate seems to goto my stomach area, i.e. my gut and love handles. i've tried xenadrine and it helped me lose 5lbs of fat without any exercise. now i'm off it b/c i developed some sort of an attitude with people (side effect? lol). i need someone to post me a meal plan and when to exercise. i hate running though so that doesn't help. i've been doing low carbs and working out on this resistance machine i have (body by jake) as well as doing tai-bo to get some cardio in. whats the fastest but most effecient way to get rid of my gut and total body fat? i wanna be lookin good for the summer and feel healthy in general. any help is much appreciated.


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...There's others that will comment on the health plan aspect that are quite a bit more qualified than me (obviously..:rolleyes: )..I can, having lost quite a bit of weight on low carbs and extensive experience with ephedra (among other amphetamines..) comment on that aspect..

..I get the same kind of reaction from ephedra as you described. I become edgy and impatient..I kinda find it fun at times cuz usually I'm a pretty passive person..They seem to bring the most aggresive sides of my personality to the forefront..If I half dose the recommended amount (usually they recommend, no matter what the brand, on 20 milligrams of ephedra that you ramp up until you take two in the am and two in the pm for 80 mg total..) I don't get that aggressive.. Normal dosing after a while turns me into a pretty nasty person...

Love handle and gut fat are usually the hardest to get rid of, cuz for many people its the first place that seems to take on weight..I've also read that the longer the deposit is there the harder it is to reduce in the long run... If I ever get the rest of my weight off I'm looking at major surgery to get rid of the excess on my body unfortunately...theres just no way to get rid of it all..considering I've been obese most of my life...

..I'd recommend checking out elitefitness.com, I lurk that site from time to time for info, and those cats and kittens really get fantatic about health and lifting ... There's a couple of heads from that board that lurk here...Magillicutti and flexdieselny come to mind..I'd pm one of them..

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Definitely eat five or six small meals a day. This will keep your metabolism running at it's optimum rate. Eat cleanly- chicken, fish, beans, spinach, broccoli, asparigus, fruit (in moderation). Don't completely cut out carbs, just eat good carbs and not too much of them. DRINK TONS OF WATER. Never drink anything but water. No diet coke or iced tea. Just water. You'll grow to love it. If you drink tea or coffee, drink it black. As for exercise- jumping rope is excellent cardio. Dancing, stationary bike, heavy bag, it's all good.

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yeh crackorn is right..and unfortunitly if u really wanna lose the weight ur gona have to get used to cardio (not runnig) hit the tread mill..walk on somthing in the area of speed 4 and height 8 - 12 ...i suggest doing this is the mornng on an empty stomach..so ppl might disagree..but if u break it down to six healthy meals and do cardio ull lose a good amount of weight ....and water water water ..u gotta learn to love the stuff...this stuff works...i've lost a considerable amout of weight along with weigth training really transformed my body..good luck !

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October 2001 I was 305 Lbs. About a year later I was 235.

Basically someone here said it already... I went on a high protein low fat and low carb diet. I eat between 4 and 6 times per day depending on timing. And used Hydroxycut. Worked wonders... I also got edgy from it. I am currently 245/250. But I don't use the scale anymore really because I have gained a decent amount of weight from muscle.

Don't make the mistake of starving yourself to lose weight. This will do 2 things. When you get hungry you crave the bad foods. And also when your body goes into starvation it begins to store fat.


Hope that was a little help. :D

Originally posted by Crackorn

Definitely eat five or six small meals a day. This will keep your metabolism running at it's optimum rate. Eat cleanly- chicken, fish, beans, spinach, broccoli, asparigus, fruit (in moderation). Don't completely cut out carbs, just eat good carbs and not too much of them. DRINK TONS OF WATER. Never drink anything but water. No diet coke or iced tea. Just water. You'll grow to love it. If you drink tea or coffee, drink it black. As for exercise- jumping rope is excellent cardio. Dancing, stationary bike, heavy bag, it's all good.

