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Originally posted by mungo

there were messes everywhere. girls puking, people collapsing, it was a disgusting scene. people never learn until they end up in a coma or their friends die. from what i saw last night this party wont last.


People these days never learn their lesson. Didnt anyone teach them to pace themselves with drugs. Havent anyone learned that A LOT of drugs will f you up. DUMB PEOPLE!

Victor Soto

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Originally posted by vsoto212


People these days never learn their lesson. Didnt anyone teach them to pace themselves with drugs. Havent anyone learned that A LOT of drugs will f you up. DUMB PEOPLE!

Victor Soto

See I'm the furthest thing from a genious, and I love a good time, but even I learned that lesson.... And if I can then I know other people can. But they don't. Sad.

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people were really passing out all over? that shit is so disgusting. i just cant comprehend why someone would do that. thats not even fun and you know what, those assholes are just gonna do it again and they should die. becuz they are wasting space in the world.

sorry to jp and all the jp fans that it didnt work. it coulda been really cool.

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sounds like a complete fuckin disaster and if a chick is dying on the first night open then what the fuck - people are fucking stupid! if shes stupid enough to do something like that then let her fuckin die but dont let it affect everyone else as im sure it will.

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Don't people know what it's like already to be fucked up beyond all recognition? There are so many people, both new and old-school, who are still ingesting certain drugs like they're going out of style. What the fuck ever happened to downing a few shots, smoking a joint, and enjoying a nice, chill vibe while listening to some phat music? Too much of this teasing death shit is getting out of control, lol.

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Ok - i usually stay quiet and outta stuff - i'm an OLD SKOOL jp / sf fan from forever ago. Unfortunately there's a significant element of his "fans" who i'm not even sure if they are into his music or not but what is for sure is that drugs ARE the scene for them. And not just a little bump or a pill or whatever but serious drugs like G and Tina that really fuck u up when you do lots of them AND are sooo obvious that you are on them.

I think the best thing JP could do for his career would be to do early parties that close at 4 or 5 am for a while...have him concentrate on spinning 6 hour sets of good stuff so he can mix nice and tight and maybe start to build a fan base of people who want to hear him instead of kids who want to go get fucked up.

Suks that this shit follows him around but it does and so long as they aren't strip searching people on the way in there's really no way to keep drugs outta the club - i mean sure a club should have decent security but its the people that make the party.

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Originally posted by barvybe

Ok - i usually stay quiet and outta stuff - i'm an OLD SKOOL jp / sf fan from forever ago. Unfortunately there's a significant element of his "fans" who i'm not even sure if they are into his music or not but what is for sure is that drugs ARE the scene for them. And not just a little bump or a pill or whatever but serious drugs like G and Tina that really fuck u up when you do lots of them AND are sooo obvious that you are on them.

I think the best thing JP could do for his career would be to do early parties that close at 4 or 5 am for a while...have him concentrate on spinning 6 hour sets of good stuff so he can mix nice and tight and maybe start to build a fan base of people who want to hear him instead of kids who want to go get fucked up.

Suks that this shit follows him around but it does and so long as they aren't strip searching people on the way in there's really no way to keep drugs outta the club - i mean sure a club should have decent security but its the people that make the party.

JP is his own worst enemy...he is f'd up every night on Tina...the man is a mess...it even said in the Richard Grant indictement he had a bag open in the booth at SF for his own personal use ...monkey see...monkey do...he has created this monster...

at least now he realizes it...i am one of JP's biggest fans but, he has to accept partial responsibilty for this mess...

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im so glad to see people starting to recognize JP's responsibility in all this... about 6 months ago you would have been blasted on this board by about a million brainwashed jp fans refusing to believe any word of truth...

the excess drug abuse really needs to stop before it totally destroys the nyc scene, which im afraid it already has...

by the way... to the people who were complaining that they had to get dressed up to get into black, and how could you NOT wear sneakers to hear jonathan...

FYI > when factory was slamming in 98-99, EVERYONE had to dress up! the crowd was so exclusive, girls were wearing long dress type gowns and really wild outfits, adn guys couldnt get in with sneakers or jeans, i even remember guys being turned away for not having a shirt tucked in or wearing a chain necklace outside their sweater.... we used to get really dressed up and bring a change of clothes in a gym bag and we would change into pj's for the afterhours... but no one was getting past paris unless they were fancy shmancy...

the crowd was alot cleaner back then, fashion wise and drug wise... it seems as the drug use became more rampant the whole place just degenerated.... dress code and all...

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Guest uenythiss

no article said specifically that jp had an open bag of tina...it just sed the dj at sf kept an open bag of tina.. which people automatically think jp...but who has seen him with anything...i bet no-one, everybody goes by what they hear. And even if he does use that shit, hes not the one thats od'ing and causing the club to get raided...its these assholes that cant control themselves. thanx alot you fucking junkies, your ruining for everyone including yourselves.

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Originally posted by starlanyc

i even remember guys being turned away for not having a shirt tucked in

one night back in 2000 i had to take off my jacket and tuck in my shirt in the front of the line while many ppl watched because they wouldnt let me in unless i did tuck...

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