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If you loved someone and they where always deppressed


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i would never get close enough to them that i would be in that situation!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

not saying i wouldnt be there friend and try to advice them on what i see is theire personality conflict.....but i would never set myself up to deal with drama like that!!!!!!!! but i know not everyone looks at things like i do....so u can take this with a grain of salt!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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Would you try to cheer them up and help them. Or would you tell them that there to deppresed and you cant deal with it and if they dont change your gone?

I used to think the second thought is sick and mean but 2 of my last gf's told me this and i just clam up and get more deppresed trying to not be deppresed.

I think you should walk away this way they will be happy again

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i did

I think you misunderstood my original post but atleast Flip got it, anyway...

well there you go...if you were the reason for them being depressed than you have to do the right thing and walk away. Now if the person is just a depressed person, you should try and help but if it comes to point where you are constantly depressed because of their depression than it is also ok for you to walk away.

i still don't know which way the original question was suppose to go as :confused:

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Would you try to cheer them up and help them. Or would you tell them that there to deppresed and you cant deal with it and if they dont change your gone?

My ex is seriously depressed.

For the first 6 months I knew him, things were very casual and I did my best not to get roped in...but did anyway. The next year and a half or so was nothing but an awful roller coaster ride. I tried in many ways to help out, but at the end of the day the only thing that will make you happy is YOU.

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I dated a girl in high school who was constantly depressed, nothing could cheer her up. I couldn't take all the crying anymore so I broke up with her. She called me up counting the pills she was taking and I told her she was nuts and hung up the phone. I received a phone call from her mother the next morning telling me she was in the hospital. Fucking Girl.

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I dated a girl in high school who was constantly depressed, nothing could cheer her up. I couldn't take all the crying anymore so I broke up with her. She called me up counting the pills she was taking and I told her she was nuts and hung up the phone. I received a phone call from her mother the next morning telling me she was in the hospital. Fucking Girl.

Yeah im not taking to that extent. I went through that garbage twice with 2 different bitches

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notallthere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! here is my advice its rather extreme, and close to imposibble to do ....but i really think u should go on a no sugar diet!!!!!!!!!!! just a suggestion!!!!!!!!!! ud be amazed at the things that sugar trigger in ur brain!!!!!!!!!! but as i said its close to impossible and i dont expect u to even attepmt it, not saying anything about u....but then ud have to eat food with no taste for the rest of ur life!!!!!!!!!!!:half:

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notallthere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! here is my advice its rather extreme, and close to imposibble to do ....but i really think u should go on a no sugar diet!!!!!!!!!!! just a suggestion!!!!!!!!!! ud be amazed at the things that sugar trigger in ur brain!!!!!!!!!! but as i said its close to impossible and i dont expect u to even attepmt it, not saying anything about u....but then ud have to eat food with no taste for the rest of ur life!!!!!!!!!!!:half:

check it out


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Geez, some people just don't get it. Some people think depression is what happens when you favorite team loses or your car breaks down or your sweetheart breaks up with you, that you're sad and that's "depressed". But people with serious depression don't have any control over it, it affects them all day every day no matter what. They wake up depressed and they go to sleep depressed. They can win the multi-million dollar lottery and they'll still be depressed. They can have 1400 women wanting to fuck them and suck them, and they're still depressed, they can have all the success in the world and they're still depressed (Kurt Kobain, anyone?). Depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain which affects the emotions so that the person is always depressed. They can't help it. They can't just snap out of it. They can't say, "I'm going to make myself not be depressed." It doesn't work that way.

Imagine this. You have dark glasses permanantly attached to your face. Every minute of every day of every month of every year you see the world, and life, through the dark lenses. Let's say that the lenses make everything look gray. Blue skies look gray. White doves look gray. Flowers and bright colors look gray. Everything looks dark gray to you and you can't will yourself to see everything light, because you're always looking through the gray lenses. Someone tells you, look at the pretty red flowers! But to you they're gray. Then they tell you, looks at the beautiful green grass and trees on the mountains, with the white clouds near the top. But to you the green grass is gray, the trees are gray, and the clouds are gray. And you can't control it because that is how your eyes see the world, because of the gray lenses. And you don't have the ability to remove the lenses. That's how life is to some people with depression. What people with depression need to do is see a doctor who can prescribe anti-depression medication for them, and they have to take it every day. A good anti-dep. med can alter the chemical imbalance and help them see the world without the gray lenses. It is a whole new world when the lenses fall off. With some people the depression is so severe that meds don't completely contain the chemical imbalance, but at least they will have some more control over the emotions and their life.


