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Woman gets tazzzzed!


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It always amazes me how people act around cops. My one guilty pleasure is "America's Wildest Police Videos." Not only does it amaze me how idiotic those perps are, it always amazes me at how well restrained the police are. There are *many* times when I would just fucking fill the idiot full of lead. But, the police just take him down with as little damage as possible. Not that I am a big fan of the police, but it is a good thing I'm not one.

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some cops are fucking dumb asses.

There was many other ways that could of been done with out the tazzer.

In some states is against the law for a male officer to arrest or search a female, they have to call a female unit out.

If a cop was being a dick with me, and it got to that point, Bitch fight like a man, don't be using a tazzer if you are being the dickhead.


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That was some fucked up shit, IMO. I'm not saying that bitch wasn't being a bitch, but Fuck! She was getting out of the car like the guy told her to and all he had to do was stop pulling her out and let her stand up. And that other asshole, sneaking a taze from through the car behind her, that was fucked up. That's the second time I saw a vid like that where cops tazed a woman when she wouldn't get out of her car (the first one refused to get off her cell phone but this one at least was getting out.). Both women screamed and cried after getting jollted...I don't know how painful those things are or if they're just big pussies with pussies, but that shit sounded painful as to me.

In that first vid, with the bitch who wouldn't get off her cell phone after getting pulled over, that asshole tazed her to the ground and then demanded that she get up, or put her arms behind her back (I don't remember which one it was) and the woman was crying and saying she couldn't move, as if she was shocked into momentary paralysis. So what did he do? Sure, why not, he tazed her again. She was already on the ground face down and claiming to not be able to move, and he tazed her again. Sometimes drunks and those shooting their mouths off to cops getting knocked around is funny on Bad Boys and Cops, but that tazing shit should be used on only the most dangerous of criminals threatening an officer with a knife or bat. But not on an unarmed woman sitting in her car or getting out of her car. That's just fucked up.

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