Very true about the water... It is said a person will lose 15 lbs in a year if they only drink water. Exercise or not. Try to drink ice cold water it will also burn more calories. Basically for 1 and 1/2 years I drank nothing but water. Now I drink Water, OJ, and Cranberry juice. Like Crack said you will learn to love it. I refuse to drink anything else....

Well except beer on weekends.

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I don't think this question can be anwered in one post.

Yes love handles and stomach area are the hardest places for men to loose fat just like the ass is for females.

Without going into alot of detail - The reason for this is due to the fact that you have different types of fact receptors in those areas. When loosing fat your body wants to hold on to those areas as long as it can (this is due to 40,000 years of evolution - I doubt it will change any time soon.)

What happens with most diets especially those that starve themselves or even the ladies you see in the areobics room who are there everyday - is that - when they diet or excercise excessivly the loose muscle and the easy to loose fat but hang on to the hard to loose fat. Then they gain fat back and not only put it on all over but also in those places which they did not loose fat.

For example:

A female with a large butt will loose weight and muscle all over. She will hang on to the fat in her ass. Then she gains weight back all over without gaining the muscle back and also puts more fat on her ass. After years of loosing and gaining weight the female has skinny (flabby) arms, legs and sometimes stomach with a big ole flabby ass. I know its not a pretty picture I have painted but next time you go to the gym - look at the women who spend hours on the treadmill or stairmaster or in the areobics room. Yes there are exceptions but those girls either have there diet in line or they naturally have fast metabolism.

Now, with this being said I still have NOT answered your question I know. There are several different ways to loose wieght which will work you just need to decide which you like the best.

Without going into any detail, what you need to do is change your overall body composition by adding muscle density (The more muscle you have the more nutrients it takes to maintain your bodywieght. Muslce needs energy to survive - fat does not. you could have an extra 100 lbs. of fat on you and you would not need any extra calories to maintain it. With muscle your body is using energy all day and night just to survive.

1) Get you diet in line (which ever diet you decide on - just do not starve your self and what ever you do get at least 10 grms of protein per lb of body weight.

2) Do strength training exercises at least 3 x's per week - with extremely high intensity. That does not mean do 100 reps of 10lbs. That means do at least 8-10 reps of each exercise and use a heavy enough weight so that you last rep is almost impossible to get.

3) Keep the cardio to a minimum. The best would be to do wind sprints 3 times per week in the mornings on an empty stomach on the days which you do not work out. This will help you burn fat without catabolizing too much muscle. (would'nt we all like to look like Ben Johnson or Flo Jo.

4) Drink plenty of water - 2 gallons a day.

5) REST - this is very important and left out by most. You body must be able to recup or you will destroy muscle and lower your metabolism.

6) I am sure there is something I am missing but your probably tired of reading the post anyway so I will stop here for now.

Good luck


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Wind sprints are running a distance, usually pretty short, like let's say 30-40 yards, walking a bit, then doing it again. I used to do wind sprints on an 1/4 mile oval track. I would sprint the straight away, then walk the curves. They are an excellent cardio workout.

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ive used xenadrine very successfully & found 2 things absolutel necessary for use1:never take on an empty stomach.feed the fuel, i usually ate 30 min after dose. 2 dont dose unless you have a few hours of a semi-physical activity afterwards. ignoring either of these things will definately lead to u tweaking.

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its really too late at night for me to read all of this... but just some firsthand advise (not scientific or anything like that... but my experience)

try taking trim spa... it doesn't only burn off calories, it stops carb cravings, and makes you feel full.... in addition to that, if you can't commit 100% to a fullblown workout deal, try starting small and cut carbs out of your diet for the most part...

like if you have steak and fries... don't eat the fries... little shit like that really adds up...

i haven't excersized but i've lost over 20lbs in the last 2 months with this... like i said, its not a scientific plan... but so far so good...

if i plateu, i'll have to adjust...

but i'm trying to do shit in small steps so i don't just get annoyed and say "F IT" ya know?

