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random thoughts from an ex-clubber

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it's amazing how things change as time progresses. i used to be all over this board all the time for several years when i first joined. i was all into the threads like oh man i can't believe this guy doesn't like this dj. or there would be the ever present tony draper sux threads or i hate asian threads. then it was all about the current events board. where educated cp'ers had battles of the mind over politics. reading the board today i see that not much has changed, and yet i have changed. i see alot of parties i want to go to but im just to lazy to go to. armin van buuren, i would so go, but i dont feel like being up all night. five years ago i would have bought a stack of pills and tripped out all weekend having the best time ever. now i don't even want to be around people who smoke weed. i listen to music on my cd player, and look around at people with ipods and such. i think wow i am out of the loop. its an awkward time where i am realizing i am getting old. im 23, fresh out of college and in that phase of my life where i am working full time, and alot of overtime, and i just cant keep up the party lifestyle. im gonna turn into one of those guys who goes out in dress pants and a button down shirt thinking im so cool with my new dress shoes. ill buy expensive drinks at nice lounges to console myself and hide the fact that i'm just getting old. i guess the alternative would be me spending all day in the gym getting jacked and becoming a juice head. i guess i'm just wondering, what happens to party people when they get old? who knows....maybe i should just not post b.s. when im bored at work...

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it's amazing how things change as time progresses. i used to be all over this board all the time for several years when i first joined. i was all into the threads like oh man i can't believe this guy doesn't like this dj. or there would be the ever present tony draper sux threads or i hate asian threads. then it was all about the current events board. where educated cp'ers had battles of the mind over politics. reading the board today i see that not much has changed, and yet i have changed. i see alot of parties i want to go to but im just to lazy to go to. armin van buuren, i would so go, but i dont feel like being up all night. five years ago i would have bought a stack of pills and tripped out all weekend having the best time ever. now i don't even want to be around people who smoke weed. i listen to music on my cd player, and look around at people with ipods and such. i think wow i am out of the loop. its an awkward time where i am realizing i am getting old. im 23, fresh out of college and in that phase of my life where i am working full time, and alot of overtime, and i just cant keep up the party lifestyle. im gonna turn into one of those guys who goes out in dress pants and a button down shirt thinking im so cool with my new dress shoes. ill buy expensive drinks at nice lounges to console myself and hide the fact that i'm just getting old. i guess the alternative would be me spending all day in the gym getting jacked and becoming a juice head. i guess i'm just wondering, what happens to party people when they get old? who knows....maybe i should just not post b.s. when im bored at work...

Bro 23 is not old!! Im 4 years older then you and still going strong. I dont see any end. I tell my friends im going to be like the old lady in Studio 54 the movie who dies on the dance floor haha

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it's amazing how things change as time progresses. i used to be all over this board all the time for several years when i first joined. i was all into the threads like oh man i can't believe this guy doesn't like this dj. or there would be the ever present tony draper sux threads or i hate asian threads. then it was all about the current events board. where educated cp'ers had battles of the mind over politics. reading the board today i see that not much has changed, and yet i have changed. i see alot of parties i want to go to but im just to lazy to go to. armin van buuren, i would so go, but i dont feel like being up all night. five years ago i would have bought a stack of pills and tripped out all weekend having the best time ever. now i don't even want to be around people who smoke weed. i listen to music on my cd player, and look around at people with ipods and such. i think wow i am out of the loop. its an awkward time where i am realizing i am getting old. im 23, fresh out of college and in that phase of my life where i am working full time, and alot of overtime, and i just cant keep up the party lifestyle. im gonna turn into one of those guys who goes out in dress pants and a button down shirt thinking im so cool with my new dress shoes. ill buy expensive drinks at nice lounges to console myself and hide the fact that i'm just getting old. i guess the alternative would be me spending all day in the gym getting jacked and becoming a juice head. i guess i'm just wondering, what happens to party people when they get old? who knows....maybe i should just not post b.s. when im bored at work...

What What What!!!! i am 25.. have a great job(also graduated college).. did the major party lifestlye years ago but still remain able to go out here and there to enjoy myself and for the love of music.. getting older does not mean sip martini's will talking about the stock market in a lounge.. LOL.. its just your priorities have changed.( which is a good thing) but you are still able to plan ahead and go out maybe once a month or so.. if you feel inclined to do so and party for that one night(not meaning drugs) and have a blast and remember those good old days!! believe me i know how you feel... i am a director for a homeless shelter and can not afford to get fucked up all weekend and come to work on monday and be fine.. those days are over but i still remain in the scene and will go out here or there.. mostly theme parties... anyway its all good becoming an adult but you can still remain yourself and enjoy going out!! hope this helps bro!!

