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I need something to help burn fat & ....

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Originally posted by Teknojunkee

It sucks when you happen to be the kinda person that has to try to stay fit.

you mean like being a woman? hehe.. many times i have wished for the metabolism of my male peers. so many slacking, junkfood eating skinnyboys! then again, maybe they have a really hard time putting on muscle and wish they'd gain weight easier. i guess everyone can find SOMETHING to complain about.

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Originally posted by Teknojunkee

All my friends just are. No working out...nothing. They eat like slobs and are still 152lbs.

lol tell me about it...

i have 1 friend who went to a diatician to "GAIN weight" because he was having a hard time doing so... lol...

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Originally posted by micheloca

stop me from being hungry. I am trying Trim Spa now but not really finding it that great. I know winstrol is good but I don't want to lose my chest which is the 1st place u lose it.Any suggestions?

A while ago I was searching on a fitness message board for something "light" for women to use and alot of people said

Clenbuterol which i think is an asthma medication, but it sppeds up your metabaliasm. All the other pills at the vitamin store won't work since they took out the Ephedra

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Originally posted by micheloca

stop me from being hungry. I am trying Trim Spa now but not really finding it that great. I know winstrol is good but I don't want to lose my chest which is the 1st place u lose it.Any suggestions?


There is nothing you can do to prevent loss of chest mass when dieting since females store allot of adipose in the breast area. How much depends on your body type.




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Originally posted by brandy76

A while ago I was searching on a fitness message board for something "light" for women to use and alot of people said

Clenbuterol which i think is an asthma medication, but it sppeds up your metabaliasm. All the other pills at the vitamin store won't work since they took out the Ephedra

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I was weighing in at about 185 last year at this time. I started a 'bulking up' phase (getting my proper daily protein/carb intake to do so plus creatine/glutamine supps) and by Feb 2003 I was up to 218 and lifting more than I ever thought I'd be able to do. Unfortunately my 'cutting up' phase that was supposed to start in March didn't go as planned. THEN my gym closed down and I was forced to work out in my basement (which wasn't that bad but it was limiting in certain respects). So, I decided last month to design my own diet-

Breakfast- one slice oat bread with a smoked herring fillet. I know this sounds gross but it's got good protein, lot of calcium (the little bones are still in the fillet), and omega-3 polyunsaturated fat

Meal two- I juice one carrot, four celery stalks and a large bunch of parsley.

Meal Three- four egg whites

Dinner- high protein/high fiber cereal (like Kashi) with Skim milk.

I do a relatively heavy workout routine with free weights three times a week. I do an abdominal routine three times a week. I do an intense cardio workout five times a week.

Now I know I can't possibly eat this way for very long and I have lost some muscle mass (which is bound to happen whenever you cut up plus I stopped taking creatine), but I've taken off almost 20 pounds in the last five weeks and my pants are hanging off me again.

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Originally posted by Crackorn

Now I know I can't possibly eat this way for very long and I have lost some muscle mass (which is bound to happen whenever you cut up plus I stopped taking creatine), but I've taken off almost 20 pounds in the last five weeks and my pants are hanging off me again.

That's a lot of weight to lose in such a short time. If you aim for only 1-2 pounds a week, you'll be able to preserve more muscle mass, and the fat will stay off easier. Just a suggestion, though -- if this works for you, by all means stick with it.

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