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Originally posted by richiemarvisi

ive used xenadrine very successfully & found 2 things absolutel necessary for use1:never take on an empty stomach.feed the fuel, i usually ate 30 min after dose. 2 dont dose unless you have a few hours of a semi-physical activity afterwards. ignoring either of these things will definately lead to u tweaking.

I have been taking Xenadrine for a couple of weeks now. I workout in the mornings when I get up, on an empty stomach. I have found that if I take the Xenadrine(with or without) eating before I workout, I end up shaking so bad by the time I'm done with the Cardio part of my workout(15 min on Eliptical machine), I can't do anything else :eek: . I have started working out then taking the Xenadrine about an hour or so before I eat and I think I have balanced out ;) . I eat a lot less and feel full and I have A LOT more energy.

My 2 cents


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Originally posted by Crackorn

10 grams!!!! I can barely handle 1 gram per pound of body weight!!!!

I was about to say.................you want me eating 2000 grams of protein a day!!!

I might as well start being a cattle farmer.

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Guest partyboy1441

I know this is a different question, but it's still under weight loss... haha. Whats the most effective, quickest way to lose a ton of weight? Im not worried about side effects unless they are mad serious. I really need to lose atleast 90-100 lbs. One of my friends swears by the idea of smoking m and fighting off the cravings while going anorexic, he thinks u should be losing like 15 lbs a month that way. anyone know of anything good?

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Originally posted by partyboy1441

I know this is a different question, but it's still under weight loss... haha. Whats the most effective, quickest way to lose a ton of weight? Im not worried about side effects unless they are mad serious. I really need to lose atleast 90-100 lbs. One of my friends swears by the idea of smoking m and fighting off the cravings while going anorexic, he thinks u should be losing like 15 lbs a month that way. anyone know of anything good?

The absolute FASTEST way to loose weight is the good ole fashion Atkins diet. I do not follow this diet plan b/c one would loose too much muscle.

And when I say Atkins I mean NO carbs - zero, I repeat zero. Anytime you add in a carb or 2 you will kick yourself out of ketosis and it will take time for your body to get back in.

And DO NOT buy the Atkins bar if you are on the Atkins diet - they do contain carbs and even worse they contain sugars.

There are a million diet plans and although I would not recommend this one - It is the fastest way to loose. With the exception of finding some DNP.


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I've done Atkins before and you can definitely lose a ton of weight if you do it right. The first week you may not see any results and it really can be pretty brutal at first. If you keep it up and really stick to absolutely zero carbs like elites said, I really don't see why you couldn't take off 100 pounds in three months or so. My cousin lost 80 in two months (he was 400 lbs). You will lose muscle tone without carbs and you have to be super careful when you start eating carbs again not to go too crazy or you'll put the weight back on quickly. Exercise is the key. Even starting off with a light cardio of walking places that you really don't need to drive to will help a lot.

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Originally posted by partyboy1441

I know this is a different question, but it's still under weight loss... haha. Whats the most effective, quickest way to lose a ton of weight? Im not worried about side effects unless they are mad serious. I really need to lose atleast 90-100 lbs. One of my friends swears by the idea of smoking m and fighting off the cravings while going anorexic, he thinks u should be losing like 15 lbs a month that way. anyone know of anything good?

Thats sounds like the most difficult retarded thing ive ever heard. How can you fight those cravings? even if u could why would you make it soo difficult on yourself? I think the xenadrine;s work great. as long as you eat after and keep mad busy. i work in the restaurant buisness, so keeping busy is a given. i took them just for energy and wound up losing 30 or so pounds. like i said i wasnt trying to loose weight, and wasnt really overweight to begin with, so for me probably not the best thing but, it just shows u how well the stuff works.
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Originally posted by drmoxx

what about whole wheat pasta. avoid it also?

