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A real Black review....

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Ok people all the other post really suxx.I got there about 5 in the morining after hearing Roger Sanchez (Amazing).There was a huge line to get in but lucky me i don't wait on lines.Also didn't have to pay the $60 to get in either.Upon walking in the place was littered with young and ugly ppl everywhere.Music was so/so and never took off.I walked around and saw many familar faces but still not impressed.Wall's are painted black and very bland.They have booth's all around the balcony floor's now and a level up is this jail like theme.The pink room is one of the sexiest vip room's i've ever seen but there was no one in it.Clevland has spining duties in there,music was way to loud.I hung around till jonny played a weak mix of all this time and thought it was gonna get better.All of a sudden jp get's on the mic saying he's sic and not gonna do parties like that anymore.Come on right.As i walked out was greeted by many cop's waiting to pounce on the really messed up ppl.Now if you know me I one of the biggest JP out there(i have goin thru it as my ring tone) but damn this was horrible.People need to have some self control or this place is gonna close even faster.They need a new manager,one who can keep the bathroom's clean and not afraid to kik ppl out that that are banged up.Don't know what else to say but JP i luv u but get your s**t togther.You wannna be the front man and name for this place DO IT RIGHT.Yeah i know it was opening night but first impressions....I'll give him one more chance and hope they get it right.Please NY need's a sic afterhour's place......

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JP won't change anything.

Nobody can tell JP to change anything . JP listens to nobody but himself.

Nobody can boss him around and tell him to clean up his act.

As long as he knows there are sloppy kids willing to pay and come to his parties ...JP will keep snorting and keep spinning.

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Originally posted by bozer

Why is it 60 percent of the people who post on these forums can't spell or form coherent sentences?

I was wondering the same thing myself. Its either they have never learned how to type or spell or they might be fucked up when typing or just type too fast. I think the 1st one is actually the right choice. Gotta hand it to the school systems.
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"All of a sudden jp get's on the mic saying he's sic and not gonna do parties like that anymore."

yo, if ur gonna make a bullshit post with everyone bitching at the typing, then at least get ur facts straight kiddo...

he came on the MIC saying the cops were shutting the club down, he didn't say he was sick, he apologized for closing early. idk much about him as a person, but usually i hear ppl saying he is an asshole and doesnt give a shit about his fans... however last night he actually did say "im sorry for closing early and i appreciate everyone who did come out and support me." also, he asked ppl to party more responsibly, so whether hes sniffing meth all night or not, at least he does his shit responsibly, and thats the important thing. come on, even the ppl who make fun of crackheads, im sure have done a couple drugs in their day, MODERATION is key. there are things that are just gonna happen no matter what anyone says, its stupidity that ruins it for everyone else.

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Originally posted by leener4269

also, he asked ppl to party more responsibly, so whether hes sniffing meth all night or not, at least he does his shit responsibly,

Yes Jonathan does his methamphetamine very discretly, thats why the New York Times mentioned both him and his drug habit in a feature story!

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Okay... an honest review...

a)$60 to get in at about 4am in the morning... crazy! If I didn't already make the trip from Jersey, there's no way I would've gone in! (hooking up my fans my ass!)

b)Line wasn't huge but of course they had to make you wait forever anyway (just to make themselves look good)

c)Place was packed.... heard a couple of good sets, but from around 7 - 8/8:30 when I left.... uninspiring. A little off with the beats too last night... not to beat the man up because he's great when he wants to be....butttt.....

d)It was wayyyyy too hot! Sweaty muscleheads with their shirts off is my biggest beef at JP's parties. Hey.... I got size too, but I try to keep my sweat to myself. At least wear a tank top guys!

e) Some hot hoes walking around but yes... way too many people getting whacked (and the heat probably didn't help).

Unfortunately, I think I've been to my last JP party for awhile. Figured I'll try to start partying with "normal" aka non-od'ing party people.



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Wow you loser people and your lame ass response.Grammar is not key on this board and yes i type very fast.Get over yourselves.Oh and i happen to know JP personally and most of his staff.Paris was my booker and i used to work with Tasha at Centro-fly.I''m part of the scene more so than any of you asshole who get cracked out on the dancefloor.Any of you loser kid's got something to say it's very easy to find me.FU*K YOU ALL..

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Originally posted by ************69

Who are u people?Loser's who sit in front of computer all day and criticize other people's post.

im actually the type of person who doesnt pay or wait on line to get into parties..and i know JP personally...and i worked with tasha from centro...yup...im cool..im cool

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Ok i'm finished.You and all your little croonies continue to pay 30-60 dollars a night,but not before waiting on line for 30-60 min.I'll just cruz on in and be hanging out in the vip or in the dj booth far away from u asshole crackhead's.Just get over it.Your an ugly loser and no one notices you at any party.Sorrrryyyyy

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Originally posted by ************69

Ok i'm finished.You and all your little croonies continue to pay 30-60 dollars a night,but not before waiting on line for 30-60 min.I'll just cruz on in and be hanging out in the vip or in the dj booth far away from u asshole crackhead's.Just get over it.Your an ugly loser and no one notices you at any party.Sorrrryyyyy

id love to see you get the kind of love i get at crobar...

you've prolly been cut many times

stick to the comps at your beat parties anyway

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I don't know what you guys are talking about.

I was there from midnight till almost five and by the time I left the place was so packed one could barely walk. The club and the dancers looked ultra cool. AND the music was awesome.... I cannot comment after about 4:30am, because I was not there, and the music was really good towards 2ish, when the show was on... For sure the party started much, much earlier than usual, I guess since there were rumors that the cops would raid the place (which is why me and my friends went early...). Tickets were $40 and I stood in line for less than 10 minutes although the line was around the corner).

I think security and organization were VERY tight in the beginning of the night. One of my friends actually go kicked out for no reason... I think it got out of control later when it got so packed it was just impossible to even stand anywhere, people were walking over the couches, etc. Way too crowded by around 5am....

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