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Woman adducted and raped after leaving Crobar


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November 1, 2004 -- A woman leaving a Halloween party at the hip Chelsea nightspot Crobar early yesterday was attacked by a real-life monster — who forced her into a car and drove her to New Jersey, where he raped her and left her in an abandoned building, police sources said last night.

The 29-year-old victim, a financial analyst, was dressed in a cop's costume when her horrifying ordeal began at 4 a.m. The attacker sneaked up on her from behind, threw a bag over her head and pressed an object he said was a knife into her back.

Then he forced his terrified victim into a black sports car, undressed her and drove to the building in Elizabeth. The woman pretended to pass out and waited for her attacker to leave before she ran, naked, to a nearby house and called police.

She was treated at a local hospital.

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oh man, events like this make you think. I mean, sat night my gf and I almost got attacked by a homeless guy with a saxophone. He was skitzoooo, he started cursing at me - saying "come here faggot, i wanna bash your brains in, etc etc" then he approached us. I started talking to him in a nice cool tone like "hey man, whatsup...im having a shitty night..trying to get home..how bout you?..having a good night? after i started talking to him like that...he all of a sudden became my "buddy" and was telling me "god bless u ..god bless u"..most likely if i did the typical stupid guy thing and was like "fuck off" , the situation would have sucked. In my opinion , being a "tuff guy" makes thinsg worse..people just want to communicate..even crazy people are suckers for a little sympthay....but damn, i feel so bad for that girl at crobar..its a reality check....we need to realize that these things can happen to anyone any time. I hope she recovers and learns to get over that ordeal. I wish her the best. BE SAFE EVERYONE. DONT WALK ALONE. TAKE CARE OF EACH OTHER.

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what a terrible event for her, I hope she recovers quickly. Gurlies take a lesson...neva walk alone and especially leave a club alone!! Disco pls find a traveling buddy...itz just not a safe thing.

Many many years back a gurl was raped in willowbrook park on SI...after her horrible attack she made her way into a community...showing up on my sister's doorstep all bloody and dirty and naked. My sis gave her a blanket and called 911.

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It is not only important to NOT walk alone .. it is equally important to be as sober as you can .. coz when u r drunk or totally tired .. your senses react slower .. and your reactions are bad .. and that could mean your life ..

so .. if u must walk alone .. at least be sober .. OR .. take a cap right in front of the club ..

peace and God bless you all

the MASK

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not cool at all. girls you really have to be careful. try to always stay with someone at all times. Theres a few times where i have walked out of a club and there is this guy who has been there buck naked just standing in the street. One time he followed us in his truck and everytime we stopped at a red light and we looked over there he was jerking his weiner. apparently this guy has been seen before waiting outside clubs, naked no less. Its not a joke there is sick people in this world. be safe and cautious.

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this is nyc people, and the club is on 10th avenue.

Is anyone suprised by this?

shitty words, from a shitty person..

it's unfortunate that events like this have to happen... i feel sorry for the girl that this happened to, it;s definitely a life-altering event and it sucks that there are people out there this pathetic.. i hope they catch the bastard that did this..

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shitty words, from a shitty person..

it's unfortunate that events like this have to happen... i feel sorry for the girl that this happened to, it;s definitely a life-altering event and it sucks that there are people out there this pathetic.. i hope they catch the bastard that did this..

exactly, especially with the seriousness of AIDs and stuff nowadays, what a terrible thing to happen.

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exactly, especially with the seriousness of AIDs and stuff nowadays, what a terrible thing to happen.

the terrible thing is you kids coming in from the suburbs and not being alert and aware.

Almost all of you have not had the experience of clubbing in the city back in the mid 90's when the murder rate was around 2,000 a year (compared to 550 now), and people were robbed raped and murdered at clubs on a bi-weekly basis.


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the terrible thing is you kids coming in from the suburbs and not being alert and aware.

Almost all of you have not had the experience of clubbing in the city back in the mid 90's when the murder rate was around 2,000 a year (compared to 550 now), and people were robbed raped and murdered at clubs on a bi-weekly basis.


me kids coming from the suburbs is very alert and aware thank you.

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from the time of creation til the day of judgement .. men will be men and women will be women ..

women wana dress up sexy .. and yet be safe and happy ..

men .. by their nature get attracted to sexy women and cant help but look ..

looking at women .. stiumulates desire and thoughts .. and may lead to depression and frustration if one has no gf .. or may lead to anger and violence with the wrong person frame of mind ..

it is evil and will always be ..

girls should dress in a dancing fashion .. easy . relaxed but not provokingly sexy .. and men then should not stare .. and should control their thoughts and desire ..

it is complicated man . i duno if i made it worse .. hehe

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the terrible thing is you kids coming in from the suburbs and not being alert and aware.

Almost all of you have not had the experience of clubbing in the city back in the mid 90's when the murder rate was around 2,000 a year (compared to 550 now), and people were robbed raped and murdered at clubs on a bi-weekly basis.



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