I think i really wrote my post wrong.

I was talking about myself. I get depprsed but then i get out of it i go in and out. but when a person is like telling me they dotn like me beign down and to stop becuase its fucking up shit , I get worse.

I have read that people with depression become withdrawn from friends and sometimes sabotauge their own relationships. Some know they need meds but refuse to take them, and some others don't realize that meds can help them and so don't even ask about them. I hope that you're the second type of person. See a doctor and explain your symptoms and get yourself on a good anti-depression med. It can make all the difference to you, your life, your family, and your girlfriends. But be prepared for the side effects. Almost all anti-dep meds affect your libido, lessening your interest in sex and the pleasure of sex. Try Wellbutrin, it doesn't have that effect. Prozac, Paxil, Celexa, and many others do. Effexor is another one which I don't think affects the libido. But if you get on a med which lessens your libido, look on the bright side, any girlfriend will love having sex with you. Why? I'll put it bluntly this way...when I was on the first 3 meds I mentioned, I lasted an hour to two hours in bed with my girlfriend! I didn't feel it that much, and it was an hour or more before I shot my load, though when we watched porn flicks together I came a lot quicker. I think that was because she got so horny that she creamed a lot heavier and it felt better. Or maybe that combined with the porn getting me horny despite my weak libido helped.

Good luck!

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Geez, some people just don't get it. Some people think depression is what happens when you favorite team loses or your car breaks down or your sweetheart breaks up with you, that you're sad and that's "depressed". But people with serious depression don't have any control over it, it affects them all day every day no matter what. They wake up depressed and they go to sleep depressed. They can win the multi-million dollar lottery and they'll still be depressed. They can have 1400 women wanting to fuck them and suck them, and they're still depressed, they can have all the success in the world and they're still depressed (Kurt Kobain, anyone?). Depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain which affects the emotions so that the person is always depressed. They can't help it. They can't just snap out of it. They can't say, "I'm going to make myself not be depressed." It doesn't work that way.

Imagine this. You have dark glasses permanantly attached to your face. Every minute of every day of every month of every year you see the world, and life, through the dark lenses. Let's say that the lenses make everything look gray. Blue skies look gray. White doves look gray. Flowers and bright colors look gray. Everything looks dark gray to you and you can't will yourself to see everything light, because you're always looking through the gray lenses. Someone tells you, look at the pretty red flowers! But to you they're gray. Then they tell you, looks at the beautiful green grass and trees on the mountains, with the white clouds near the top. But to you the green grass is gray, the trees are gray, and the clouds are gray. And you can't control it because that is how your eyes see the world, because of the gray lenses. And you don't have the ability to remove the lenses. That's how life is to some people with depression. What people with depression need to do is see a doctor who can prescribe anti-depression medication for them, and they have to take it every day. A good anti-dep. med can alter the chemical imbalance and help them see the world without the gray lenses. It is a whole new world when the lenses fall off. With some people the depression is so severe that meds don't completely contain the chemical imbalance, but at least they will have some more control over the emotions and their life.


I have read that people with depression become withdrawn from friends and sometimes sabotauge their own relationships. Some know they need meds but refuse to take them, and some others don't realize that meds can help them and so don't even ask about them. I hope that you're the second type of person. See a doctor and explain your symptoms and get yourself on a good anti-depression med. It can make all the difference to you, your life, your family, and your girlfriends. But be prepared for the side effects. Almost all anti-dep meds affect your libido, lessening your interest in sex and the pleasure of sex. Try Wellbutrin, it doesn't have that effect. Prozac, Paxil, Celexa, and many others do. Effexor is another one which I don't think affects the libido. But if you get on a med which lessens your libido, look on the bright side, any girlfriend will love having sex with you. Why? I'll put it bluntly this way...when I was on the first 3 meds I mentioned, I lasted an hour to two hours in bed with my girlfriend! I didn't feel it that much, and it was an hour or more before I shot my load, though when we watched porn flicks together I came a lot quicker. I think that was because she got so horny that she creamed a lot heavier and it felt better. Or maybe that combined with the porn getting me horny despite my weak libido helped.

