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sober @ PVD

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um...i'll be there...and i plan on popping 5 or 6................Redbulls. Thats it tho smile.gifcwm27.gif


A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT! --Me

I don't give a fuck if its dark or not! I'm harder than ME tryin' to park a dodge....when I'm drunk as FUCK, right next to a humongus truck, in a 2 car garage!

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Sober huh?! I bet by around the fourth time i play "Binary Finary", you will be grabbin' whatever substance is nearest to you.

Sober for my show, HA!

Just wait till I play "For An Angel" the second time, you'll be beggin for a friggin hit of crack.

Dont take any of 'the GHB' or I'll be forced to stuff your lifeless body in a closet!!!!!


Mute Records - Germany

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I was thinking of going sober myself, Mikey. But that is the kind of plan that falls apart very easily, especially when surrounded by the usual cast of characters from the board. Red Bulls and Vodka all the way, baby!

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what do you consider sober?

no legal drugs?

just no illegal drugs?

just no e?

on some levels I'm out sober many a time - start to scrutinize and there's always one chemical or another making binary finary sound a little finer.

So the question is... how sober?



cold spoonin' on this lovely autumn day


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just a little question and it may be lame and a little off topic but- here goes..

I've never tried Red Bull, so if i wanted a Red Bull and Vodka, I assume I just ask the bartender for a Red Bull and Absolut...? right?





No Drama!

AIM- qwakkerz

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Originally posted by qwakkerz:

just a little question and it may be lame and a little off topic but- here goes..

I've never tried Red Bull, so if i wanted a Red Bull and Vodka, I assume I just ask the bartender for a Red Bull and Absolut...? right?


Last time I checked Absolut was vodka. You can ask that way, or just simpy say "Red Bull and Vodka"

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Originally posted by lolly:

Last time I checked Absolut was vodka. You can ask that way, or just simpy say "Red Bull and Vodka"

My bad- I was more concerned about the Red Bull part, but you cleared it up for me- thanks Jolly

One more question- i hate 2 be a pain- but- can you buy Red Bull in say like a 7-11 or supermarket? cwm36.gif




No Drama!

AIM- qwakkerz

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yea i went sober last time and still had a good time.

going out sober is not unusual for me though. i do it alot and i mean 100% sober(i.e. no drugs whatsover or alcohol for that matter) but generally i will drink and smoke and always still have a blast.

not sure what i'll be doing about pvd this time though




"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."


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Originally posted by qwakkerz:

My bad- I was more concerned about the Red Bull part, but you cleared it up for me- thanks Jolly

One more question- i hate 2 be a pain- but- can you buy Red Bull in say like a 7-11 or supermarket? cwm36.gif

They do sell RedBulls in 7-11 (at least by me in North Jersey) they do, I recommend RedBull & Absolut Citron, good fuckin' drink.


"In the underground integrity lies within, in the underground image doesn't mean a thing."

"To dream of the person you want to be is to waste the person you are."

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Originally posted by qwakkerz:

My bad- I was more concerned about the Red Bull part, but you cleared it up for me- thanks Jolly

One more question- i hate 2 be a pain- but- can you buy Red Bull in say like a 7-11 or supermarket? cwm36.gif

Jolly?? cwm36.gifcwm36.gif It's Lolly...with an L.

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RedBull and Vodka to me is still going sober, so long as I can still walk out of the club. Seriously, going sober is the only way that I got to the clubs anymore.


Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.

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The Artful goes sober 99.9% of the time...which is actually testing different flavors of alcohol I've never had, when I don't.

unless I'm not drinking anything, which is, duh 99.9%.

I don't need a mother fucking thing to have a good time. I AM A GOOD TIME!!!!

Alcohol smalcohal....... E..... smeeeeee....

Quit your bitchin and just take your punk asses to the fucking party!!!!



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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Sober, E, Alcohol... pass no judgments so you won't be judged... who gives a shit anyway... I don't.

Your call, not mine... just don't make a big production out of it... oohhh today I'm so proud I'm gonna be sober... oohhh today I'm so proud I'm gonna roll for the first time in months... oohhhh today I'm so proud I'm gonna get drunk... oohhh I'm so proud I never did anything... who fucking cares...

Plenty of peeps pass quick judgments such as that guy/girl is a pothead/drunk/roller... must be bad news.... that girl/guy is always sober... s/he must be a prude...

Like Artful says, just get to party and have fun. Remember, you create the vibe... sober or not.

And let the chips fall where they may.


Dream a little dream... then go clubbing!


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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Sober, E, Alcohol... pass no judgments so you won't be judged... who gives a shit anyway... I don't.

Plenty of peeps pass quick judgments such as that guy/girl is a pothead/drunk/roller... must be bad news.... that girl/guy is always sober... s/he must be a prude...

Like Artful says, just get to party and have fun. Remember, you create the vibe... sober or not.

And let the chips fall where they may.

I second that motion!! uhoh.gif Too much judegement goes around sometimes. Just go and do what you wanna do and have a great freakin' time doing it!!



"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."

- Lao-Tzu pkiss2.gifangel.gif

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i don't think it's that people feel like they will be judged upon their actions at a club, but rather, it's very helpful and supportive to know that there are others out there that in the same situation as you, wouldn't you agree, ezdreamer/blue/etc?

i will admit first, it is going to be difficult for me to go "sober". i may not be as strong as you or the next person, and i worry that i may fall into temptation, as i watch others smile gleefully on their ecstasy high. it helps me to know that my friends will be in the same boat as me, and even to know that other clubbers are, too.

i could give 2 shits less what the next person thinks about me, but i do worry about myself and i think that's a valid reason to admit that sobriety may be a difficult situation for me.

*the angst of a crackhead*



*turn it around baby*

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Originally posted by kitty19:

i don't think it's that people feel like they will be judged upon their actions at a club, but rather, it's very helpful and supportive to know that there are others out there that in the same situation as you, wouldn't you agree, ezdreamer/blue/etc?

*the angst of a crackhead*

Kitty, I know what you mean. It's most definately easier to go sober when you are among friends who are doing the same. But if that's your plan for the night then just DO IT!

Like I said before, go there, do what you want to do but make sure you're having fund doing it. Whatever it is!



"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."

- Lao-Tzu pkiss2.gifangel.gif

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I think that going into it willingly has a lot to do w/it. I've had nights where my party favors didn't show until 3am and I was in a HORRIBLE mood, but, that was because I was waiting for them and expecting them.

This will be my 1st time clubbing sober for the whole night (except a drink or two). I probably won't make it all night but I'm excited about it either way!

You never know, maybe I will! At least I won't have trouble falling asleep after I get home, that'll be a new experience!



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

[This message has been edited by cathyo (edited 11-05-2000).]

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If I do go, I will be the one doing shots at the bar for all who want to join me. I am not sure if I will make it to PVD(2 weeks in a row at Twilo, I don't know if I can handle it.)but after the dinner I will decide. Red bulls and Vodka, maybe a little aderol and I am good to go.


Lets Go METS!!!!!!!!


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