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my best friend Jack.. (CP please read)


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october of 1992 was when i first me little jack. i had just moved to miami and was having a difficult time adjusting to life here. my mom thought that i needed a friend and bought me a 6 week old bassett hound puppy and sent him to me on a plane.

there are very few things that i will remember till the day i die, however, i know that i will never forget my first time seeing little jack. he was such a beautiful little dog that i cried.

life had many twists and turns planned for me in the years after little jack came to miami and he was by my side every step of the way. 8 years ago i introduced Matilda (a girl bassett hound) to jack and they were best friends ever since.

almost 2 months ago i had a medical emegency with jack and i posted about it on the clubplanet board. following that situation, jack went on a diet, lost weight and was looking good.

last night, as i was suffering watching the yankees get killed- jack began to show the same symptoms again. i took him the the emergency ER and they treated him and sent us home. i watched him throughout the night and he seemed to sleep ok. at 7 this morning, i went to take him to my local vet and he wouldnt move. i carried him to the vet but when i got there the vet said he was too far gone. in the last few years i had thought about when this day would come and the only thing that i wished was the he was to never suffer and that i could hold him as he went to sleep. im very thankful that i was able to hold him and say goodbye.

my dear little jack, thank you for the 12 years of love and loyalty you gave me. i was truly blessed to have known you and to have been your owner. matilda and i will miss you terribly. i will miss all the goofy things you would do. probably not a day went by that you didnt make me laugh. i cant begin to describe the hole in my heart today. i will see you again .

Rest in peace

Little Jack


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I have a mutt named Bailey. He's a hardass sometimes but..

VERY LOVING!! I laugh at the things he does and how smart he is.

I know I will have to one day probably do the same...but I try not to

think about that day. :(

I'm really sorry to hear that Jack's moved to the good Lord's home...

but trust me when I say that Jack is very Happy right now.


R.I.P Jack

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I am so sorry to hear about your loss - often times people can't really understand how a human could love a pet like another person and it wasn't until I got my own dog 3 years ago that I finally knew how this could happen. My dog is like my child and I feel your pain - I am happy to hear that you got the chance to give him comfort through his passing. The love from our pets is unconditional and they see no race, sex or faults in us as long as we give them love and attention. God bless little Jack and take comfort in knowing that you gave him a wonderful life filled with years of happiness.

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aww....i'm so sorry to hear about your loss :( ....i remember reading your post when he went to ER the last time and was happy to hear that he pulled through. the loss of a loved one is never something we can prepare for but all i can say is time is the best healer. as long as you keep him alive in your heart, he'll still be around you.

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my deepest condolences,

it's been a difficult year for my 8 year old dalmation (also named Jak). i was very close to having to put him to sleep a couple months ago. i know the pain and heartache of having to make such decisions. don't ever forget the great dog he was and the memories you 2 shared together. dogs truly are man's best friend. hang tough.

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my deepest condolences,

it's been a difficult year for my 8 year old dalmation (also named Jak). i was very close to having to put him to sleep a couple months ago. i know the pain and heartache of having to make such decisions. don't ever forget the great dog he was and the memories you 2 shared together. dogs truly are man's best friend. hang tough.

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heres some information for the dog owners


sorry bout ur lost.....

went through the same a few years ago with my mut...

started seeing similiar symptoms but didn't think it was serious

vet came to the house & said she had a fever...

2-3 days l8r she was gone.... :(:(

R. I. P.


& ended up losing my first dog of 20yrs... just a few months b4 also...


my Princess...

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Damn, man, that sucks. Losing a pet always sucks. My sincerest condolences. I lost one of my iguanas a few months ago and I still miss him. My vet gave us this cool little poem that basically reminds you that your friend will be waiting for you when you are gone. It's kind of lame, but a nice thought. A lot of times losing a pet can be more upsetting than losing a friend or family member.

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do you still have the poem?

It’s great that there are people like you out there that care so much about their animals. I watch the animal planet channel and they always the animal version of cops on and I am just disgusted at how people treat animals. I almost lost my dog a couple months back when we went out of town - he had to be on 24 watch in the ER. He has always been ultra-sensitive and gets sick real easy, but there is no amount of money I wouldn't spend to save his life and to date (and this is no exaggeration) we have spent over $12,000 getting him well since the time he was a pup. He is a pure breed English bulldog and he was born with mange...something that pure breeds are not suppose to have and he was misdiagnosed for months by all these second rate vets out there and the pet insurance crap is a sham when it comes to real problems. Finally we took him to a vet that has been in business for 30 years - Country Club Kennels off of Bird and 72nd and within 15 minutes they pulled us in the back and showed us under the microscope what was wrong - 6-7 months we went to these junk places and all they would do is tell us we were bathing him too much or it was diet. I would recommend my vet to anyone - my dog absolutely loves them and when we tell him he is going he gets all crazy excited and waits by the door to go and they take the greatest of care with the animals there - its a big place and clean with a huge staff of like 4/5 vets and I always see at least 5 or 6 nurses.

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