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going out by yourself

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Ive gone out alone plenty of times in my life.

It depends...I used to go to Sexy@Roxy alone alot and Factory last year basically everyweek except themes (cause my friends used to go to themes). No one could ever do CPI sat night then straight to SF sunday mornings so id have to do it alone.

If your gonna know people there def. go for it. When you dont know anyone its just awkward....unless your getting really messed up (which is dangerous with no one you know around you also).

I dont see why not given certain conditions.


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Originally posted by xxrachael1xx

does any one else here go out to a partie by yourself? if you know the music will be good and just want to have a good time, but have no one to go with? (of course ull know people there tho!)

a while back, i used to go out by myself... (it was '99 money was good, friends were either broke or in class and i wanted to party so i went out, met a whole mess of ppl, had a blast...) if you ever want to go out but have nothing to do youre more than welcome to join my ragtag group of friends... we're always doing something...

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I go out by myself a lot. My friends from home are all really really preppy, frat types who think going to the local Irish pub is the coolect thing ever. They're all way too uptight to have a good time in any club. But I always go and meet people in the city. But going to clubs is a lot cooler in many ways. You doin't have to worry about losing people, or bitchy friends. You're on your own time. You can leave whenever you want, or stay as long as you want.

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Originally posted by zeeker

I go out by myself a lot. My friends from home are all really really preppy, frat types who think going to the local Irish pub is the coolect thing ever. They're all way too uptight to have a good time in any club. But I always go and meet people in the city. But going to clubs is a lot cooler in many ways. You doin't have to worry about losing people, or bitchy friends. You're on your own time. You can leave whenever you want, or stay as long as you want.

wORD!! :eek:

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Sometimes I prefer going out by myself. Most of my friends are too broke or dont' have the motivation to go to a club or party to see a great dj. I love the music and will thug it out by myself to have a good time. I know I can always find friends at parties I go to.


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i never have, but wouldn't mind it. having too many friends with u at a club is pointless though. you cant really talk to them, and they might make u leave early. only thing is i dont want to go home by myself since i dont live in the city, it takes a while, and its fun talking about what was going on in the club while going home.

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i generally try to go out by myself. i can come and go when i want to and hear the music i want to hear. if i want to be with friends then i go to a party where they will be. if i want to escape i'll go to a party with a different crowd than i usually hang out with. many of my best nights have been when i was alone dancing for 6 hours.

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Originally posted by xxrachael1xx

does any one else here go out to a partie by yourself? if you know the music will be good and just want to have a good time, but have no one to go with? (of course ull know people there tho!)

I've done it, especially since I've moved back to NYC in August...In matter of fact, I had to go out by myself on my birthday last month b/c everyone fronted. My plans were to see Sander & LES and I made sure I stuck to that plan. The problem also is that my friends don't listen to electronic music, so everytime I want to go out to a party, nobody is interested. They don't know what there missing. :D

P.S. I would definitely like to meet some NYC Cpers to have some good nights out with. Lemme know.

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If you go out by yourself and know there's going to be peeps that you know that are gonna be there, then why not.

I personally don't feel comfortable just going out to a place by myself where I know no one (regardless of how ridiculous the music is gonna be), but different strokes for different folks.

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Originally posted by sdeelite

I personally don't feel comfortable just going out to a place by myself where I know no one (regardless of how ridiculous the music is gonna be), but different strokes for different folks.

i think it is still ok, but i do it a lot less often, mostly when i travel.

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I've went out by myself maybe 2-3 times.....it actually wasn't that bad....I tend to wander off by myself even if I'm with a big group of people anyway so going alone was actually kinda fun (no complaining or bitching from anyone).....Even if you know no one who is there...you always manage to meet people.....I wouldn't go out by myself all the time.....But it's nice once in a while

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Originally posted by hotcheme

i think it is still ok, but i do it a lot less often, mostly when i travel.

exactly. I tend to do it when i travel to cities and dont know anyone - i was out in LA recently and went to check out Spundae myself since I didnt know anyone in town but wanted to see Feelgood. Ironically, I wont go out alone in cities i actually live in.

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omg. i thought i was the only one whose friends didn't get electronic music and clubbing. now i know i am not alone. we should form a support group.

but seriously, like everyone else said going to a club by yourself can be better. one of my friends ALWAYS makes me leave before I'm ready.

'Leo.... i'm not feeling too good'.... ugh

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