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Doing good deeds

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It's not easy to do them, but in a way it makes me feel better.

I'm going to a psych ward to see a friend today. I bought them candy and magazines. I have to trek all the way up the 456 to like the last stop, then drive to Harrison, westchester, in the rain, and i probably won't get home till 10 tonight.

It got me thinking, we're gonna have to do a lot more of these things when we get older, especially if you have kids.

I guess better to start doing them soon, so it doesn't catch up and surprise you, eh :confused:

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...to the topic at hand george...dont take this the wrong way but you shouldnt "train" yourself to do good deeds...it should come to you naturally else not at all...and the essence of it is to give for the sake of giving and no reason at all...i cant express it best right now but do these things because it is a part of who you are...if it is who you want to become, that's cool - just make sure it has some connection to what/who you are at present, otherwise i feel it will develop on false foundation and wont last...eh i'm babbling...whatever...

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...to the topic at hand george...dont take this the wrong way but you shouldnt "train" yourself to do good deeds...it should come to you naturally else not at all...and the essence of it is to give for the sake of giving and no reason at all...i cant express it best right now but do these things because it is a part of who you are...if it is who you want to become, that's cool - just make sure it has some connection to what/who you are at present, otherwise i feel it will develop on false foundation and wont last...eh i'm babbling...whatever...

no no, i hear ya man. I didn't mean to word it that way (i got caught up in the doldrums at work :half:-)

It's not that I'm forcing myself to see her. I was just thinking about the whole spectacle, and why we do it. And how important it is to do it for those that need it!

Not only did me and the other girl cheer up our friend, but other people at the hospital seemed to be in higher spirits as well.

And i was in great spirits on the ride home. There's nothing like being there for someone when they need it most :aright:

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...to the topic at hand george...dont take this the wrong way but you shouldnt "train" yourself to do good deeds...it should come to you naturally else not at all...and the essence of it is to give for the sake of giving and no reason at all...i cant express it best right now but do these things because it is a part of who you are...if it is who you want to become, that's cool - just make sure it has some connection to what/who you are at present, otherwise i feel it will develop on false foundation and wont last...eh i'm babbling...whatever...

I cant believe it!! Someone with a heart on this, at times, ELITIST messageboard. WELL SAID

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Helpingfriends out when they need help feels good. But helping a random stranger when they are in need is a great feeling.

See with friends they always excpet you to be there, so helping them is good but it is kind of excepted. With strangers they are not excepting you, but they are hoping you help. And when you stop and help and they are grateful and Thankful for your help, to me it feels great.

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