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Att: Philippio...ciao C.p.


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Pod i def agree with you. when i post the omfg comment its my way of expressing how much i love trance and the djs that perform it. i think its def time to retire that phrase. but too trash djs and clubs because u dont like them or have a personal vendetta like phillipo has with LP or what have u has gotten out of hand

i dont blame oscar for wanting to leave but hopefully he realizes that there are lots of people on this board who knows their shit and realizes how important oscar is not only to this board but the miami dance music scene in general

come back to the board soon oscar

ill def be at space on sat nite to hear u tear it up :)

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One love, one heart, let's get together and feel alright :cool:

peace and chicken grease


Yo, what's up out there...you know what I'm sayin? Dark beat it's a cool tune...if you know music, you gotta love that tune...else, you either don't know jack or don't know tracks...but something is up.

Jo DJ...thanks for Dark Beat! (forevah)

peace and chicken grease



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Originally posted by philippio

I'm serious, next time you're there I will try to make it and I will come and introduce myself. And I will also introduce myself to Luis Puig and hopefully Saleen. There is nothing wrong with criticism. Critical minds just have a habit of questioning everything. I went through 4 years of bullshit in college to learn to be critical and analytical.

nobody gives a sh_t about you introducing yourself. not Louis, not Oscar, not anyone. so don't flatter yourself. Save it and keep putting this board to shame the way you do. :rolleyes:

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Dark Beat is an old track already but indeed is a good track....I never got to love that song like others did but gotta admit that the Space crowd loved it and it was one of those tracks that I've seen people chant like crazy on the dance floor.....just for that... respect to Oscar is due. :)

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You guys are giving this guy way too much attention along with others who tend to post useless info. I myself do not blame Stryke nor others for distancing themselves from CP. We DJ's and Producers thrive on sharing info concerning the electronic underground and knowing that we can actually relate with others with the same interest. It's somewhat disappointing reading some of the post that are out there but in a way it's also a way to see who we can and can not relate with.

This guy obviously goes in the "can not relate with" group.

OG, you said it yourself. "You have already spent to much time on this guy".

E Ya!!!!!!!!


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All I Have to say Philippio is :

"Fired Up" in The Movie "Like Mike"


"Fired Up" in The Sapranos


Making a CD For Sugglers Run For Playstation2


Some Sport Arenas Playing "Fired Up" across the country


Plus everybody and there mother wanting to remix DARK BEAT


"SOME LOVIN" Hitting Number #1


"DARKBEAT" Hitting Number #1


Dj Eddie S clapping in Darkbeat "Ooops"

Dj Eddie S. Supporting MURK so they could Make the


Everybody wanting to Remix it "DARKBEAT"


Getting on Billboard Charts does mean something!!

$$$BLING BLINGGGGGGGGGG$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Philippio Posting in Club Planet

BROKE AND WHO GIVES A FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only "BLING BLING" your going to hear is your

DOOR RINGING!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dj Eddie S.:laugh:

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Originally posted by djeddies31

All I Have to say Philippio is :

"Fired Up" in The Movie "Like Mike"


"Fired Up" in The Sapranos


Making a CD For Sugglers Run For Playstation2


Some Sport Arenas Playing "Fired Up" across the country


Plus everybody and there mother wanting to remix DARK BEAT


"SOME LOVIN" Hitting Number #1


"DARKBEAT" Hitting Number #1


Dj Eddie S clapping in Darkbeat "Ooops"

Dj Eddie S. Supporting MURK so they could Make the


Everybody wanting to Remix it "DARKBEAT"


Getting on Billboard Charts does mean something!!

$$$BLING BLINGGGGGGGGGG$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Philippio Posting in Club Planet

BROKE AND WHO GIVES A FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only "BLING BLING" your going to hear is your

DOOR RINGING!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dj Eddie S.:laugh:

:laugh: your alive! :eek: sup bro ??
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tu madre es una cuatrera, y tu eres un mamatranca...

stop playa hating so much...enjoy life a little bit!

you should go to space this week...so you can enjoy your favorite owners club, and your favorite resident.

...you truly are a fuckin low life idiot.

thank you...:hat::D

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I may not be an old timer to the board being on here for only about a year, but I gotta say the board I knew back then is much different then the board today. Seems like the board these days is just a place for people to bitch and bitch and bitch. When I first started here, I just looked around the site for a bit and never posted but enjoyed reading most of the threads here. You had saleen official reviews, lolahotass posting nonstop and giving reviews as well, dgrutman promoting some kickass parties at tantra, biz posting for space, and well tons of others discussing their nights out and which djs were coming to play miami soon and things such as that. Occasionaly there were a couple of funny threads having nothing to do with clubland and funketeer's funny but what the hell is he talking about threads. I finally started posting after I went to tantra and had a good time their and posted about it cause I knew dgrutman posted here and wanted to say thanks that the place is great.

Later I met a few people through the board and was happy to see many of my favorite djs posting on here as well (demi, oscar g, stryke)

These days though seems like the board is just nonstop trash talking and pointless threads with the occasional gossip thread by saleen and a few party promotions. All the reviews get threadjacked into something that probably ends up on the drama board.

Whatever, I complain about it because I know how useful this board can be and if people don't stop with all the bitching and pointless threads, the whole point of this board will have changed to being just another chatroom with little use and few visitors.

To the people who have been posting on here for a long time, the djs,the promoters, the people that actually write positive threads keep doing that and just ignore the people who have nothing to really contribute to the board. My ignore list on this board is actually at like a good 5 or 6 people right now including philippio and jonnyquest. Jonny cause all he does is post smileys, philippio cause ever since he came here its mostly trash reviews of edgar v or oscar g or space, I'd rather read something by somebody with something positive to say then the garbage posted by others.

