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I hate being petite !!!!

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I'm a small built girl and I absolutely fuckin hate it !!!!

I'm 5'2 and 100 something pounds ...and I wish I was 6ft. tall and BIG !!

I'm not as big as I should be becasue I started smoking/dieting at a young age.

I actually envy BIG men- the juice heads !

I HATE BEING SMALL. I feel so fucking small walking down the streets of NYC. I feel like an ant and can't stand it !!!

I feel big in my own house but outside I feel so fuckin small !!

Are there any steroids a girl can take ??

Girls usually don't have this- I feel small complex but I DO !

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Not to be rude.. but you said the word "small" about 100000 times in this post. You just seem like one of those ppl who are never happy with what they got. If you were bigger, you'd say that you feel fat. Maybe I'm way off but that's the impression I get. Why can't ppl be happy with what they have.. Nothing wrong with wanting to improve yourself but daaamn.. Trust me, you'll be much happier if you stop "wishing" you were taller/shorter/fatter/skinnier/etc/etc..

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You're crazy...the only disadvantage you have is not being able to reach the top shelf at the supermarket!! I'm 5' tall, 90lbs....I don't mind being small! No, I take that back, I hate it when I go clothes shopping b/c that's frustrating but besides that I don't mind it. You should consider yourself lucky that you are petite, I bet there are lots of girls out there who would gladly trade places with you!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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C'mon...it can't be that bad...I love short little cuties and a lot of other guys too...I wouldn't recomend taking any steroids because then your tits will shrink, and I know you don't want to be a short girl with no tits...

Keep your head up...literally... cwm30.gif


"Up all night...sleep all day."



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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Not to be rude.. but you said the word "small" about 100000 times in this post. You just seem like one of those ppl who are never happy with what they got. If you were bigger, you'd say that you feel fat. Maybe I'm way off but that's the impression I get. Why can't ppl be happy with what they have.. Nothing wrong with wanting to improve yourself but daaamn.. Trust me, you'll be much happier if you stop "wishing" you were taller/shorter/fatter/skinnier/etc/etc..

You are right Zoya. I used to feel the same way, wanting to be skinnier. But you have to accept what you have. I am trying to do that now and I feel alot better. I always used to feel horrible about my body but it isn't worth it. Just be happy with who you are!! Okay, I rambled enough!


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i hate being small ! I feel sooo small -that's like one of the most insecure feelings in the world.

O.K - I got punched in the face by an ex. boyfriend once and ever since then - I feel that I have to be BIG, STRONG AND TOUGH - because I'm a small girl I 'm afraid that guys will fuck with me and clearly beat me up.

I guess that's why I'm always sizing myself up against wrestler and big guys..becasue I feel like I have "step up and be tough" ..

ANd I'm a girl - I don't understand why I compete with men on size.

I'm trying get fat so I'll look "bigger" -

I wanna be BIG so I can protect myself and etc.. I used to go out to clubs by myself and guys used to fuck with me ...and

I feel that I need to be BIG and INTIMIDATING - to get ahead in life - and that's hard to do when you're only 5'2 !!

[This message has been edited by a12345 (edited 12-06-2000).]

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Originally posted by a12345:

i hate being small ! I feel sooo small -that's like one of the most insecure feelings in the world.

O.K - I got ouched in the face by an ex. boyfriend once and ever since then - I feel that I have to be BIG, STRONG AND TOUGH - because I'm a small girl I 'm afraid that gu6s will fuck with me and clearly beat me up.

I guess that's why I'm always sizing myself up against wrestler and big guys..becasue I feel like I have "step ou and be tough" ..

ANd I'm a girl - I don't understand why I compete with men on size.

I'm trying get fat so I'll look "bigger" -

I wanna be BIG so I can protect myself and etc.. I used to go out to clubs by myself and guys used to fuck with me ...and

I feel that I need to be BIG and INTIMIDATING - to get ahead in life - and that's hard to do when you're only 5'2 !!

hmmmm. Listen if your that worried about being intimidating, try martial arts before putting on weight.. that just seems pointless.

