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Why do you think Spirit 'failed'?

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That NYC space was home of 2 of the most legendary clubs of this city, ever: The (Original) Sound Factory and Twilo.

How did Spirit managed to get it wrong and basically create an unexciting club there? What do people think?

IMHO, I think they completely messed up both the architecture of the club and the theme; and despite some really good efforts (Sound System, more liberal hours, line-up) they just were doomed because of it.

What's people opinion in this?

PS: I assume the club at least partially failed when you compare it to the previous clubs in that space and the fact that they were never able to create a real strong identity and a serious following.


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someone is probably gonna try to tear me a new one for this but that space was doing excellent when JP was there... they had a pretty good hiphop party upstairs too.. when the hiphop party left and they put a second house room upstairs the place kinda went down hill a lil bit.. then finally JP left along with the JP crowd which is a solid 1500-2000 peeps weekin/weekout... now they have good dj's but so does every other spot in the city.. they go and book good trance dj's like g&d and marcus shulz but they do it the same night the #6th ?? DJ is spinning the next block over.. they need a better promotion staff basically...

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The most simple explanation is that they don't consistently bring in the quality of talent that draws big crowds. Sure, the Made Events feature some great talent, but then you'll have a bunch of other parties in between that simply don't get a lot of attention.

Another way to look at it is to examine the success of Crobar. It seems that every week, they've got a star studded lineup (except when Boris is there, but even he has a big following). This week you've got Hernan C. and Deep Dish going on Fri. and Sat. Both are gonna draw huge numbers. They also draw in non-music heads that just stand around, but they spend money there, and that contributes to their success.

Spirit and Crobar compete w/ one and other b/c they're a block away. As long as Crobar keeps consistently booking the better talent, they will be more successful and take some of the attention away.

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The most simple explanation is that they don't consistently bring in the quality of talent that draws big crowds. Sure, the Made Events feature some great talent, but then you'll have a bunch of other parties in between that simply don't get a lot of attention.

Another way to look at it is to examine the success of Crobar. It seems that every week, they've got a star studded lineup (except when Boris is there, but even he has a big following). This week you've got Hernan C. and Deep Dish going on Fri. and Sat. Both are gonna draw huge numbers. They also draw in non-music heads that just stand around, but they spend money there, and that contributes to their success.

Spirit and Crobar compete w/ one and other b/c they're a block away. As long as Crobar keeps consistently booking the better talent, they will be more successful and take some of the attention away.

i think crobar has a better promotional team, better talent,nicer venue (according to most) i personally like spirit better... i love the gritty, dirty clubs.. not the poshy fluffy clubs.. not that crobar is poshy.. ok im going on a tangent... better door staff, better bouncers.. basically to the average non-clubber type crobar has a better everything.. what spirit needs is a better promotional team and/or somebody relatively inexpensive like a boris or jp to do a saturday nigth and then get a world class dj on friday night... every venue in nyc is having world-clas talent spin... spirit needs to stick with a solid resident and just promote the fuck out of the party...

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when crobar opened it was like freee admission for months and open bar ... people were dying to get it .. it created a great buzz for it self .. also crobars security is top shelf .. pretty well coordinated and not shady foul .. spirit on the other hand was over packing , foul secuirty .. they just started off wrong .. and crobar just picked up the spillage and had the room for it .. spirit had made which made for some good attention, and if spirit put up the other half of the effort and did something proper it wouldnt be dying off like it is ..

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Spirit's layout is not all that bad with the sound system sounding better than most clubs especially Crobar however Made Events only did a few Friday's out of the month so that seemed the only time when Spirit would really pull numbers....Crobar continues to bring in great talent every weekend like a few of the previous posts mentioned and the name as well is known to many non-clubbers/non-music heads than Spirit.....The bouncers at Spirit were also so fkin shady I know at Crobar every bouncer would be glad to speak to you or answer any questions and that made me like it more than Spirit overall

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i think spirit will be fine especially Fridays with Made although their Saturdays are a mess...also i like how dark it is in Spirit which gives it an underground feeling which Crobar lacks...most importantly my ears only ring slightly after I leave Spirit but for days after Crobar...the bouncers are nice at both places but the Spirit crowd in general seems much rougher than Crobar's ie. i've seen many more fights break out at Spirit but rarely at Crobar...both places are much better than Marquee and other lounges where people stand around with drinks and ask questions like "what do you do" and "where do you live" esp. if you like to dance imo now with Avalon gone I am sure Spirit will be fine

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I heard Spirit's owner Robbie Wootton is a clueless spaced out dickhead who burned all his bridges with every promoter and deejay in this town.

He is from Dublin and got no clue about NYC Clubland. Spirit in Dublin is "original" and does very well simply because Robbie Wootton is NOT there! Spirit NYC on the other hand is not "original" and will never work because it only lives off Twilo's fame and it's legendary location.

Spirit NYC lost it's momentum 1 week after they opened and there is NOTHING and NOBODY that will make this place work.

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the re-design of spirit is awful.

the crowds were generally gross, with a few exceptions. only avalong had grosser crowds.

made booked some good djs, i liked junior, but crobar is 1000% better in every way.

morales left for crobar.

juniors crobar events were better than spirits.

every week crobar is the best booking/club in nyc.

I love crobar & i go to crobar.


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both places are much better than Marquee and other lounges where people stand around with drinks and ask questions like "what do you do" and "where do you live" esp.

right because nobody likes to stand around with a drink and actually have a conversation :rolleyes:

you're an idiot :blown:

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clubs should be strictly drugs, booze and music.. no eye contact, no talking...

that's fine but she brought marquis into the convo...you can't compare the two. I mean maybe it's not her thing but alot of people don't mind going out, standing around and "talking"...I just didn't get where he/she was coming from with that comment

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Here's a big difference between Spirit and Crobar:

In Spirit, the bouncers make everyone feel like a friggin' criminal. They go around flashing their flashlights and yell at people for no fucking reason. I went there for the first time a few months ago and I think I sat down where I wasn't supposed to because the bouncer flashed his light at my face and yelled "MOVE!!!!" at the top of his lungs.

In Crobar, the bouncers make you feel like welcomed patrons. If you stand or sit in the wrong place, they let you know that you need to move along in a courteous way. After a few times there, I knew where I could and could not take a rest from dancing and I never did it again. Now all I get at Crobar is a good vibe from not only its patrons but also its staff.

It's amazing how much vibe a club's staff can create.

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