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At what age will you stop clubbing / seeing dj's?

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it seems that whenever I go to avalon, spirit, Ikon etc, the crowd gets younger and younger since obviously older ppl settle down or tire of the scene.

for example Gabriel & Dresden... so many little kiddies even though there's no age limit to trance. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but personally, I like to see an older crowd cuz they're more mature and knowledgeable about their music.

i know 'age ain't nothing but a numba', but does anyone else here feel the same?

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it seems that whenever I go to avalon, spirit, Ikon etc, the crowd gets younger and younger since obviously older ppl settle down or tire of the scene.

for example Gabriel & Dresden... so many little kiddies even though there's no age limit to trance. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but personally, I like to see an older crowd cuz they're more mature and knowledgeable about their music.

i know 'age ain't nothing but a numba', but does anyone else here feel the same?

I don't put a number on it... I'll be 31 in November and I still love going out and seeing the DJ's I love. I don't look at it as "once I reach X age I'm not gonna do this anymore." I just figure that there will be a point in my life where it will either be a major inconvience or I just won't feel like staying out till 8 or 10 or noon the next afternoon. When that time comes I'll worry about it then. No need to put a number on it... :)

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going out to a club to see a dj is like going to a concert to see a band. just because you're getting older doesn't mean your music preferences are gonna flip around 180 degrees. you still see older people going to concerts just like you see older people going out to listen to music.

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when will you stop doing anything? It doesnt matter what age you are goin out.Lots of single people in thier 40s go out to have a good time and or get laid, aint nothing wrong with that. Lots of 40 and 50 yrs old dance their asses off and put me and some other young lions to shame. Its all a matter of opinion and priorites. I love house and dance and could see myself easily still goiint to hear a dj and bust out a few moves in my 50s. Good example with the BAND concert thingy.Look at mel cheren the owner of west end records hes about 62 or 63 yrs old now and still puts parties together and produces music and can stll be seen partying at clubs and dancing a bit. Aint nothing wrong with him hes doin something he loves.And he has a family.

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that is the killer question that i am asking myself ... ten years ago .. when i had my first serious injury .. i said to myself i aint dancing no more .. and here i am today with many more injuries .. broken pieces .. dislocated other pieces .. and still dancing my ass off ..

and the family thing is cute .. i would love to take my child to a club and teach him/her a move or two .. afterall i taught few people in my life dancing .. or dancing moves .. so it would be awesome to do same with my own kid ..

so . when? hmm .. i guess .. just before i die??? oooo .. unless i die on the dancing floor .. oh man .. that would be interesting .. ok peeps . if that happen .. sing some house/techno/transe music in my funeral .. hehe ..

dance people .. dance ..


the MASK

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most of my friends have settled down with a gf, or are getting married. well alot of them havent been comming out. as far as the single scene, i can understand not commin out to hook up. but as far as the scene as a culture, if you love a dj, or just enjoying being in the environment, you should never stop. i dont plan to stop going to see good dj's for a long LONG time.

it makes me sad that alot my friends feel like they are too old to party. my friend that introduced me to great dj's acts like hes "better" than the people that go out to parties. i feel like hes being totally hippocrytical since the original intent of goign to these parties was to be free and open. but either way, if you love the culture id say dont ever stop.

the exceptions are if your a guido who likes taking off his shirt or wearing 50$ wife beaters at parties. then you should stop RIGHT NOW! PLEASE!

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i dont think getting married or having kids is a reason to stop going clubbing. i do think it is a time to become more responsible. for example, instead of going out 3 nights a week, once a month.

it has to do with your priorities. if you are 40 years old and dont have a child to support, i see no reason to suddenly stop going because of your age.

when i lived in miami, i met a couple that lived in west palm beach, the had 2 children. they still liked to party though. we talked about it and they told me that they would go out once every few months, party hard, and then get back to their lives. they had someone take care of their children for the night and stayed in miami at a friends house so they wouldnt have to drive all the way home after partying all night.

its not about the age you are, but how u can or if you can fit it into your life with out making it a distraction.

that is true even if you are 21 years old, clubbing is a thing to do to have fun, it shouldnt become the only thing you do....

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When I get married and have kids, that will no doubt be my priority, but I will be listening to this style of music til the day I die. :hoparound

no need for the party to end, maybe i won;'t be able to go out as much but I will have other things in my life that will make me just as happy..when it comes it comes..that's partly why I try to go out and enjoy it now while I don't have those kinds of reponsibilities...but either way, i'll have house blasting from my stereo years from now!

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If music is your passion the answer is NEVER. I am married- have 2 kids and still DJ. Just not the crazy hours I used to... If you truly love music and the scene you will find a way to be a part of it--anyway you can. I could and really should spin in a full fledged club, but I settle for Wed nites b/c it works with my lifestyle. I drive a minivan with beats pumping out the window. Music is a part of me and I will never give it up. Next to my family it is my Happiness.

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it seems that whenever I go to avalon, spirit, Ikon etc, the crowd gets younger and younger since obviously older ppl settle down or tire of the scene.

for example Gabriel & Dresden... so many little kiddies even though there's no age limit to trance. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but personally, I like to see an older crowd cuz they're more mature and knowledgeable about their music.

i know 'age ain't nothing but a numba', but does anyone else here feel the same?

for me, i'll never know when im going to stop partying.

i have a passion for the EDM scene and i love dancing to the beat of the bass. i also love experiencing the best of the international talent come to NYC and play for us here. i guess the time for me to stop would be when i finally settle down and my family becomes the Number 1 priority. but i'll still be playing my EDM tracks at home, haha.

in terms of, "see an older crowd cuz they're more mature and knowledgeable about their music" . . .

- thats not neccesarily true.

though in the majority case, a younger crowd might not know much of the EDM scene except the commercialized DJs.. there are ones out there who know alot more about the scene because they love the scene themselves and they explore all the different genres of it and experience it.

i myself am only 18.

i know how older people look down upon us, because its an "age thing". that we're inferior to them.. but like.. serioulsy.. its that whole "im a man" mentality. age is seriously nothing but a number. age does not define one's maturity. its how the person defines himself.

im not trying to say your wrong or whatnot.

im just defending myself and the other "younger" people who ACTUALLY love the scene and appreciate it; rather than the people who go out to the clubs, have no ideal whos spinning, and they're just drinking away, looking horrible in the clubs, yelling nonsense at other people who go out just to have some fun, but they have to deal with the ignorant people. the scene is not how it should be...

my two cents.

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