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what the fuck is wrong with all these people?? this pisses me off to no end.. whoever mentioned JP spinning 6 hour sets is on the right track... if he starts at 11 and ends at 5 that's perfect... im not even a jp fan but im a huge exit (as a venue) fan.. if exit gets shutdown again i think that will be the nail in the coffin for that venue.. what a shame these fucking morons can't control themselves... and what the fuck is up with avalon last night?? I must've seen about 5-6 different groups of kids smoking dippies.. FUCK THAT SHIT!! i have asthma and that makes it more difficult to breathe.. i had to use my inhaler like 4-5 times last night.. some other kid was in the courtyard puking his guts out stumbling backa nd forth almost falling in his giant pile of vomit.. it was only about 1 at this point...

these fucking bastards have to smarten up and learn how to control themselves/drugs or else they're gonna fuck it for everybody

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it said in the newest indictment that the "dj kept an open bag of drystal meth for personal use in open sight"

obviously it was jonathan... for a while SF wasnt even open on fridays..

anyone who has any doubts that jonathan does NOT abuse drugs better check thier sources....

I know for a fact that he does alot of crystal. i used to be in the booth when he was doing massive amounts of K.

one of my friends even dated him for a few months and besides seeing him use first hand, their should be no doubts at all that jp is a complete crackhead... you reap what you sow, and hes created a cult of crystal junkies and g-morons who will continue to kill themselves and follow him to no end...

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Originally posted by uenythiss

no article said specifically that jp had an open bag of tina...it just sed the dj at sf kept an open bag of tina.. which people automatically think jp...but who has seen him with anything...i bet .

I've seen it.... havent been to SF in years.. but saw it regularly at Save the Robots

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I'll tell all you JP fans suttin now. If there is a party next week bring your needles and pipes, you people truly are gross.

I did my shit back then but just hits and a bump of k here and there. This G and tina phase has to end really your brains and hearts are just not gonna function anymore. The whole NYC scene is just trash. It is really sad.

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After hearing from my friends who were there...as a big time JP fan...I WILL NOT GO TO BLACK.

I heard it was disgusting. The blatant drug use was worse than ANYTHING they have seen.

I dunno where these people are getting the dress code thing from since all my boys were wearing jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers and got in fine.

I disgusts me to see how these people cant handle themselves. WTF is wrong with these people. ITS CALLED SELF CONTROL. Listen, I understand everyone likes to feel good but why over do it? Wheres the fun in being in a coma for 6 hours?

On the up side..I heard the music was great and the vibe inside up until 6am was GREAT! After 6am I heard it got really bad.

My friends arent exactly angels, they party pretty hard actually, but when they get disgusted and have to leave..then there is a BIG TIME problem. I give it a month...if that. It saddens me to say this but you get what you deserve. Cant control your clubs invironment...then...so be it.


So frustrated. I waited so long for this and its ruined. Ruined by stupidty and in-consideration by people who are our peers, who are supposed to be smarter than this.

Im gonna lay low for a while. I cant even describe how fucking pissed off I am.


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I disagree on the dj's drug use being responsible for the crowds...artists have always been fucked up. Tons of dj's are when they spin. Rock and Roll artists been drunk, stoned, cokes up, shooting heroine, etc. forever. Sure it doesn't promote a drug free clientelle but that doesn't mean that the club is a crackden because of the dj.

PVD never does drugs and his entire fan base rolls so what does that mean??

And about 1998 - 2000 - yeah the crowd was better and the door stricter - but you could still get in with jeans / sneaks whatever if you had the right style and attitude and look. That's one thing i liked about Paris - door was strict but it was HER policy...nothing was a hard or fast rule was all about how you presented yourself.

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The thing that still bugs me about this Black fiasco is this... After all the shit that just went down with SF, wouldn't you think people would be a little bit smarter then all this.... I mean honestly, who here doesn't think that the NYPD was crawling all over that place last night??? So what do the rocket scientists do...GET EVEN MORE FUCKED UP!!!! I agree with TEK (again), I was really looking foward to this, but I don't even think I'm gonna go now. There are too many good things going on to waste time with a buch of immature idiotic people who are bent on ruining the party for everyone. I think I'm finished with afterhours in general.