If you can, yes. Stick to carbs that haven't been processed in any way. Fruits should be eaten in moderation, preferable before a workout. If you don't plan on exercising, I'd lay off the fruit too.

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Originally posted by elitesnautica


Rice (Brown better)

Potatoes (Sweet are better)

Vegtables are good.

Avoid breads, pastas, sugars, fruits, ect....


great info as always Nautica..thought i would add to it...

Bread, cereal, rice and pasta

Bakery products



Milk and yogurt


Bread, cereal, rice and pasta

These foods have more complex carbs than simple. If you choose higher-fiber foods, like brown instead of white rice, or a high fiber cold cereal (All-Bran) instead of a sweetened, low fiber cereal (Fruit Loops), you'll also get more complex carbs.

First number is Carbs, second is Calories.

1/2 a medium bagel 15 85

2-inch biscuit 15 105

Small blueberry muffin 15 110

1 slice bread 10 60

1/2 hamburger or hot dog bun 10 60

1 cup cold cereal 25 110

1/2 cup plain oatmeal 15 75

1/2 cup flavored oatmeal 25 110

1/2 cup cooked noodles or pasta 15 80

1 cup popcorn 5 25

1 ounce pretzels 20 105

1/2 cup rice 25 110

1 flour tortilla 15 85

5 saltines 10 60

Bakery products

These foods contain primarily simple carbs (sugar).

Carbs Calories

1 piece angel food cake 30 140

1 piece chocolate cake 40 235

1 fig bar 10 50

1 granola bar 15 110


Fruit, especially fruit juice, is essentially made up of simple carbs. However, the fiber, vitamins and phytochemicals in fresh, frozen or canned fruit are essential to a healthy, balanced diet.

Carbs Calories

1 medium apple 20 80

3/4 cup apple juice 20 80

1 medium banana 25 105

1 medium orange 15 65

1 cup watermelon 10 50

3/4 cup orange juice 20 80


Vegetables are primarily complex carbohydrates.

Carbs Calories

1 medium carrot 10 30

1/2 cup corn 20 90

1 large baked potato 50 220

1 large sweet potato 30 120

Milk and yogurt

These contain primarily simple carbs. Remember that the calcium and vitamin D found in milk and yogurt are important parts of a healthy diet.

Carbs Calories

1 cup skim milk 10 85

1 cup fruit-flavored yogurt 10 225


Legumes (dried beans and peas like lentils, split peas, kidney beans and chickpeas) provide protein as well as complex carbs.

Carbs Calories

1/2 cup chickpeas 20 120

1/2 cup kidney beans 19 105

1 cup lentil soup 20 125

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Originally posted by Crackorn

I've done Atkins before and you can definitely lose a ton of weight if you do it right. The first week you may not see any results and it really can be pretty brutal at first. If you keep it up and really stick to absolutely zero carbs like elites said, I really don't see why you couldn't take off 100 pounds in three months or so. My cousin lost 80 in two months (he was 400 lbs). You will lose muscle tone without carbs and you have to be super careful when you start eating carbs again not to go too crazy or you'll put the weight back on quickly. Exercise is the key. Even starting off with a light cardio of walking places that you really don't need to drive to will help a lot.

so it sounds like as u skip 100% carbs the fat will flow off and u have to excercise properly or enuf to retain the muscles u have and add to it as the fat is gone...?

sounds easy to do..but im sure its brutal...everything i eat has carbs in it...

i found an example of a single day for the first 2 weeks of the Atkins diet...esxcept for the fish it sounds good to me :)

This menu (which contains just 20 grams of carbohydrate) demonstrates how you can eat during Phase I, or Induction -- your first two weeks on the plan.


Three-egg omelette with avocado

Mozzarella cheese and tomato

Decaffeinated coffee with cream


Beef round steak (8 oz)

Spinach and mixed leaf salad with mushrooms, onions, celery and parmesan cheese


Broiled salmon (9 oz)

Kale topped with garlic, lemon and sesame seeds

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