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I hate it, but i cant stop....


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What are somethings that you hate/dislike/just do and you cant get yourself to stop...

Some of my random ish:

Watching the E channel when i get home (doesnt help that i only have 13 channels...)

My left knee has to be bent when I'm driving or I feel off balance :confused:

Eating out all the time instead of cooking and saving money

Paying attention for more than 30 seconds :blown:

....much much more....but thats fo lata!!!

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

... Always being attracted to girls that have boyfriends

That could mean that you have a fear of commitment or intimacy....bc nothing can really happen further with those girls with boyfriends....

Anyways, my list:

Getting addicted to shows on MTV - Real World, Road Rules :blank:

Spending too much time on the damn computer posting or DLing music :type:

Not calling people back right away :phone:

Pressing the snooze button so many times that I have barely any time in the morning to do what I need to :zzz:

Spending too much money on clothes/shoes and on going out

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Originally posted by Mystify22

That could mean that you have a fear of commitment or intimacy....bc nothing can really happen further with those girls with boyfriends....

not to sound like im tooting my own horn but he last 5 girls i was in a relationship with had boyfriends at the time... some of them broke up with them... some of them didnt... im not proud of it which is why its something about myself i dont like

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Originally posted by iamme

What are somethings that you hate/dislike/just do and you cant get yourself to stop...

the first and most important thing that i do and just can not stop is drugs :(

then there's...........smoking :yuck:

and i wish i would stop having an emotional road block in my life and let people in

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seems a lot of people have the nail biting habit... i actually broke this habit last year... heres the trick:

Go to the cosmetics section of a supermarket and by a bottle of Top Coat nail polish make sure its clear with no glitter or else you'll look gay... apply two coats to each nail... itll give them the appearance of manicured nails but even better then that you wont bite them because they just dont feel the same. As soon as you bring them to your mouth you remember the top coat and bam you break the habit. My name is Mike and im no longer a nail biter.

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I hate alot of shit. Mostly I hate things that I think I have no control over but yet when I sit back, take my time and relax thru the situation I find that I really do have control. The only bad part about this is, that moment in life that I thought I had control is now a moment in history.

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

seems a lot of people have the nail biting habit... i actually broke this habit last year... heres the trick:

Go to the cosmetics section of a supermarket and by a bottle of Top Coat nail polish make sure its clear with no glitter or else you'll look gay... apply two coats to each nail... itll give them the appearance of manicured nails but even better then that you wont bite them because they just dont feel the same. As soon as you bring them to your mouth you remember the top coat and bam you break the habit. My name is Mike and im no longer a nail biter.

Actually, there's a nail polish that I've been using.

It's like a Top Coat clear "No Bite"

You have to put a layer on every day cuz it chips though

But it's great cuz when you forget and you start biting, the taste is disgusting!

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

... Always saying the wierdist shit that comes to my mind

... Not being emotionally sympathetic to my significant others

... Always being attracted to girls that have boyfriends

...holy shit......i think u r the male version of me! lol..........

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I hate that...

I let things bother me until Im fed up...:mad:

I never trust my intuitions...over-analyze much?

that I don't trust people...usually when I don't, I have good reason but it sucks when I'm the only one who sees through the bs

cheesecake tastes so good even though you feel so shitty after you eat it

i smoke the crack with serg...(but he really smokes the tweeds :laugh: )

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

lol... damn how long are your relationship... my longest is a month!

RELATIONSHIIIIIIT*..lol...officially.....couldn't tell ya.......i have had a few horrible on and off's which never go away.....but as far as time lengths........couple weeks to a month at a time of goodness...then KAABOOOOOM! lol

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...let stupid shit get to me

...have very little control over my emotions, usually real high or real low

...i wish i wasnt so fucking impatient --> i really need to conquer this :(

...i hate getting up and going to work - been kinda negative past couple of months...need to snap out of it :blown:

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Originally posted by misk

RELATIONSHIIIIIIT*..lol...officially.....couldn't tell ya.......i have had a few horrible on and off's which never go away.....but as far as time lengths........couple weeks to a month at a time of goodness...then KAABOOOOOM! lol

you are my mirror image... except you dont have a penis...

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Originally posted by sassa

i need to stop swearing so much....fuck, shit!

Why do you have to do it, why do you have to curse in front of the kid? all you have to do is say ear muffs, ear muffs, and you can say fuck shit cunt...

cock balls

He gets the idea Frank, you dont have to celebrate it.

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

Why do you have to do it, why do you have to curse in front of the kid? all you have to do is say ear muffs, ear muffs, and you can say fuck shit cunt...

cock balls

He gets the idea Frank, you dont have to celebrate it.

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

Why do you have to do it, why do you have to curse in front of the kid? all you have to do is say ear muffs, ear muffs, and you can say fuck shit cunt...

cock balls

He gets the idea Frank, you dont have to celebrate it.

:laugh: :laugh:

im gonna watch that when i get home

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