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And to oscar if u truly gone from cp, then good luck in your future productions and your djing career. You and ralph's music have played a very important role in making house music what it is today and I look forward to all future releases from you guys. Dark beat was the song of 2002 for many.

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I'm glad I won't be posting for a week.... maybe by that time the shit smell will clear out of Miami CP...

OG - hopefully you'll pop your head in on occassion to say "hi"... I'd hate to see you not post due to several peoples silly-ass comments...:(

Fended - Nelsonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn don't leaveeeeeeeeee:(

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Originally posted by fended

very well said and id like to add.

for the CP Board in general.

latley the attacks and "cuteness" of everyone have gone too far. just the other day some guy named VAUGHNZ made a tongue and cheek jab at Edgar V.

he said something of the likes of (and i paraphrase) "id rather die than go see Edgar V...does that count as OMG i died club?"

well VAUGHNZ since Edgar V has more class than to respond to your cheap shot ill tell you whats wrong with that.

comments like this have become the NORM!

First off i have never ever seen NOR will i EVER see Oscar G and Edgar V and others go into your thread of Your CRAPPY party (because it is) and say something like "sorry vaughnz i cant go to your party id rather die than go hear you play"

they just dont do that. its called class

even if i know it was intended as a joke

(sure its is hide everything with "i was only kidding hehehe")

but thats why they are where they are and you are still a struggling measily unclassy bedroom dj!

because i am the first to KNOW that not everybody loves Edgar's style but you and others in cp (phillipio) get off on being comedians and take shots to dedicated successful djs as OG and EV

look what a jackass you are. Edgar V has gigs all over the world. opens and closes for PVD throughout the USA. and is represented by PVD's management. Wether you like PVD or not you have to give credit that the guy has to be one of... if not the most POWERFUL and RESPECTED djs on EARTH!

he has accomplished already (and has a way to go) more than many DJs will ever get. he deserves credit and respect.

that Being said Edgar knows so many promoters, club owners, Djs alike. at one time he couldve....i said couldve ....opened a door for you. not after you being such a classless jerk. :blown:

I persued Louis Puig to hire Edgar @ Space not only because of his talents but his humbleness and approach to everything.

same goes for Oscar. the Gentleman (Mr Castro) who pushed hard for Puig to hire OG was based on the same. Surely Puig would not hire these guys just because "hey they are nice guys lets hire them"

but it has to do a lot with character as well as talents. through thier character we realized they had it in them to be where they are today. PURE CLASS on both.

something this board does not have. (exceptions of course) but LOOK. stop for a minute and look at the ones taking shots. see a pattern?

you cant blame Oscar for being tired of this (and its not just based on this one comment on dark beat)

this week its vaughnz next week its Phillipio and then this and that person and the other.

it has became an AIRPORT for nerds, jerks and haters far more than ever before. yes it is a message board. and according to the ones taking the shots "cant be taken seriously" but indeed its tiresome and disrespectful.

i too, like Oscar, am tired of reading these NERDS take shots at my very close friends who i know more than many here how much they work hard at what they do. wether your a huge fan of thier work or thier club is beside the point. its the principle.

so i will not be reading this anymore as well.

i turn and its a shot to my best freind Edgar V. look the other way and its bashing my very close friend OG, this way hey look some jackass is bashing my former bosses Dade or Louis.

this is a BOARD to express your opinions. opinions shouldnt all have to agree. but have to be respected and shared responsibly.

and it hasnt been. it hasnt been for a very longtime. so to all the nerds, haters, jerkoffs CONGRATS!

you have accomplished what u wanted!

and those are my

"two cents"

"cup of tea"

"omg i died comments"





boun giorno




ate logo

damn bro...good post...:aright:

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Awseome thread! Major thumbs :aright: :aright: :aright: to Oscar, Dade, Biz, Obby, POD, etc, everyone keeping it real.

Being somewhat of a newbie here, I can't speak for the board of years past, but over that past few months I see nothing but pissing matches, house vs trance, east coast house vs west coast house (what is this hip-hop?), this dj sucks, that dj sucks, miami sucks, miamis people are musically clueless, etc, give me a freakin break. It is really bringing down the quality of the board. While some don't care and say they are only voicing their opinion, may I suggest keeping your opinions to yourself. These opinions are more often pussy personal attacks on the djs, promoters, etc, easily accomplished through these internet forums and rarely backed up in person.

Now personally, in the past few months since I've been reading and posting here, I have met more great people involved in this business than I could ask for. From the movers and shakers of the industry to the clubber getting off every weekend to their favorite DJ. We need everyone, all these types of people, to do what they do to keep the scene alive.

So, flame me if you disire, I don't give a crap. I'll be out there doing my thing, getting around to the partys, meeting the promoters, djs, clubbers, club owners, etc..and supporting everyones hard work. If I haven't met you personally yet, it's only a matter of time.

Happy holidays, see everyone in the new year.


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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by fended

i too, like Oscar, am tired of reading these NERDS take shots at my very close friends who i know more than many here how much they work hard at what they do. wether your a huge fan of thier work or thier club is beside the point.

this is a BOARD to express your opinions. opinions shouldnt all have to agree. but have to be respected and shared responsibly.

and it hasnt been. it hasnt been for a very longtime. so to all the nerds, haters, jerkoffs CONGRATS!

I resent your insinuation that nerds take part in these practices.

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Originally posted by brwneydtrouble

I resent your insinuation that nerds take part in these practices.

I agree with you. The nerds here do not attack....assholes do.

Phillipio kinda started giving out good reviews but he fucked himself up big time by bashing everything he doesn't like.

He reminds me of that prick Beyondo. :blown:

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