Good luck!

Thanks for the advice,

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Noone to blame but yourself. You def. fucked up with the car. I would get back into the gym as soon as possible and get a job, any job. That will keep you busy. Work from there. Go to school, set goals work towards something. Then when you achieve it you will feel better, maybe.

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Noone to blame but yourself. You def. fucked up with the car. I would get back into the gym as soon as possible and get a job, any job. That will keep you busy. Work from there. Go to school, set goals work towards something. Then when you achieve it you will feel better, maybe.

No your right.,

It was just allot at once

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depends on how much i loved them. i wouldnt let my best friend sit aroud depressed if i could help it. if it was a guy or girl i just started dating & i didnt know very well, i probably wouldnt want to be too involved if they were bringing me down. i have enough of my own baggage... if it was soeone i was with for a long time, i would try to help them find the root of their depression and change it. people who are unhappy with themselves and their lives probably arent the best partners, not saying youre a bad person if youre depressed but maybe youre not ready for a relationship. if youre depressed you should owrk on figuring what will bring you out of your depression befre you go out looking for a bf/gf. no one can make someone else happy, you make youself happy.

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slickslider's right about the meaning of depression; it is not the same thing as sadness. but if you really are clinically depressed, you should seek help. if you just happen to have a darker outlook on life than some, that's another story. at any rate, i think that if these girls really cared for you at all, leaving you because they didn't like your sadness is a copout and bullshit. you don't need their type. however, if they only knew you for a few weeks, i can see why they might not have wanted to invest in what they might have considered a "fixer-upper."

but about slickslider's side-effect thing: decrease in libido doesn't happen to everyone, and other side-effects may or may not affect you. weight gain is another common one. you just have to decide what's most important.

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Would you try to cheer them up and help them. Or would you tell them that there to deppresed and you cant deal with it and if they dont change your gone?

I used to think the second thought is sick and mean but 2 of my last gf's told me this and i just clam up and get more deppresed trying to not be deppresed.

get them a presciption for a years worth of prozac!

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Would you try to cheer them up and help them. Or would you tell them that there to deppresed and you cant deal with it and if they dont change your gone?

I used to think the second thought is sick and mean but 2 of my last gf's told me this and i just clam up and get more deppresed trying to not be deppresed.

Ive found, for me at least, that its one of those things where when you cry and someone tells you not to cry ,it makes you cry even harder. I agree about the whole being depressed even more not trying to be depressed, cause youre constantly worrying theyre gonna leave you if you make one wrong move. Personally if Im with someone and theyre having a hard time with life etc, I always wanna help them...I seem to make it my personal goal to make them happy. And sometimes it doesnt work and ends up making the other person miserable too, and thats basically when its time to end things. Cause theres nothing worse than 2 miserable people trying to have a healthy relationship....just doesnt work....the way to go about it is you need to find what makes you depressed, because until you figure it out, thats gonna continue to happen to you....unless you find someone else whos depressed and doesnt mind ebing around another depressive person..... (whoa my post is all over the place :) I need caffeine haha)

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Would you try to cheer them up and help them. Or would you tell them that there to deppresed and you cant deal with it and if they dont change your gone?

I used to think the second thought is sick and mean but 2 of my last gf's told me this and i just clam up and get more deppresed trying to not be deppresed.

i dunno bout you...


if a girl i'm dating mentions i'm always depressed...

it just means i'm about to break up with them...

i hate break ups... and get a little depressed before i cut someone loose...


if you are the one depressed... cheer the fuck up!

or go get prozac or whatever depressed people take all the time...


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Depression is bound to hit people. It’s a part of life. Sometimes you try to communicate with the person or offer your time, and they seem to not want you to, this makes things even more depressing, now for the both of you. Part of a relationship/ friendship to to help each other out through hard times. It can't always be good.....The most important thing is not to let yourself get dragged into the pit.

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