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I got in a car accident today :(


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Ughhhh so the lawyer I work for had me drive over to the Hackensack court house to file some motions, etc...

On the way back, stuck in bumper to bumper traffic on Kinderkamack......I don't know what happened really....I think it was stop n go for a while, then I got too close and panicked and must've hit my gas instead of my brake :( :( :(

So my car is a done deal I'm assumin.....meanwhile the truck I hit has a fuckin scrach and the tire case on the back is a little torn.....


1) My insurance just went down this year (I had shit on my record from when I was 17)....It's going to go back up again :(

2) I don't have collision on my car anyway to get it fixed

3) I am not making enough money to get a new car - I have no money saved - NOTHING - I'm fucked!

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Originally posted by iamme

wow, im sorry to hear that. You definately need a night out...a very very drunken night out....to the point where you have to be carried home.

Make your girls take care of you :aright:

Yes I hope, bc I'm celebrating my birthday tomorrow... great timing for an accident huh :(

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Originally posted by iamme

wow, im sorry to hear that. You definately need a night out...a very very drunken night out....to the point where you have to be carried home.

Make your girls take care of you :aright:

Who cares about the other guy.

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i didn't fully stop at a stop sign at school. no one was there and its not even at an intersection, its just a stop sign for cars to stop to let ppl cross from building to building. a guy walks in the middle of the street alittle bit more down and puts his hand out telling me to stop. i just drive past him. turns out he is a cop and we exchanged words. i even got a seat belt when i had my seat belt on the WHOLE time. he gave me anything he could throw.

sorry, just telling my story so you wouldn't feel so bad. i'm still paying for it plus they wanna suspend me now

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i did that once...i was wearing flip flops, driving on hamburg turnpike in wayne, lost one, pressed wrong pedal, hit a truck.

ironically, it was better it happened, because the car got paid off (the person i got it from had financed it) and the truck was fine. i think my insurance might go up, but since i haven't driven in a while, it's not that big of a deal.

cheer up, tomorrow you'll be celebrating your b-day. one thing to be happy about :D

and you'll pull through...:)

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Originally posted by Mystify22

Ughhhh so the lawyer I work for had me drive over to the Hackensack court house to file some motions, etc...

On the way back, stuck in bumper to bumper traffic on Kinderkamack......I don't know what happened really....I think it was stop n go for a while, then I got too close and panicked and must've hit my gas instead of my brake :( :( :(

So my car is a done deal I'm assumin.....meanwhile the truck I hit has a fuckin scrach and the tire case on the back is a little torn.....


1) My insurance just went down this year (I had shit on my record from when I was 17)....It's going to go back up again :(

2) I don't have collision on my car anyway to get it fixed

3) I am not making enough money to get a new car - I have no money saved - NOTHING - I'm fucked!

:itsok: .....Sorry to hear....I know it's easier said than done but try not to stress out too much...Things like this happen all the time...Just be thankful you are okay

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I hope things work out Mysty. Good thing you weren't hurt.

my advice would be to just keep working, ask for overtime, and get an estimate of how much it would cost to get the car repaired.

Can it be that serious if it was just in bumper to bumper :confused: :confused:

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Aww thanks everyone for your thoughtful comments :)

Just wanted to give you an UPDATE....

Since I was on my boss' time doing his work, the accident is going to go under his insurnace - his liability is going to cover the other car's damages.....So my insurnace shouldn't be going up.......As far as my car.....

It was totaled - cost to fix exceeds worth..... :(

Legally, my boss does not have to cover my collision, but he felt bad for me - so he's giving me a $1500 tax free check to put down on a new car....I feel bad now calling him an asshole, because he totally DID NOT have to do this for me....

Anyways, it seems to have worked out - thank god! :)

Just gotta find a new car now!

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damn, i just saw this. i am so sorry about your car & that you had to deal with that bullshit. i know how much it sux, i got in a 4 car accident on the westside highway last summer because the girl in front of me wasnt paying attention and i got blamed & didnt even get all of my deductible back when i was totally innocent.. i am glad to hear your situation worked out for the best. focus on the positive things like the new car youre getting. :D that is always exciting.

i cant believe i missed your bday!!! HAPpY BDAY. i hope you spent it doing something wonderful. we have to get together soon.

xoxoxo :kiss2:

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Originally posted by somebitch

damn, i just saw this. i am so sorry about your car & that you had to deal with that bullshit. i know how much it sux, i got in a 4 car accident on the westside highway last summer because the girl in front of me wasnt paying attention and i got blamed & didnt even get all of my deductible back when i was totally innocent.. i am glad to hear your situation worked out for the best. focus on the positive things like the new car youre getting. :D that is always exciting.

i cant believe i missed your bday!!! HAPpY BDAY. i hope you spent it doing something wonderful. we have to get together soon.

xoxoxo :kiss2:

I got your message, I'm calling you tonight!!!! We gotta make plans, can't wait to see you!!! :D



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