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Originally posted by uenythiss

no article said specifically that jp had an open bag of tina...it just sed the dj at sf kept an open bag of tina.. which people automatically think jp...but who has seen him with anything...i bet no-one, everybody goes by what they hear. And even if he does use that shit, hes not the one thats od'ing and causing the club to get raided...its these assholes that cant control themselves. thanx alot you fucking junkies, your ruining for everyone including yourselves.

your joking right??????
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Originally posted by starlanyc

it said in the newest indictment that the "dj kept an open bag of drystal meth for personal use in open sight"

obviously it was jonathan... for a while SF wasnt even open on fridays..

anyone who has any doubts that jonathan does NOT abuse drugs better check thier sources....

I know for a fact that he does alot of crystal. i used to be in the booth when he was doing massive amounts of K.

one of my friends even dated him for a few months and besides seeing him use first hand, their should be no doubts at all that jp is a complete crackhead... you reap what you sow, and hes created a cult of crystal junkies and g-morons who will continue to kill themselves and follow him to no end...

It's like zombie nation.
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My feelinsg exactly like its the same week shit went down with factory come on people have some common sense. Lastnight was pretty bad with the drugs in there ive seen it being done in factory but not compared to what i fkn saw lastnight people doing fkn bumps in front of everyone, girls puking on floors, couple of guys even escorted out cuz they were all g'ed up, just completly disgusted on something i looked so forward to. Things need to change soon otherwise this scene will be no more!!:rolleyes:

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If the morons and their new prodigee's would stop using and abusing g, everything would be ok. I can't believe g'ing out is still an issue. Haven't we all seen someone go down at one time or another? What the fuck is the point? Put it to you this way: I am not an angel but i lost a good friend a couple years ago to g and almost a bf 2 years ago. I have definately partied with the best of them and then some but i have never touched g just b/c i knew what the consequences could be. DEATH!!!! I have seen too many people carried out of places whether it was ingested intentionally or accidentally. Girls you really need to be a little bit more responsible for your actions when you go out and stop being so nieve with these guys. You have no clue what you are drinking and how much you can do. This goes for guys to: just because it has never happened to you or your a big shot b/c you do it all the time and you know how much is enough, well one day you aren't going to know b/c thats the thing about g: it is always made differently, made from different people with different chemicals and different formulas. Its never the same. And please don't do k if you really have to use g /c you are just looking for a death wish. Any girl that does g is a moron no matter where or when and you can argue with me about it till your all blue in the face but g is not meant for girls........period!!!! You girls are taking your lives in your hands every time you do another cap. That's so cool. Let me tell you. I want to see how far i can push my body til it just gives out and i start convulsing and then probably go into a coma or just death. If people would stop using this drug, trust me you would see a huge difference in the club scene and maybe then some of us would be able to enjoy the music and dance like civilized people instead of walking over puke and piss and bodies flopping like ragdolls. GET IT TOGETHER PEOPLE! TALK TO YOUR FRIENDS! DON"T BE AFRAID TO TELL THEM they have a problem and TO STOP B/C THAT IS THE ONLY WAY YOU WILL SAVE NEW YORK(or any) CLUB LIFE. Instead of worrying about e, k, tina, coke, weed,etc... the fucking government should crack down on g and g only. Problem would be solved if whoever was caught with it whether using, distributing or making went to jail for a long time.....Those of you who want to speak your minds go ahead and tell me im wrong(oh i forgot its supposed to be for bodybuilders). Please i know a lot of them who are so addicted to it now they cant sleep at night if they dont have it and its a worse habit to kick then crack or heroin or meth. The withdrawls are supposedly the worst, more so then any drug.

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i just have 2 small things to say...

one who does a drug is doing it of their own accord, unless a gun is to their head. people should take responsibilities for their actions and not blame it on others, no matter who they are.

at the same time, judging who is a "waste of space" and who is not merely based on drug use is the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard. no one "deserves" to die.