Oh almost forgot!! cant wait for coxie!! wooooo hoooooo!!!!!!!!

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it's amazing how things change as time progresses. i used to be all over this board all the time for several years when i first joined. i was all into the threads like oh man i can't believe this guy doesn't like this dj. or there would be the ever present tony draper sux threads or i hate asian threads. then it was all about the current events board. where educated cp'ers had battles of the mind over politics. reading the board today i see that not much has changed, and yet i have changed. i see alot of parties i want to go to but im just to lazy to go to. armin van buuren, i would so go, but i dont feel like being up all night. five years ago i would have bought a stack of pills and tripped out all weekend having the best time ever. now i don't even want to be around people who smoke weed. i listen to music on my cd player, and look around at people with ipods and such. i think wow i am out of the loop. its an awkward time where i am realizing i am getting old. im 23, fresh out of college and in that phase of my life where i am working full time, and alot of overtime, and i just cant keep up the party lifestyle. im gonna turn into one of those guys who goes out in dress pants and a button down shirt thinking im so cool with my new dress shoes. ill buy expensive drinks at nice lounges to console myself and hide the fact that i'm just getting old. i guess the alternative would be me spending all day in the gym getting jacked and becoming a juice head. i guess i'm just wondering, what happens to party people when they get old? who knows....maybe i should just not post b.s. when im bored at work...

Wow, I actually kinda feel bad for you. I'm older than you, work 3 jobs, and yet I still find time to go out and enjoy myself. Of course there are some nights I don't feel like going out but to say at 23 "I'm too old to go out" is crazy. I hope you start enjoying life more soon because yes you are getting older but there is no need to rush it.

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23 is not old, honey.,. i have many friends who are well into their 30's and still going out. My boyfriends 32 and he goes out more than I do these days (then again, that's more because of my living situation than anything else). A dear friend of mine is in his 50s and still goes out (mostly to cielo and other smaller clubs, but still). That doesn't mean he does drugs (cos he doesnt) and it doesnt mean he stays out til the next day, but you can always go out and have a good time, regardless of the presence of substances. There comes a time when drugs just aren't in the picture the way they used to be (WOA! talk about growing up!), but if the love of music is there, that's all that matters. One is never too old to go out and have a good time. There's actually a couple in their 70's or so that I've seen at cielo dancing early on in the night, and I think that is sooo amazing, and i can only hope that will be me one day.

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I didn't even start doing the clubbing thing till I was 23. Now I'm 33 and still going strong. I don't go out every weekend, but I go out pretty often and I'm still able to close a place down :) Getting older does mean more responsibility, more interests, and sometimes less stamina, but in my opinion 90% of it is mental attitude. If you decide you're going to "grow up" and do "adult" things then that's what you'll do. If you really want to keep clubbing/partying then you definitely can.

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sounds like the drugs where the only thing that kept ya going, not like you where ever really into it.

i started around 19 n partied sober all the time, now i drink only and 24 years old, still loving it all.

agreed...I've been going since I was 16 and now I'm 23 and still love to go to clubs as much as ever...unfortunately most of my friends fall into "the only reason to go to a club is to get fucked up or hook up" school of thought, so I can see where this guy is getting this idea.

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23 and old? I guess I've learned it all depends on the person. Some start early and finish early, some start late and finish late, some continue throughout.

I didn't touch alcohol until I was 25... I'm 30 now, and still hitting up the big dance clubs (armin tonight baby), unfortunately the clubbing scene in NY is 18+ which means 16+... in other places its 21+ so its not that much of a difference.

It depends on the person. And what's wrong with dressing up and buying expensive drinks? Dress shirts, slacks, expensive stuff all of a sudden isn't "cool" anymore? Now that's comical. I'll ask the local bum on the street where he got his threads, next time.

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People, give t0nythelover some sympathy - when I was 23 and out of college I felt like life was over too - working 16 hour days 6 or 7 days a week, going out to dinners and bars with my new bosses, wearing Macy's private label suits...

It gets better though. Give it a few years and you realize that you got wiser, so you don't necessarily need as much drugs to enjoy a night of debauchery. Plus you can now afford VIP tables, bottles and designer clothes so that you don't have to worry about dress codes.

I am really interested in what happens further along, though. Most of my friends are ready to settle down, so we're saying to each other that these are our last 2-3 years; soon we're gonna finish our part-time MBAs and PhDs, get married and have kids. Will life be over then?

