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Bush or Gore or Nader?

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Vote third party if you can just to show the system you don't like the status quo.

I don't want bush to win, but gore is likely to win nj, so I cna vote nader.

If u want bush to win and u live in texas, same deal.

For relevancy, I really doubt busgh has anything in common with our lifestyes besides the indulgences he particpated in and now refuses us to have hte same privelege

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Lyndon Larouche,Jr. ...

Federalist = Communism


"Without sounding pretentious i don't view what i do as djin'....i look at it as makin' soundscapes with the music and the energy .....the clubs, and the people in the clubs (myself included) are the canvas.....let's paint!"

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honestly, don't like neither one

probably end up voting for gore

however, i like the views of the libertarian party

they believe in making government smaller with less control

my personal favorite-is their belief in legalizing drugs

they have strong arguments for that

for example, heroin became harmful once it was made illegal

i believe everyone should vote and try to see at least one show on the elections

no matter how old or how young, government effects your life



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heres the way I see it...Nadar,while being my prime choice for candidate, just doesnt have the campaign backing to make the presidency...it really comes down to bush and gore and lets face it bush jr is a nazi..if he makes it into office were going to war and theres going to be another forced draft...therefore by process of elimination I'll be voting for gore... cwm22.gif


I lost artax and falcor in CPI's last year...havent seen em since.

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I've said it before and I'll say it here...Americans tend to only be concerned with the "issues" that directly effect themselves. i.e. abortion gun control gay rights etc. etc.

Unfortunately what we tend to overlook is our country's foreign policy, and how we as a nation contribute funds to international orgnizations. (i.e. World bank, etc.). Our conutry is extremely powerful. Personally I feel that we should take into account some of the millions of lives our leader's decisions effect.

<<getting off my soapbox>>




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World Bank, WTO and IMF forever!

Anyone who thinks that these organizations are detrimental to society are insular communists! Listening to idiots like Nader who want to see an end to globalization will lead to a return to the divisions and nationalist rivalry of the last century. It's time to realize that globalization is the next step in capitalism, and that capitalism is the only viable existing form of economic development and political freedom.

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a-john2.gif Twenty-twenty-twenty four hours to go -I wanna be sedated - Nothing to do - Nowhere to go - I wanna be sedated - Just get me to the airport - And put me on a plane - Hurry hurry hurry before I go insane - I can't control my fingers - I can't control my brain - Oh no oh ho - Just put me in a wheelchair - And get me to the show - Hurry hurry hurry before I go loco - I can't control my fingers - I can't control my toes - Oh no oh ho.

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Originally posted by nicole212:

I've said it before and I'll say it here...Americans tend to only be concerned with the "issues" that directly effect themselves. i.e. abortion gun control gay rights etc. etc.

Hmmm, I disagree with Bush's stated positions on gay rights, but if you listen to what the man has said, his abortion rights stand is NO DIFFERENT from Gore's. He is not looking to make all abortions illegal, but both he and gore have gone on-record as being against late-term abortions. But I like what he has said in re. the economic agenda, and I like the experience of the people he has surrounded himself with. I'd rather see a man at the top who gets the people who know surrounding him, than have him claim to be a know-it-all. How many people here on the list can't stand their boss because he always tries to be "smarter" than you? F that, that's micromanagement, and if it doesn't work for your company, why do you think it'll work for your country?

As to going to war and bringing back the draft - Democrats (Wilson, Roosevelt) drafted soldiers, a Republican (Nixon) ended the draft. I think whoever made that statement ought to just simmer down some and check facts before making such baseless accusations.

- log cabin republican soapbox mode off -


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I'm voting for Gore of course. Why? Cause I'm a woman and a minority at that in the middle class bracket. PLUS I like this planet that we live in and don't really believe in burning all our natural resources and putting us that much closer to global warming, which is what I believe Bush is going for.

And the bottom line would be that I refuse to vote for any man that ran the state which had the highest capital punishment given, weakest gun law, worst health system, and THE worst environment in the United States.



"Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead." angel.gif

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We have to have a better choice than these guys... We are the United States for Christ's sake we should have the best of everything!!!! Anyway, I'm voting for Mr. Burns. At least he would be honest about screwing us over.



"Life is a drink... Don't guzzle it down, learn to savor every moment..."



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It is kind of outrageous... the candidates we have to choose from are worse than the other. It seems as though that's the way it will always be. I mean, we really don't vote anyway....the electoral college votes. We waste our time by going in a booth so we are led to believe that our opinion matters.

Some of these laws that get passed right under our noses don't benefit us and they probably never will, even when we become senior citizens....God willing. The fact that Congress says its okay for banks to sell our personal information to telemarketers in order to increase sales and boost productivity which hence keeps us in a healthy economy is VIOLATING my PRIVACY!!!!

I don't want to be bothered at home, while watching Seinfeld after a long days work, to answer the phone and be annoyed with the ..."Hiiiii, I'mmmm so and so from UR BBAaaaaannnk and weeee...." paalleeaaaazzeee!! Its bad enough they interupt my favorite program, but I have to listen to them sing to me also! I don't, I hang up the phone, but its still a pain in the ass.

Well, I must get back to work, so that for every $20 I make I can give Uncle Sam $6 of it....... smile.gif

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I don't know how on earth Bush can be leading in the polls. Gore supporter here, although I have issues with his anti-gay marriage stance. Bush just sickens me. His record in Texas is horrible and I'm appalled that he thinks he's done such a great job with the state. He boasts that he's the governor of the 2nd largest state in the union and is the only person to have been elected for 2 terms. He criticizes Clinton/Gore for not having accomplished much in 8 years, but really, has he? Do people forget about Newt Gingrich, his Contract for America and government shutdowns?

There's a really good article in this month's issue of Elle, on why one candidate is better than another in terms of women's issues. As a woman, I don't know how anyone can vote for Bush when his own "W stands for women" advisor pretty much sums up that we should support Bush because women issues no longer exist.

Gore's supporter, Erica Jong I think, had a really interesting fact about Bush's record in Texas that really surprised me. Bush made it legal to carry a concealed weapon in Texas. And in the last 2 years or so, hundreds of women have been sexually assaulted by men carrying concealed weapons in Texas.

Okay and this is something that really bothers me ... privatizing social security. All this talk about how it's our own money and we should be able to invest it in markets that yield higher returns. I'm sorry, but I don't think of social security as my money or a way of saving for my retirement. Those few hundred dollars taken out of my paycheck each month ... I think of it as doing my part to support the elderly. Could this be an Asian thing? I could never give my parents cash directly, nor do I think they could ever take it from me, but in its own way, this is an institutionalized form of a very Asian tradition that I'll gladly partake in. And another thing, there's a reason why one security yield greater returns than others ... you know, trusts v mutual funds v fixed income v equities. Bush has no concept of risks and why should he considering the federal government bailed him out of a risky oil investment back in his early business days. I'm sorry but I don't want anymore of our tax dollars wasted on more independent council investigations on the investment activities of our politicians.

Okay, sort of ran off on this subject. No offense to Nader supporters, haven't really been following him too much. Just know that I don't support Bush at all and will be devastated if he wins. On the other hand, if he does win I hope we have a recession and go into war. Maybe then he be satisfied that our troops are out there winning wars instead of promoting peace. After which I hope he gets booted out of office.

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