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reg. friends/ club friends

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are your clubbing friends the same as your regular friends? its nice to be able to go out to a club with your friends, and although most of mine are decent club heads, some of my friends are just not into it. drives me crazy because i wish i could just share my fun with them!

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We'll be like, "let's just go to the city for dinner with so-and-so" a couple drinks later and we're like, "who needs to eat dinner, lets dance!".

My non-clubbing friends can't keep up. They're good for going to the movies. You gotta still love 'em though. They'll be there to take care of us when our knees and hips stop working and our memories fail.

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Originally posted by clubkidnewyork

My non-clubbing friends can't keep up. They're good for going to the movies. You gotta still love 'em though. They'll be there to take care of us when our knees and hips stop working and our memories fail.

HELL YEAH!:party:

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Guest matthewnothing

It's odd with me, some of my club friends are my close regurlar friends too, and others aren't.. i did a silly thing and mixed an online friend (messagebaord) and made her realtime... didn't work out... too much long distance, so we broke up, and I decided to hang out on another board a bit more.... thus me being here...... meet people local, and chill like that...


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my best friend hatesssssssss clubs i have to beggggggggg her to come with me and the only time she actually goes is if it's my b-day or somthing like that.,... it sux... i only have like 1close friend who loves to go to clubs and thats it// the other people i go to clubs with i usually met them there or they are friends of friends

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all my best friends that i go out with all together all are into clubs as much as i am so far its not a problema t all going out. The only problem is with my bf cuz he likes to go to the hip hop room and im always in the house room so its kind of annoying that he doesnt share my likeing for that music

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the problem i HAD wuz, my "friends" wanted to meet guys, or get men to buy them drinks, and if they didn't meet anyone, they were miserable....which made me miserable. they weren't into music, almost at all....this is a clash.....

...movie buddies are great....but, i don't need anyone to sit at the movies with me....that is quiet time...i can do that alone.....last movie i saw was with a "friend".....but, i don't think he wanted to just be a movie buddy.....to bad. i'll go alone, then.

for a coffee/tea time, I have my sister....she has kids and a job...so we have to schedule that kinda stuff.....also, the honesty person (most times).....

and my other friend is married........the one that threw off the 2 live crew dancer off stage.....she won't go out cuz then her husband will....so neither go.

other friend, has a son....must plan 3 months in advance...then we both forget.....what to do......

when i need music.....music is my companion in the club....all else is details.

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Originally posted by italianp7

my best friend hatesssssssss clubs i have to beggggggggg her to come with me and the only time she actually goes is if it's my b-day or somthing like that.,... it sux... i only have like 1close friend who loves to go to clubs and thats it// the other people i go to clubs with i usually met them there or they are friends of friends

Hey don't worry, I'll go to the clubs with you ;)

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all the people i go out with are from years of clubbing its actually quite nice how many friends i have made, my friends at home suck they are all into the bar scene which i can't stand it. i don't know everytime i go out to clubs i always end up meeting new people, just got to be friendly and get numbers, make ur aquaintances you know.

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Actually, I have a female "friend/customer" who was supposed to come to NYC this weekend to party at Classics night at Black with me. Then she told me... "BBN :D " when I told my friends that I was going to sleep from 10pm - 1am so I could go with you to this club at 3am, they all looked at me like I was crazy! Please call me when you can take off work and go at a normal time like 11pm"

Maybe this is why I keep hooking up with psycho strippers & club girls. The normal girls can't handle my lifestyle! :tongue:

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My regular friends suck. I just got into clubs a while back and once in a while they'll come out with me, but they prefer bars those drunk bastards. I need a new group of friends that likes to go to clubs and can stay out till all hours, cuz my reg. friends just can't handle it

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Seems like a common theme here. None of my friends would consider going to a club and then if they did would just be on a mission to try to pick up on chicks. Then get pissed b/c no one is giving them the time of day.

Has anyone that has been posting on this topic met out with people from this message board?

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amen to that. god bless them though... i have a few friends that come out with me and then say they are tired and want to go home a 2 am..... the next day they are telling me what a great time they had.....oh if they only knew.

Originally posted by clubkidnewyork

My non-clubbing friends can't keep up. They're good for going to the movies. You gotta still love 'em though. They'll be there to take care of us when our knees and hips stop working and our memories fail.

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Originally posted by rob112

Seems like a common theme here. None of my friends would consider going to a club and then if they did would just be on a mission to try to pick up on chicks. Then get pissed b/c no one is giving them the time of day.

Has anyone that has been posting on this topic met out with people from this message board?

I have the same problem. My friends will come out about twice a year, and then they get grumpy if guys won't buy them drinks, there's no hip hop room, or I want to stay past 4am. I definitely need some hardcore clubber friends.

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i think that's so odd that none of you guys have a group of friends/regular friends that enjoy going to clubs as much as you do.

like i said every person i know whether we met at a club, in the street, online, in school, since i'm a kid etc. etc. is as nutty as i am about dancing and going to bars/clubs/lounges etc. guess i'm lucky. :D

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well my closest friend and I share the same taste in music....she loves clubbing just as much as I do so its great....we are out together always there for the same reason....to enjoy the music and dance

my other friends....forget it....as most of u mentioned before...mine too like to just go to bars....sit and drink... no movement what so ever....I die of borredom after few hours of conversations.... NEED TO MOVE :)

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Originally posted by italianp7

my best friend hatesssssssss clubs i have to beggggggggg her to come with me and the only time she actually goes is if it's my b-day or somthing like that.,... it sux... i only have like 1close friend who loves to go to clubs and thats it// the other people i go to clubs with i usually met them there or they are friends of friends

you can definatelly join us :)

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Most of my regular friends started out as club friends. Then we got a shore house together and everyone started hooking up.

8 of the crew got married last year, to each other! ~4 club kid couples! 2 of the couples have bought houses, 1 couple a condo downtown and the other couple renting a cottage in the sticks.

I still go clubbing with them from time to time, but they just don't go out like they used to...and now I am bored w my bf and need to find new clubkids to play with!!

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