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i think that the whole issue of drugs is the basis for the black party. wen u walked into the place there is some goth weirdo playing the organ like u are at a funeral, and then as u walk in there are guys dressed up like s+m slaves. i think jp, being as fucked up as he is, was giving the crackheads that always are dying at his parties, their own funeral at his club.

i read all the posts about this party so far and there is only like one or 2 mentions about the music, and i think that alone can tell you what everyone was focusing on, the drugs or drugged out retards. u got all the crackheadds floating around thinking they are so hot and such good dancers, meanwhile their faces are mangled they dance so offbeat bcuz they are so fucked uppp.

the 5 cops on horses standing outside the club wen i got there wasnt anything i have ever seen before. but, as many of you have also posted, neither was the club inside.

wen i left i talked to one of the main promoters of the night and they sed to me that there are gona be big repurcussions because of the one person that overdosed, but she was revived. and as i was standing outside waiting for my friends to get their coats on the 2,000 people long coat check line on the second floor, i was just watching everyone walking outside of the clubs front doors and just the looks on the peoples faces u could tell that everyone was mangled. i dont think we can place the blame on that one person who overdosed its everybodys fault.

and now, after this firest week episode, u can tell that the jp scene is either gona



2) die.

so lets keep this scene and ourselves alive.

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Exactly. It's not cute OR sexy, fellas. I had a friend G out and where were his friends then? They bounced on his ass, and I ain't the one to be babysitting a grown motherfuckin man. But I HAD to.

You should ALWAYS be in a state where if something goes down, you are at least conscious. WTF?!

G is the most disgusting shit I have ever seen or been around in my life, and it amazes me that people use it the way they do. Week after week, doing the same DUMB SHIT, having the same DUMB SHIT happen to others as a result of YOUR retardation, and having the same DUMB SHIT happen to the nightlife because the cops have every right to shut a place down where kids are dying and whatnot.

That is the most ignorant and selfish behavior! SF hasn't even been closed for two weeks.

And as far as JP's crowd doing drugs, he doesn't make them do them! So he isn't responsible, though he may not condemn or condone it.

And there ARE people who deserve to die, though saying that these G-tards do PROBABLY is a bit harsh. But it's frustrating to see this go on incessantly without anyone learning anything from it. You deserve to LIVE, but will you? Get it together, fuckas.

Interesting point about Black being a funeral. :laugh: I almost wanna go and check it out, but if I see someone puking near me I'm gonna kick the shit out of 'em. :laugh:

NOW! About the club itself. More details on the decor? The music? And did he play "Stand By Me"? :)

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Originally posted by sheendawg

And as far as JP's crowd doing drugs, he doesn't make them do them! So he isn't responsible, though he may not condemn or condone it.

He may not stick drugs up peoples' noses but he's at least partially responsible for this. What does a DJ expect people will do when he spins 17 hours on a weekly basis? Redbulls? What kind of message does it send to the crowd when house dealers are up in his booth? What kind of message does it send when the DJ himself is tweaking on crystal all night while he's spinning?

It's sends the message that that sort of behavior will be tolerated. JP as the star of the show, can have a lot of influence on his crowd by setting the tone for the party. He allowed his followers to establish a drug culture; the party the last couple of years was no longer about the music to the majority of people there. He's never once spoken out about the massive drug problem there. This is why DT speaks out about this. He doesn't want this stuff taking down his party.

People aren't enitirely stupid. They go to the places where they know they can get away with doing drugs. SF/Black/Exit were known as places where you can go and get fucked up and have little repercussions, moreso than any other clubs. Richard Grant and security at SF may have played a bigger role in that club's downfall, but JP isn't free from blame.

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Very well-written response, thanks! I see exactly what you're saying. I only started going to Factory (and can count on one hand how many times I went) last year so I was unaware of the complete history of the club. Put that way, I do agree that he should have at least said something to the folk he claims to care about so much, instead of making songs about "going through it", etc. LMAO Isn't that where you are RIGHT before you G out?

A severly guilty individual who shall remain nameless is always saying that. :laugh:

I like JP and wish him the best of luck with his club, and I hope they him AND his fans can get their shit together cause this OBVIOUSLY ain't workin.

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Guest starscream
Originally posted by bumpdaddy

I've seen it.... havent been to SF in years.. but saw it regularly at Save the Robots

omg save the robots!!!!what memories...i remember going there years ago after weds night lick it at limelight...kinda seedy but awesome afterhours music!!
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