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Attn: Magyarcica and Cottoncandydream

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My experience last night at Code has left me with mixed emotions. I am not going to type them all out at the moment, as I have a hangover to nurse and much to do today. However, I would like an explanation for the discrepency in what I was told was going to be the cover, and what I actually paid. I arrived at Nation around 12:30 fulling expecting to pay $5 with the pass. Instead, I was told that admission was $20, $15 with the pass.

Lawler spun a great set and it was, indeed, worth $15. My concern is that I feel that I was mislead and I want to know why.

Originally posted by magyarcica

admission is free till 11, $5 off with guestpass. general admission is $10 as quoted on the website.


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I agree with rocky. Having the cover charge be over what was quoted by the promoters (and even the website I believe) set a bad tone for the beginning of the night and left me wondering what else we were going to be misled about instead of being optimistic for a good night ahead. Not to say I didn't have a great time - I think the night went really well personally - but the cover charge is a pretty big deal to not be straight about.

Especially when some people may have set a budget including a cab ride home and might not have had enough after overpaying at the door. I had 2 bucks left after my cab ride and that freaked me out a little. So what's up? :confused:

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The cover charge kinda pissed me off a bit too. I even told the guy at the window that the website said 5 bucks, and he was like "yeah, well it's 15 now."

Another thing too, the last call for booze. I always do this at clubs when it's last call, get your drink and then a shot of whatever you want for later (and hide it somewhere, or carry it around with you). So I had the shot in my hand at around 4:00am and went to the bar to get a chaser and the fucking bar-wench snatched it out of my hand, saying,"that's alcohol, the bar's closed you can't have that." WTF. I almost smacked the fucking ho. If I had bouught it prior to last call, that shit is mine YO. Fucking dirty little hookers. I am glad I got about half the shot down my neck before she grab it.

And I mean she snatched it away from my face. How rude is that? Put your grimmy mits all up in my face. This fat slut has been wiping down a bar for a 5-6 hours, knowing she hasn't washed her hands and she's gonna put em' all up in my pie hole. FUCK YOU. I wasn't that pissed off about it last night. But now I am.

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Yep, cover charge is my only complain of the night, but its a pretty big one, especially after it was discussed and repeated by promoters here so many times that its only gonna be $10.

Believe it or not as soon as i heard that its Masoud's party i knew that the cover is gonna be more than advertised. Sorry, but thats the reputation he and his parties have and thats how he earns it.

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First of all the Code team wants to thank everyone for coming out last night. It was a great opening night!!!!! We are glad you enjoyed Lawler as much as we did.

As for the cover charge, it was definitely not our intention to be misleading in any way.

General admission is indeed $10, although as it says on the website "This may vary on special events". Lawler was considered a special event and that is why the price was higher.

Special DJs such as him cost a lot more to book which is why we need to charge more for those nights. But as rockyblue put it... $15 is really not much to see a top DJ.

We will do our best in the future to be more specific as to when a specific night is considered a "special event" so you guys can budget accordingly and not encounter surprises at the door.

We do appreciate your feedback and hope to see you all next Friday!

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Originally posted by therunner

Another thing too, the last call for booze..... So I had the shot in my hand at around 4:00am and went to the bar to get a chaser and the fucking bar-wench snatched it out of my hand, saying,"that's alcohol, the bar's closed you can't have that." WTF.......And I mean she snatched it away from my face.

I am sorry to hear that the bartender was rude to you. I am not really sure what the policy is about drinking alcohol past the last call, but there's no excuse for rudeness.

We will definitely look into this and thanks again for the feedback!

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Guest jroo

speaking of fucking rudeness, can we talk about the fucking dick pretending to be a security guard in the parking lot. rocky and vicman know what im talking about. i bent down picked up two fliers, read them and then threw them up in the air. this this punk gets out of his car and tries to make me pick them up. i tried talking to him, but that didnt work, i just walked away, and he threatened to write down vic's license plate number and not let him back in ever again. i was really pissed at that fucker, this is what i served the country for? to get yelled at for moving one piece of trash fucking 30 feet? fuck him and his ignant ass working in a fucking parking lot at 5 am in the fucking morning. he acted like he was gonna beat my ass. i should have egged him on to hit me, so i could have called cocharn on his ass. fucking punk.

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Originally posted by magyarcica

First of all the Code team wants to thank everyone for coming out last night. It was a great opening night!!!!! We are glad you enjoyed Lawler as much as we did.

As for the cover charge, it was definitely not our intention to be misleading in any way.

General admission is indeed $10, although as it says on the website "This may vary on special events". Lawler was considered a special event and that is why the price was higher.

Special DJs such as him cost a lot more to book which is why we need to charge more for those nights. But as rockyblue put it... $15 is really not much to see a top DJ.

We will do our best in the future to be more specific as to when a specific night is considered a "special event" so you guys can budget accordingly and not encounter surprises at the door.

We do appreciate your feedback and hope to see you all next Friday!

just be as specific as you can be in dealing with your clients. we are all clients and i'm sure you wouldnt like to pay more for something that was advertised at a lower price. like going to CVS for tampons advertised at 7.99 and when you get there you find out at the cash register that its 10.99.

respect your clientele and you will have repeat buisiness from them, thats the best way of advertising your events. :)

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Originally posted by vicman

just be as specific as you can be in dealing with your clients. we are all clients and i'm sure you wouldnt like to pay more for something that was advertised at a lower price. like going to CVS for tampons advertised at 7.99 and when you get there you find out at the cash register that its 10.99.

respect your clientele and you will have repeat buisiness from them, thats the best way of advertising your events. :)

I just went to the website and it does say $10, special events may vary. When are we going to know if it is a "special event?"

