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I have bottles and no I never felt any Psychedelic Experiences.

Just get nice and toasted. Its strong and tastes pretty freaking bad. Used in B-52 shots in most of europe. Also used in a shot called the Morangito in Portugal.

Average Bottle price in Portugal was around $30 Euro's. (from the bottles I purchased)

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The reason it used to make people hallucinate is this:

when you distill wormwood, a chemical called Thujone comes out. This is what has hallucinogenic properties. In the old days there was approximately 200 parts per million thujone in Absynthe. Nowadays there are restrictions on how much Thujone goes into it, about 40 ppm. So it will get you good and drunk, but that's it.

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here in the united states(its spelled absenthe) And the only reason its legal here is beacsue they dont use wormwood(wich means its not REAL absinthe)they use something called "baby wormwood" or "southern wormwood." So none of the fun(if cutting off your own ear is fun) of the original.

A little research shows that the laws used to make absinthe illegal in the US are not drug laws, but toxic substance laws designed to protect the consumer. Thujone, the suspected (but not certain) psychoactive substance in absinthe is classified as a toxic substance, and as such it is illegal to sell alcohol containing it. It apparently is not against any law for a consumer to buy such an adulterated beverage. I am told by very reliable sources that shippers are careful to avoid detection as sellers, to escape prosecution.

Absinthe is sold legally in the EU, but is regulated for thujone content, with similar laws.

The purpose of all this is to protect people like you and me from the dangerous consequences of "absinthism" which have ranged in description from Van Gogh cutting off his ear, to autopsy specimens with holes in the brain.

Of course, since Absinthe has not been widely consumed for years, and medical science has advanced from linking the name "wormwood' (The plant containing thujone that is the problem ingredient) to wormholes in the brain, it is very difficult to say exactly what was going on in Absinthism, if anything. When one considers how much damage alcohol alone can do to someone, there doesn't seem to be any serious research differentiating an end stage alcoholic and an absinthe addict.

People deciding to fork over quite a few bucks (or euros or pounds) will likely be disappointed at satisfying their curiosity. The taste of many of the regarded brands is foul, and tolerable only when heavily adulterated with sugar and ice. (The taste does have the positive effect of helping one limit their alcohol consumption.) The psychoactive effect is subtle, and quickly becomes clouded by the stronger effect of the alcohol.

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an old friend of mine used to write to pharm companies telling them he was chem student and ask them for all these unclassified chemicals he had researched. they would send them and he would sit at home dosing out all sorts of fun stuff...anyway. he had a preverse amount of worm wood after a few years of this and we would go out and buy a bottle of the most expensive vodka we could find and a week or two later we would have true lovely absinth. i fucking love that shit. i have (some how) never had too much....but i dont know where he is any more and have no idea how to get some....

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Old school artists like van gogh use to drink it back in the day for inspiration. I had some when i was in london at a place called pharmacy?

I don't think it was the same stuff

pharmacy was a cool concept.......so overpriced didnt like the crowd.....yeah i got some kind of absinthe drink when i was there..........

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Someone was asking what this was, but I have never heard of it. I am not even sure if I spelled it right. But, he said it was from worm wood or some kinda shit and it was illegal in the U.S. It is a liquid and he said his friend paid $250 for a liter of it.

He said his buddy took it and just passed out.

I know, I really narrowed it down. I basically told him he was an idiot for taking something he knew nothing about.



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is flavoured distilled liquor, emerald green in colour, turning to cloudy, opalescent white when mixed with water. It inspired many prominent artists, writers and poets. Just to name a few - Vincent Van Gogh, Oscar Wilde, Manet, Ernest Hemingway - in fact his masterpiece " For Whom The Bell Tolls " was written under the influence of "The Green Fairy". Absinthe was first produced commercially in 1797 by Henry-Louis Pernod, who purchased the formula from a French exile living in Switzerland.


Artemisia Absinthium is the chief flavouring ingredient, native to Europe and Asia.; other aromatic ingredients include aniseed, licorice, hyssop, fennel, angelica root, star aniseed... Wormwood is a long-lived plant, with greyish-green leaves and the flowers have a greenish-yellow tint, and like leaves give off a strong aromatic odor and are bitter to the taste. Thujone is a toxic chemical present in wormwood and has a similar molecular geometry with THC, the active chemical in cannabis.

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Absinthe is the shit if you can get ahold of the quality stuff. You can buy a kit from www.drinkabsinthe.com and make it with Grain or Vodka. This home made version doesn't have the pleasant licorice taste of the european commercially available brands but it has a much higher thujone content. I made the stuff from the kit and it tasted sooooooooo bitter. But if you can get a shot or two down (if you do the whole sugar cube loucing thing, it just means you have a larger volume of bitter tasting shit to get down) it feels like drinking and doing lines at the same time. But remember, it is based on highly alcoholic spirits so don't go overboard.

Enjoy :)

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Absinthe is the shit if you can get ahold of the quality stuff. You can buy a kit from www.drinkabsinthe.com and make it with Grain or Vodka. This home made version doesn't have the pleasant licorice taste of the european commercially available brands but it has a much higher thujone content. I made the stuff from the kit and it tasted sooooooooo bitter. But if you can get a shot or two down (if you do the whole sugar cube loucing thing, it just means you have a larger volume of bitter tasting shit to get down) it feels like drinking and doing lines at the same time. But remember, it is based on highly alcoholic spirits so don't go overboard.

Enjoy :)

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Absinthe is the shit if you can get ahold of the quality stuff. You can buy a kit from www.drinkabsinthe.com and make it with Grain or Vodka. This home made version doesn't have the pleasant licorice taste of the european commercially available brands but it has a much higher thujone content. I made the stuff from the kit and it tasted sooooooooo bitter. But if you can get a shot or two down (if you do the whole sugar cube loucing thing, it just means you have a larger volume of bitter tasting shit to get down) it feels like drinking and doing lines at the same time. But remember, it is based on highly alcoholic spirits so don't go overboard.

Enjoy :)

That website isnt exactly all that honest in what they're claiming. There is absinthe currently available on the web that contans 200mg/Lt of thujone.http://www.alandia.de/absinth/product_info.php/products_id/10 It is a commercially made product available for 62 euros = about $75. Most 750ml bottles from commecial manufacturers in europe contain about 35mg/Lt of thujone. You can boost that level by simply adding some concentrated absinth to your bottle http://www.alandia.de/absinth/product_info.php/products_id/114 ... Avoid German absinthe ... thujone level is absinth is limited to 10mg/Lt

Assuming you buy the kit for $10 plus shipping and get you hands on a 750ml bottle of grain alchohol (Banned for sale in NYS) for another $12 you'll wind up with a homebrew of questionable quality that cost you between 25-30 to make..... Buy from the people who know what they're doing and drink something you know is safe...


On the other hand... if you like to experiment... by all means do it...

BTW the type of absinthe you wind up with from that kit is what's called macerated absinthe which is considered inferior to distilled absinthe... theres a big difference in price between the two... you can get a bottle of macerted absinthe for about $20 euros... not $100 as they claim..

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