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Ladies, how long does it take for you to cum??


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Anything interesting on Bump today? I hardly have time to read it anymore.

I popped in a couple of times today but I didn't have any time either. It's my day off and I was working around the house. But I checked Bump out a while ago and there were a bunch of posts from FSNs. Chewie and Luke and Captain Booty and the talking Plant, and some others too. The boards were busy for sure.

So girls, how long did you say it took you? I've had girlfriends who took a long time to come, and I had one who came within five minutes with me but only if she was on top. I couldn't come with her on top and she couldn't come with me on top, so she'd go first and then I'd flip her on her back and take over.

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I popped in a couple of times today but I didn't have any time either. It's my day off and I was working around the house. But I checked Bump out a while ago and there were a bunch of posts from FSNs. Chewie and Luke and Captain Booty and the talking Plant, and some others too. The boards were busy for sure.

So girls, how long did you say it took you? I've had girlfriends who took a long time to come, and I had one who came within five minutes with me but only if she was on top. I couldn't come with her on top and she couldn't come with me on top, so she'd go first and then I'd flip her on her back and take over.

Sometimes, it really depends on the chick. Ive had chicks that sometimes it happened, sometimes didnt. Ive had experiences (previously posted) where one was multi-orgasmic MANY times during the night and told me so at the end (I thought maybe it was 2 or 3, and it turned out it was more).

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Sometimes, it really depends on the chick. Ive had chicks that sometimes it happened, sometimes didnt. Ive had experiences (previously posted) where one was multi-orgasmic MANY times during the night and told me so at the end (I thought maybe it was 2 or 3, and it turned out it was more).

Awesome. That chick I was talking about, she always had several orgasms in a session. I was on a med that lessened my libido (that wasn't the intention of taking the drug) and I went for an hour or more, sometimes 2 hours without coming so she was able to ride and bump and come and come. And because I have a big belly, an old beer and pizza tummy, she would do her sliding and grinding on my cock and lean forward with her hands atop my belly, like a leaning post. It was cute, the way she always made good use of my belly. Funniest thing was when we had used a lot of KY or any lube and she'd put it on me with her hands and rubbed her hands dry, they were always still slippery and slid right off my belly. She'd lose her grip and slide over the belly and then put her hands on my shoulders and slide right off there too. It was fucking hilarious.

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holy shit after reading all this i almost forgot the original question lol but no i always cum with penetration, after how long i dunno dont exactly time it but i'm multi-orgasmic also. whats interesting is i never came before until i met my ex husb at the age of 19 hmmm lol

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