What makes it a special event? Just put the price on the flyer/website, or don't mention a price and let us find out at the door. I would rather just walk away saying "that's too much" over walking away saying "those fucks lied again."

If you say 10 bucks the price is 10 bucks, if it's a "special event" and the price is different, just fucking say so! Don't bullshit people around, have them come to YOUR party on a price that's been established and PROMOTED and then up it once they arive. If you want YOUR party to last, be upfront and honest. Don't bullshit people. Just because you can pull in a top class spinner doens't mean that people will come. It's all about the music and the vibe, and if you are LYING to people about the fare to get in, you just fucked yourself with the vibe.

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Classic bait n' switch - nice job with those Business 101 skills ya got. :aright::blown:

The issue isn't whether Lawler is worth 5, 10, 15 or 20 - we all know he is. It's that you were intentionally slippery with us on how much it would cost. How are we to know who's special and who isn't? :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by vicman

maybe roger sanchez will be a special event since its 8 hrs. and so will oscar g and ralph falcon and picotto and vigoritto :rolleyes:

i can guarantee you there wont be ONE party where the admission is gonna be $10.

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Originally posted by vicman

maybe roger sanchez will be a special event since its 8 hrs. and so will oscar g and ralph falcon and picotto and vigoritto :rolleyes:

thats what I was gonna say. All those guys are top notch and popular....what constitutes a "regular" night? Open Mic? WTF?!?? Go back to Dream....

I miss Buzz....:(

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Hey Guys,

I am glad that you all had a good night. Hopefully you will enjoy the other headliners I have set up. Otherwise feel free to email my ass and tell me who you want.

Now to address some concerns:

Other Rooms: We will be switching up the Salsa and Hip Hop rooms with other genres; electro, techno, trance, DnB, Breaks, etc...... I will let you know once the djs are set up.

Admission: Yeah I didn't know we had stepped up the price till we did over 300 comps. Which in no way is an excuse to not let you all know in advance. Believe me it has been addressed and the miscommunication will not happen again. The last thing I want to do is start you guys off by not trusting us.

The Bar: Venue Question will be addresses Monday.

As far as announcements and info the only 2 places you should turn to is our site www.CodeDC.com or to email me directly.

If you have any other suggestions as to how we can make this more enjoyable experience for you please let me know.

Again thank you for all your support and I will be posting pictures tomorrow.

VIC I couldn't find ya I owe u a drink what up?



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Originally posted by vicman

like going to CVS for tampons advertised at 7.99 and when you get there you find out at the cash register that its 10.99.

Dude, you pay $7.99 for tampons?! Look, pay me back and I will bring you some from Richmond next time I come up. They're like 5 bucks here. DC prices are out of control.

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Originally posted by cookiegirl

It's that you were intentionally slippery with us on how much it would cost.

Cookie, I feel that "intentionally slippery" might be a tad unfair. To me it was less deceptive and more "sloppy business practice."

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Lawler owned....

My only complaint as well was the misleading information we got about cover.

The special event excuse is B.S. because you guys had to have known that Lawler would have been considered a special event way before Friday. Advertisting here, the Code forum on EZ & on your website that it was going to be $10 was very misleading. I would gladly pay $15 to see Lawler anytime but the point is that we were told $10 and it should have been $10.


Great to see everyone out!!! I had a blast. It was so good to be back at Nation!

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Originally posted by nourishment

Cookie, I feel that "intentionally slippery" might be a tad unfair. To me it was less deceptive and more "sloppy business practice."

I guess we'll never know. They had plenty of opportunities to tell us that Lawler was a special event and wouldn't be "normal general admission". *sigh* - but spinsaikel's right - too much bitchin' going on and I'm bored of it. :tongue:

How was the rest of your night/weekend girlie? :D

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The entire night was fab. Just kept getting better actually. And the rest of the weekend...well...that just kept getting more and more odd. I wish someone had tried just a little bit harder to convince me to stay the extra night to hear Jen Lasher....:blank:


Oh! Oh! I thought of another complaint. VIP. It's annoying to hear promoters talking up how fabulous VIP is when they know damn well that you won't get anywhere near. It's like telling the kids at the orpahage how great your parents are to buy you an ice cream and it's too bad they don't have parents, or ice cream for that matter while you eat your ice cream right in front of them. Yeah, it's like that, only I don't want your fucking ice cream anyway, you little snot, cause I'm lactose intolerant. How you like that!?

And until he took the decks, I had no idea that that short Asian kid that kept shoving past me on his way into and out of VIP as I was trying to chat up the bouncer was Ty T.

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Guest megatron

i thought his set was hot! (much better than the ARC sets i've heard from him)

pretty much all tribal and because it was about 3 hours long, he kept it hard the entire time. Towards the end, he even busted out some electro & breaks

the only commercial track i heard was the pdiddy/deep dish "time to get ill". the track is ok, but its really annoying when pdiddy is screaming "let's get up & let's get ill".

the promotors have some work to do (the hip hop & salsa need to go) but it was a good start. I would put tech-house or breaks in the side room & deep/classic house outside.

its not buzz, but then again buzz in baltimore isn't really like buzz @ nation. Buzz @ nation was similar to twilo in that ARC is not the same as twilo. the venues were both essential to those parties.

i thought the crowd was fine. no raver piles (a good thing) & not too many glowsticks.

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