Oh and a little tip if any guy hits you ever again, kick him in the bollocks as hard as you possibly can, and repeat until he passes out (which wont be long). Then push his Adam's apple back and pump the air out of his stomach with your knee.. it's what he deserves.

Alternatively just punch him in the Adam's apple, that will do the trick as well.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation it's self.


[This message has been edited by back2basics (edited 12-06-2000).]

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Yo I'm almost 5"3 and WAS insecure about myself when I was MUCH younger.

Everyone is always telling me oh you are such a little cutie, so cute, so small bla bla.

I have girls telling me, oh I wish I had your hair your tits, bla bla.

No guys EVER EVERY had even a CHANCE or thought about fucking with me.

I took karate since the age 16 and I never EVER had to use it.

It's all about the walk, and the attitude, and the way you present yourself, and yes once a long time ago I wished I was taller and bigger, but that thought went away fast cuz when people treat you wrong, correct it FAST.


genie.gif This genie grants 3 wishes... Hey I'm not sharing! He's all MINE!

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Guest chinagirl

hey i am 5'2 and 106 lbs, i am petite and i love almost everything about it. except for when you do go to a club like factory and its so packed and all the big people beat on you a little bit and sometimes buy clothes is a problem cause you can only shop in certain stores that carry xs stuff and you see something you really like and its only there in a medium. that sucks. but all you have to do is find you self a decent size guy so when he wraps both arms around you it feel great imo!! i also go to the gym and work out, nothing major just some cardio and toning muscles!! cwm12.gifcwm12.gifcwm12.gif

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I can be big and intimidating whenever I damn feel like it, and I'm a whopping 5'3", 105 pounds... it's all about ATTITUDE, darling... so quit your bitching. cwm11.gif

Oh yeah... and if you're worried about being "small and helpless" because you think that some asshole of yours is going to beat you up... there is something SERIOUSLY WRONG, and you need to GET THE FUCK OUTTA THERE... how screwed up are you to NOT SEE THE PROBLEM with what you're saying??? cwm23.gif


The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


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come to terms with it. at least you're not a midget or a paraplegic or mentally retarded or arthritic or a burn victim. guys like petite women, so capitalize on that & enjoy yourself. from a safety standpoint, watch out for yourself...but again, at least you're not disabled....

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Originally posted by a12345:

i hate being small ! I feel sooo small -that's like one of the most insecure feelings in the world.

O.K - I got punched in the face by an ex. boyfriend once and ever since then - I feel that I have to be BIG, STRONG AND TOUGH - because I'm a small girl I 'm afraid that guys will fuck with me and clearly beat me up.

I guess that's why I'm always sizing myself up against wrestler and big guys..becasue I feel like I have "step up and be tough" ..

ANd I'm a girl - I don't understand why I compete with men on size.

I'm trying get fat so I'll look "bigger" -

I wanna be BIG so I can protect myself and etc.. I used to go out to clubs by myself and guys used to fuck with me ...and

I feel that I need to be BIG and INTIMIDATING - to get ahead in life - and that's hard to do when you're only 5'2 !!

[This message has been edited by a12345 (edited 12-06-2000).]

Please don't get fat..you'll just end up looking like a bowling ball..

A wise saying i learned over the years..don't try to change things outside your sphere of influence (meaning things you have absolutely no control over)..instead change that which is within your sphere of infuence. Believe it or not..you can use your petiteness to an advantage..

-adversaries usually underestimate or overlook you..then BAM you attack

-you can maneuver much more quickly than 'big' people..what you can't catch you can't punish..

-endurance is greater.



Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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um, i'm saying this in the most caring of ways so don't take offense to it ok? you sound as though you're very insecure and i'm not basing that on this thread only. judging from a lot of the threads you've posted you sound like you need more self-confidence. you've dated a guy who only wanted you for one thing (i'm guessing this is the guy who you spent a lot of money on??) and you ask why he didn't want to be with you....you say guys want you for sex rather than a relationship. if i'm wrong about any of this i apologize. anyway, you need to love yourself first and foremost. then you'll find happiness b/c people love others who love themselves. sorry if this is harsh!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Gotta agree with Rachel on this one! It's all about the attitude. Not saying you have to have a bad one but it's the confidence factor that plays a big role. You need to build your self esteem and realize that you are a strong person. That's the only thing that will work.

