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I just put my self on a diet and have had a steady headache for the past 3 days now. I completely cut out carbs and significantly cut back on my portion sizes, so do you think my body is just adjusting? I will of course seek medical help if this keeps up, but I've never really dieted before, so I though this might be a normal effect. Anybody experience this (or any other sympotoms) while dieting? Is it normal, does it go away, etc.?

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No, I stay away from all that herbal speed crap like Metabolife, etc. I used to eat a packet oatmeal w/ 1/2 a banana for breakfast, now I drink a yogurt smoothie that has all the vitamins, protein, calories of a full meal, I have a banana for morning snack instead of a granola bar, for lunch I used to have a sandwich and apple and now I eat a can of tuna with lemon pepper and an apple, then I have a small yougurt for afternoon snack and instead of pasta, carry out, fast food, ice cream, etc. for dinner, I eat a regular portion of chicken or salmon with vegetables. So, I've really own cut back significantly at dinner time. I think I'm eating a normal amount of food, but maybe my body is disagreeing with that b/c I used to eat so much in the evenings after work. I'm also wondering if the no carbs thing has something to do with it too.

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Yes, it is your body readjusting. Especially when you go on the Atkins or all protein diet.

FYI, that's not really healthy for you. Everyone I know that was on Atkins lost weight, but couldn't keep up NOT eating carbs again or eventually gained it back.

Yea yea, people say carbs are bad but it's a matter of eating the right type of carbs and the right amount. Instead of white rice, brown rice is better. Instead of white bread, whole wheat.

Good luck, but you need to be healthy above all. Make sure you exercise and eat well. Exercising, in my opinion, is key. It makes you feel good about yourself (endorphins) and you realize that being skinny is not what makes you happy -- it's about feeling good about yourself.

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Liz, i'll have to take you under my wing. Go out dancing with me thurs-sat and you will be fine. I do it every week and I keep between 130-137.:D I definitely don't eat very healthy though. I get hungry every other hour and I eat up till midnight. Sometimes past that. But I burn it off by the end of the week. I wonder if I have anything to worry about?

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I decided last night to add carbs back in at breakfast and lunch. They give you energy and I can't imagine feeling wiped out and having a headache every day. I've been miserable. I figure that as long as they're healthy, whole grains like unprocessed oatmeal and bread (Whole Foods kinda stuff) and that I don't eat carbs for dinner, then I'll be fine.

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Originally posted by lizard23

I decided last night to add carbs back in at breakfast and lunch. They give you energy and I can't imagine feeling wiped out and having a headache every day. I've been miserable. I figure that as long as they're healthy, whole grains like unprocessed oatmeal and bread (Whole Foods kinda stuff) and that I don't eat carbs for dinner, then I'll be fine.

Good thinking, I was just gonna post that your body NEEDS some carbs....and carbs nor protein MAKE YOU FAT....it's all math - the amount of calories that go in vs. what you burn....

Yes, you're better off to the whole grain carbs bc they have more fiber and are more readily digested than white starchy carbs....

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you might be dehydrated. food has water in it so if you cut back on food, you're not getting as much water as usual. (people can lose weight really quickly the first week or so of their diets because some of it is actually "water weight.")

so... MAKE SURE TO DRINK LOTS OF WATER! this will also make your stomach fill a bit fuller, so might not grumble as much. plus, water is really good for you in general.

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Originally posted by Mystify22

Yes, you're better off to the whole grain carbs bc they have more fiber and are more readily digested than white starchy carbs....


try a bran muffin for breakfast, and/or whole wheat pasta for dinner

whole grains will fill you up faster and hold you for much longer as well

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Originally posted by wideskies

so... MAKE SURE TO DRINK LOTS OF WATER! this will also make your stomach fill a bit fuller, so might not grumble as much. plus, water is really good for you in general.

another good idea. replace any sodas that you drink over the course of a day with water. you can save a couple hundred calories a day by doing that.

and as for the all protein diet:

it has been proven (i think in either a Harvard study or in the New England Journal of Medicine) that although people lose more weight on Atkins than on other diets, they go back to their pre-diet weights much faster than people on other diets.

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Originally posted by kitty19

Green tea is good for you.

BUT, it has caffeine in it. I'd suggest trying to find decaf green tea, to at least try and cut down on that.

The amount of caffine in tea is minute, something like 5 mgs or something (unless it's black tea, which has more caffine than coffee.) There's not enough in there to be considered bad for you and I only drink it 2-3 times a week anyway.

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the easiest ( and healthiest) way to lose weight is eat more fiber, and work out more. If you get 30 grams of fiber a day you lose an average of 13 lbs a year w/o doing any excercise. You have to work your way up to it over the course of a week or two, or you run the risk of getting cramps. Kellogs extra bran fiber cereal has 15 grams, so with fruit, a salad, and some veggies over the course of the day, getting 30 grams is easy. I might eat one or two other serving of whole grain pasta, whole grain melba toasts, or bread. That's about it for the carbs, but I make sure to get lots high fiber protien from bean soups, salads, ocaisional hummus I add veggies to every meal, and snack on fruit. The more fiber you eat, the more full and satisfied you'll feel, plus it keeps you going longer than any other "fuel" I know~ I tried not drinking alcohol for a month and lost 8 lbs, which kept me clean for another 3 months to lose another 15+lbs. Consider incorporating vegetarian ideals to your diet, then it's easy to stay skinny. You gotta work out tho, can't skimp on that, but your body will thank you and so will your psyche :D

good luck and the force be with you darling

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I think it's the low glucose levels. Whenever I'm hungry, I get massive pouding headaches. Especially if i'm hungry and working out.

Atkins diet will make you lose a lot of weight. And fast. Try Xenedrane or however you spell that shit to lose even more weight faster. The only problem is when your back to carbs and off the xenedrane your gonna gain most if not all of that weight back.

Don't eat tooooooo much fiber, I heard if you eat too much you could get diahrea:flush: . Fiber is definately very important. One nutrition source that is highly neglected in America.

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Keep your carbs under 49g per day. Try to eat at least 30 for Breakfast and the rest at Lunch. STAY AWAY FROM WHITE BREAD! Whole Wheat Bread, whole grain rice are your best ways to go. get Creative....

My Specs when I started:

20 Years old

5'5" Tall


Stocky Build

6 months later:

152 lbs...

12 months later (now):

178...ive been working out hard-core for the past 6 months.

The Low-Carb Diet can do you well. You must always watch the Carbs. Chicken Cutlets can be made in so many different ways. Steak is great, cold cuts are THE BEST! Stay away from Fatty meats like sausage and you'll do fine.


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Originally posted by Teknojunkee

[b Steak is great, cold cuts are THE BEST!

steak is great ..crilled chicken is better...white bread is actually just as good if not better then wheat bread (except for the fiber which is great)...and cold cuts are the worst dony eat any deli sliced shit ..so many perservatives and added salt..that alone can kill ur diet...stick to simple foods ...nothing processed ....if ur really lookin to lose allot fast ...stick to tuna, cottage cheese ,chicken egg whites, salads ,water, water ,water,...ummm rice ,oatmeal, ..and cardio, ...u need cardio sou can actualy burn the food off with out having to starve urself ..


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Originally posted by ladyshady

heres a good diet..

go to cancun for 9 days and indulge in nothing but alcohol, dancing, the sun, a shitload of drugs, and eat very sparingly..it works...i lost 7 pounds

ah yes, the ol' fraternity sister diet never ceases to fail! but drink lots of water in the meantime....

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