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who parties drugfree?


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if you go clubbin' drugfree, what do u do to get thru the nite? any tips? eat anything special before leaving like a powerbar? pound water and redbull all nite? i dont take anything, never even smoked weed. i drink when i go out but i need to have a full stomach. i run into a problem around 4am when my stomach feels empty and i still have liquor in my system. i do reguarly drink water throughtout the nite to stay hydrated. all my friends just tell me to roll, but thats not an option for me. at the patdown, would clubs care if i had an energy bar with me? would they think i laced it with something and take it from me?

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I never had any problems. I never used drugs or alcohol before so I can't say if there is a difference or not.

I hit the clubs at 1 am and leave when the sun comes up. I sleep early and just eat a twix bar and off to the clubs I go. Having fun is a state of mind, I don't believe a controlled substance is necessary to enjoy myself or have energy.

if you go clubbin' drugfree, what do u do to get thru the nite? any tips? eat anything special before leaving like a powerbar? pound water and redbull all nite? i dont take anything, never even smoked weed. i drink when i go out but i need to have a full stomach. i run into a problem around 4am when my stomach feels empty and i still have liquor in my system. i do reguarly drink water throughtout the nite to stay hydrated. all my friends just tell me to roll, but thats not an option for me. at the patdown, would clubs care if i had an energy bar with me? would they think i laced it with something and take it from me?
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I dont take anything drug related when i go out either. Just not that into it and never felt the urge. Im fine with hanging out or with just drinking- i dont need to mess with anything else to have a good time, keep me awake, get me fucked up, etc.

It also depends on the type of night im after. If im doing afterhours or something there is usually a few things i would like to keep me interested and energized. Being with a good group of people, great music, hot chicks, booze, etc. all keep me going strong and enable me to hang for the distance alongside everyone else.

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always keep a couple of candy bars with me. stop drinking around 1am and you will last longer. i usually pop 2 caff. pills with a red bull and that gets me to 7am. nap before you go. and if you workout go easy that day. just keep staying drug free. its all about the music. peace. :type:

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if you go clubbin' drugfree, what do u do to get thru the nite? any tips? eat anything special before leaving like a powerbar? pound water and redbull all nite? i dont take anything, never even smoked weed. i drink when i go out but i need to have a full stomach. i run into a problem around 4am when my stomach feels empty and i still have liquor in my system. i do reguarly drink water throughtout the nite to stay hydrated. all my friends just tell me to roll, but thats not an option for me. at the patdown, would clubs care if i had an energy bar with me? would they think i laced it with something and take it from me?

start listening to your friends :aright:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aren't you afraid the drugs will take a toll on your health and wallet?

When I go to a club, the music is so damn good and the vibe is awesome, why in the world would need drugs to feel that great? You just can't get a better feeling!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Only Party With Drugs...or Else It Isnt A Party...
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Aren't you afraid the drugs will take a toll on your health and wallet?

When I go to a club, the music is so damn good and the vibe is awesome, why in the world would need drugs to feel that great? You just can't get a better feeling!!!!!!!!!!!!

the drugs have already taken a toll on my health and wallet...i dont party like i used to but i only party with drugs...

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Aren't you afraid the drugs will take a toll on your health and wallet?

When I go to a club, the music is so damn good and the vibe is awesome, why in the world would need drugs to feel that great? You just can't get a better feeling!!!!!!!!!!!!

well said!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thank you!!!!!!!!!

well said!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, what exactly is your definition of a 'party'?

If it's chilling w/ a group of friends... why would u need drugs for that, a drink to break the ice is understandable.

If it's going to a club to listen to a fantastic dj and being one w/ the crowd of sweaty hot girls and guys, feeling the love and the awesome vibe... again..why would u need drugs for that, a drink to break the ice is understandable.

then again.. I never used drugs or drank ever so wtf do I know anyway.

As long as you party responsibly and safely, that's all that matters. :)

the drugs have already taken a toll on my health and wallet...i dont party like i used to but i only party with drugs...
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Think of it like a burger, alone on a piece of bread is not bad. But when you add cheese and pickles and lettuce and ketchup now that is one tasty fuckin burger. Now every time time have one you want all that extra shit, and when you do not have that shit well that burger, although still not bad, seems very bland.

The burger = going out

The ketchup and pickles = the drugs

If you never had the ketchup then the burger is good in your eyes, but if you had the ketchup then you can not understand how you ate the burger without it.

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ok, I guess I understand now.

what kind of drugs are u talking about anyway that make u feel that good?

Think of it like a burger, alone on a piece of bread is not bad. But when you add cheese and pickles and lettuce and ketchup now that is one tasty fuckin burger. Now every time time have one you want all that extra shit, and when you do not have that shit well that burger, although still not bad, seems very bland.

The burger = going out

The ketchup and pickles = the drugs

If you never had the ketchup then the burger is good in your eyes, but if you had the ketchup then you can not understand how you ate the burger without it.

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what kind of drugs are u talking about anyway that make u feel that good?

I'm not answering for jtk4, but it seems the party drug of choice these days is coke, ecstacy is becoming less and less popular. Some people get a euphoric feeling from coke, some don't, I'm one of those that don't. However, it does make you more social, gives you energy, and boosts your self esteem a lot which is why most people like it. I've seen extremely shy people do weird shit like stand up on tables in a club and yell "I am the Lizard King!" after doing just a few lines. This is why a lot of celebrities are cokeheads, most are insecure and love the confidence boost.

The burger analogy was good, but its not the case with everyone. I can go out and have just as good a time without drugs... its just a different type of fun.

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if you go clubbin' drugfree, what do u do to get thru the nite? any tips? eat anything special before leaving like a powerbar? pound water and redbull all nite? i dont take anything, never even smoked weed. i drink when i go out but i need to have a full stomach. i run into a problem around 4am when my stomach feels empty and i still have liquor in my system. i do reguarly drink water throughtout the nite to stay hydrated. all my friends just tell me to roll, but thats not an option for me. at the patdown, would clubs care if i had an energy bar with me? would they think i laced it with something and take it from me?

i drink liquor, but i dont do any drugs... sometimes i dont even drink but then i go home early because i hate being sober around ppl that are drunk or high... it is prolly the most annoying thing...

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haha, awesome analogy, so true though.

just gotta make sure you save those special tasty burgers for special occasions. moderation is key.

Think of it like a burger, alone on a piece of bread is not bad. But when you add cheese and pickles and lettuce and ketchup now that is one tasty fuckin burger. Now every time time have one you want all that extra shit, and when you do not have that shit well that burger, although still not bad, seems very bland.

The burger = going out

The ketchup and pickles = the drugs

If you never had the ketchup then the burger is good in your eyes, but if you had the ketchup then you can not understand how you ate the burger without it.

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