I can't comment on the size issue (I'm 5'8") but...I can tell you that I've known some small girls that I wouldn't fuck with any day of the week!!

Another thing, how old are you? The only reason I ask is because these things become less and less important as you get older. Fighting stops being an issue.

One last thing about attitude, I know from experience. In high school I apparently put off a "bad ass" air. I am just finding out now that people were afraid of me. I guess it was the heavy metal, leather jacket, smoking thing! It's funny to me because I have never gotten into a fight or anything else. I don't mean to sound arrogant but I really do think I'm a nice person who is easy to get along with. I have no enemy's (at least not known to me!). It just goes to show how much attitude plays. I had the attitude even when I didn't feel that way inside!

You're fine the way you are! Enough rambling. Good Luck!!

ps. give me you ex's name and address. I have some friends who really "like" guys who hit girls cwm2.gif



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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Originally posted by happykittn:

I can be big and intimidating whenever I damn feel like it, and I'm a whopping 5'3", 105 pounds... it's all about ATTITUDE, darling... so quit your bitching. cwm11.gif

Oh yeah... and if you're worried about being "small and helpless" because you think that some asshole of yours is going to beat you up... there is something SERIOUSLY WRONG, and you need to GET THE FUCK OUTTA THERE... how screwed up are you to NOT SEE THE PROBLEM with what you're saying??? cwm23.gif

I said the same thing...


genie.gif This genie grants 3 wishes... Hey I'm not sharing! He's all MINE!

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Haha, LOVE the attitude.. You go girl

Sorry, but we agreed that the term "you go girl" is no longer acceptable in society anymore. wink.gif

AS for getting bigger because somebody hit you, I think you should be aware that most guys would never hit a woman. Its unfortunate that you have to worry about a small percentage of assholes, but you shouldn't feel the need to be aggressive and retaliate. Instead you should just walk away and regret having known such a bad guy.

Also, lots of guys find petite girls very attractive, myself included. Believe me, for most guys, it doesn't even matter how tall a girl is: If you're hot, then you're hot whether you're 5'2 or 6'2.



"Everything is sweetened by Risk."


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Originally posted by uknjx2:

um, i'm saying this in the most caring of ways so don't take offense to it ok? you sound as though you're very insecure and i'm not basing that on this thread only. judging from a lot of the threads you've posted you sound like you need more self-confidence. you've dated a guy who only wanted you for one thing (i'm guessing this is the guy who you spent a lot of money on??) and you ask why he didn't want to be with you....you say guys want you for sex rather than a relationship. if i'm wrong about any of this i apologize. anyway, you need to love yourself first and foremost. then you'll find happiness b/c people love others who love themselves. sorry if this is harsh!

Nikki, I was about to write the same thing.

From your other posts and this one as well, I think there are some deep issues that might of happened to you and you seem like you wanna talk about it but is afraid to. Perhaps you should find some sort of counceling that might be able to help you with this. It might be that you just need someone to talk to. To release.



“The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it.” - Anonymous angel.gif

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Originally posted by uknjx2:

um, i'm saying this in the most caring of ways so don't take offense to it ok? you sound as though you're very insecure and i'm not basing that on this thread only. judging from a lot of the threads you've posted you sound like you need more self-confidence. you've dated a guy who only wanted you for one thing (i'm guessing this is the guy who you spent a lot of money on??)

WOW - Thank you ! I'm surprise you actually pay attention to my psots. YOu are very correct !! And thanks for caring !

I did like myself somewhat - UNTIL- that guy broke my heart ! Ever since then I'm over come by these insecurities and beating myself up - trying to figure out what is so wrong about me. One day I will confront him ask him " What was so wrong with me ?"

I thought about getting a gun for self- protection and such.

I don't feel safe sometimes - I don't need a big scary boy friend ! I should just get a gun.

Shit- that sounds fucked up ! lol

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Petite girls are definetly the best. They're definetly right about the attitude. If you confident and act confident no one will try to demean you. I don't understand how guys get away with hitting girls anyway. That happened to one of my friends and she told us and the kid got the shit beat out of him.

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