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hooking up without commitment


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when you hookup/have sex with someone without the relationship aspect involved, how long if ever can things continue that way until someone develops feelings? i dont think i could ever hook up with someone and not feel anything for them.. but according to guys (my guys friends anyway) sex can just be sex, and that's it. i think that's crazy to be honest, like, how could you be inside of her and not feel anything for her? i dunno, guys are weird i will never understand your gender. on the flip side, i was hooking up with a guy for a while, and i really really thought i loved him after a while, but looking back i might have been just caught up in the sex haze, and thought he was something more than he was.

what do we think, is this possible.. hookup = no feelings?

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I agree with you - I need to like this person in order to hook up with them

but there has been cases where it just didnt go anywhere and my feelings

disappeared... and as far as people having sex because its just sex that's

something that I will never understand but hey if they can get used and

abused and then go home and be ok more power to them - I know I would

NOT be able to do it and be fine.

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Hooking up w/ no sex involved is ok IMO, when u have slight feelings/attraction or if its just in the heat of the moment. But, like Naughtybabe said I can't and have never engaged in meaningless fucking w/ someone who meant nothing. Can't do it, need feelings, know the person and feel comfortable w/ them. Sex IMO is so personal and beautiful that I can't just share that with anyone. Not knocking on those who can.

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Hooking up w/ no sex involved is ok IMO, when u have slight feelings/attraction or if its just in the heat of the moment. But, like Naughtybabe said I can't and have never engaged in meaningless fucking w/ someone who meant nothing. Can't do it, need feelings, know the person and feel comfortable w/ them. Sex IMO is so personal and beautiful that I can't just share that with anyone. Not knocking on those who can.

That's exactly how I feel about it. :)

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What happens when the girl leans over the next morning and tells you that "what we shared was special..." Reason numero uno why I keep my dick in my pants 99% of the time and rarely play the field.

why does that bother u? Actually never leaned over and said that to someone unless they really meant something (even then I don't really like that saying) In my post I was merely expressing how I view sex. Not saying that every guy I've slept w/ has left me feeling "oh that was special" and now I wanna marry/stalk him b/c of it. I just think sex for me connects me on a higher level to that person, hence I don't share this experience w/ just anyone.

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I'm sorry, I wasn't directing my comment to you. My problem is that I always put the girl's feelings first since I come from a large family full of women (cousins, etc.) and therefore have a lot of respect for women. Some girls have a problem with my timidness at times, but like you said, unless I actually have feelings for the girl - I won't take advantage of the situation (and believe me I have had many opportunities to).

I guess this is something that I will regret when I get older, but for now my conscious will be fine knowing I am not sending the wrong message and having girls "open up" to me.

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I'm sorry, I wasn't directing my comment to you. My problem is that I always put the girl's feelings first since I come from a large family full of women (cousins, etc.) and therefore have a lot of respect for women. Some girls have a problem with my timidness at times, but like you said, unless I actually have feelings for the girl - I won't take advantage of the situation (and believe me I have had many opportunities to).

I guess this is something that I will regret when I get older, but for now my conscious will be fine knowing I am not sending the wrong message and having girls "open up" to me.

That is very admirable and respectful - :aright:

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In all seriousness, I do agree all of you though, if there are feelings there the sex is even that much better even if it isn't on an exclusive level. You can have feelings for someone and engage in sexual activity. I believe it makes it more intense and you are willing to explore...

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I'm sorry, I wasn't directing my comment to you. My problem is that I always put the girl's feelings first since I come from a large family full of women (cousins, etc.) and therefore have a lot of respect for women. Some girls have a problem with my timidness at times, but like you said, unless I actually have feelings for the girl - I won't take advantage of the situation (and believe me I have had many opportunities to).

I guess this is something that I will regret when I get older, but for now my conscious will be fine knowing I am not sending the wrong message and having girls "open up" to me.

Nice :)

You must have a great family.

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hooking up wiothout commitment is great if as djrx said theres an agreement, and just cuz theres an agreement doesnt mean that there is a lack of emotion or feelings toward that person!!!!!!!!!!i dont think there are very many woman out there who will hook up wiht a guy if they have absolutly no feeling towards them to begin with......they have to find some attraction to hold onto b4 they give it up!!!!!!!!!even if its a one night stand...they will find one personality trait they like in that individual and focus on it......But as reading over this thread i still feel that double standard feeling, and its brought on by the woman themselves....girls are the first to say guys can do whatever they want, and every1 thinks its o.k......but if girls do it there sluts!!!!!!!! Its woman themselves who have created this standard, and as i read through this...its woman who r keeping it alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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For sure, Fuck Buddies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :aright: As long as each person is on the same page, I say fuck the shit out of them!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

it def has to be an agreement between both ppl. it can be done if its really what both ppl are looking for. usually at leat one person is going to develop feelings. its hard to continually sleep w/ someone and not feel something eventually.

personally, i need to have some kind of attraction, even if its merely physical, to even consider sleeping with a girl. and if the relationship (the fucking) continues on, something is gonna build from that initial attraction. if nothing builds from it then thats usually the end of the fuck sessions w/ that person b/c interest is lost

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i havent done the random hookup for years. had a friend with benefits about 2 years ago, but it ended when we both found sig others. i cant do the random hookup anymore. now that im single again, the temptations started coming fast and will continue to come. but i have to maintain some sort of maturity level, i do want to meet the woman i am going to marry, not the woman i meet just to satisfy my sexual needs.

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I have only slept with guys that I have feelings for. I have bin very very lucky with my choices in sex partners. Even though I am not sexualy active with any of them anymore. I am still close and do still talk and hang out with them. There is a level of respect that goes with sex. I would not sleep with a guy that would never talk to me again after. Or feel uncomfortable with me after wards. To me that shows that they are not mature enough.

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I did it a lot (past) to hookup without get in to any type commitment...

I don't know maybe I was trying to prove I was strong like any guy out there but at the end I always got hurt...

It is nice at the beginning when all dose sexual feelings are rushing in your veins BUT at the end is always painful..

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This is probably the most .... anguishing thread (for choice of a better word)that I've read in a while. For a simple reason: "how much feelings" hasn't really being addressed is a very subject/vague expression.

It's one thing to say you don't do it with people you have no feelings towards. I dont do that and never would.

But for one to say "I only do it with people" I have feelings for, here you really have a potential wide spectrum of possible answers:


light friend good friend close friend adoration soulmate in love

To say "I only do people I have feelings for" does that mean only people you are in love with?

Also, there is two other paramaters.

a) How quickly as a person do you connect with people?

Some people connect very fast. Other people dont open up early on. And take time. A lotta people play this guarded-game for a while.

B) How good are you are at gauging emotions, yours and others?

Are you good at saying "the person is not right for me" or "I'm not right for them" or "this will never work out"?

Just having emotions is one issue. How much emotions, how quickly you get those emotions, and how well you can gauge them, is another issue.

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i've had fuck buddies before, and it worked out fine. remember at work one night me and my coworker were talkin about the girls we'd gone out with... i told him "well, there's this one girl i dated... well, dated isnt really the right word, she was more of a fuck buddy" and he damn near choked to death on his sandwhich... apparently the last thing he expected to ever hear from me was that i had or had had a fuck buddy, he didnt think i was the type :P

i've had what you might call meaningless sex before, too... wasnt really meaningless though, she was a friend and we were both lonely, so it was sort of fun/consolation sex... lots of laughing and joking, no real 'feelings' as such.

anyways... fuck buddies (or fellationships, as i call them) work if and only if all involved can keep from developing strong feelings for the other(s), which usually isnt the case

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