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Im 29, i teach at a high school during the day, work a second job in the afternoons, and still go to college, i love the dance music scene, I dont do anything but drink and stiil have a great time, making $$$$$ is not everything, I for one still want to enjoy life, meet cool people, and travel and party, if you think 23 is old, than im fucking ancient. When i get alztimers diease im going to say " Bring me to Soundfactory and Nikki Beach" my kids then will inject me with some shit to put me to sleep

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first club i hit was CLUB EXPO in 1995 and here i am, goin out more than ever at 24, from either 3 to 5 nights of the week while having 2 jobs and working weekends and having a g/f. Only thing with me from day one that drives me to go to a club is MUSIC AND DANCING. Never needed drugs, nor alcohol nor friends to have a good time. ALways been bout THE MUSIC THE DJ AND ME. Some people go out for certain reasons and when those reasons change things aint the same. But if you go out to only dance and hear the beats, then that will nevert change. Its great seeing people in thier 40s n 50s showing how much passion they have while junkies in thier 20s bitch and complain thier getting old.

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I signed up for this board in 1998. I just turned 32 and I have no desire to go out because been there done that. THen again I read guys my age are going STRONG. But who knows I did pop my head twice into SHOW on a Sunday night for Asseteria which besides the old Sound Factory Saturdays is my favorite party.

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I didn't start hitting clubs until I was 29 and I went pretty stong until Twilo closed down. Sure, I'd get ribbed by the younger folk about how I was an old man and all, but I was having a great time. I can't do it much anymore (married) but I still manage to get out 2 or 3 times a year for a full night of dancing and good music. Once you give up, you're finished!

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it's amazing how things change as time progresses. i used to be all over this board all the time for several years when i first joined. i was all into the threads like oh man i can't believe this guy doesn't like this dj. or there would be the ever present tony draper sux threads or i hate asian threads. then it was all about the current events board. where educated cp'ers had battles of the mind over politics. reading the board today i see that not much has changed, and yet i have changed. i see alot of parties i want to go to but im just to lazy to go to. armin van buuren, i would so go, but i dont feel like being up all night. five years ago i would have bought a stack of pills and tripped out all weekend having the best time ever. now i don't even want to be around people who smoke weed. i listen to music on my cd player, and look around at people with ipods and such. i think wow i am out of the loop. its an awkward time where i am realizing i am getting old. im 23, fresh out of college and in that phase of my life where i am working full time, and alot of overtime, and i just cant keep up the party lifestyle. im gonna turn into one of those guys who goes out in dress pants and a button down shirt thinking im so cool with my new dress shoes. ill buy expensive drinks at nice lounges to console myself and hide the fact that i'm just getting old. i guess the alternative would be me spending all day in the gym getting jacked and becoming a juice head. i guess i'm just wondering, what happens to party people when they get old? who knows....maybe i should just not post b.s. when im bored at work...

what college did u go to?

what you major in?

what kinda job u got now?

oh ye and i do remember seeing ur posts a lot a while back

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I'm 32.

I was in full swing going out when i was about 24-27 after that I slowed down.

It depends where you are in life. There is no age rule book that says when you should start or stop going out.

For me, It was perfect insofar as I was out of school, single, living on my own in the city, and making money to be able to party like a rockstar when I wanted, how I wanted and with who I wanted.

As I got older, my "going out" group of friends started to diminish and there weren't as many people into the big night out anymore usually b/c of girlfriends that were turning into fiances and also the scene was changing too.

I met my gf shortly after I turned 30 and suddenly going out didn't seem to matter much.

We do more casual things these days but will still strap on the dancing shoes and get out for a night once in a while.

My gf is 8 yrs younger than me and is just as happy doing the casual thing as she, b/f i knew her, had also done the club thing too.

Neither one of us miss it, but still have fun getting out together to hear a good dj and get our groove on.

Now a days we leave when the bar closes as opposed to just getting there when it closes.

different storkes for different folks....

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first club i hit was CLUB EXPO in 1995 and here i am, goin out more than ever at 24, from either 3 to 5 nights of the week while having 2 jobs and working weekends and having a g/f. Only thing with me from day one that drives me to go to a club is MUSIC AND DANCING. Never needed drugs, nor alcohol nor friends to have a good time. ALways been bout THE MUSIC THE DJ AND ME. Some people go out for certain reasons and when those reasons change things aint the same. But if you go out to only dance and hear the beats, then that will nevert change. Its great seeing people in thier 40s n 50s showing how much passion they have while junkies in thier 20s bitch and complain thier getting old.

So you were at your first club when you were 10 or 11 :laugh:

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