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carl cox on crobar as nyc's #1 club:...

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E: It’s an exciting time for New York clubs. You’re playing at Crobar again on Saturday, but I’m wondering if Erick Morillo has asked you to play at the new Pacha (in the former Sound Factory space) when it opens in New York?

C: Erick Morillo has asked me, but it’s really difficult for me to get involved in someone else’s club. IF I played Pacha [in New York], I wouldn’t just want to do it to get people through the door. Maybe Pacha would be opened for two or three years and they’d bring me in to compliment that. Crobar for me, since Twilo, has the ability to be the best of both worlds. I’ll be on the floor, onstage, this time at Crobar. I don’t think Pacha will change things that much, because it took Crobar two or three years to earn its reputation and for people to enjoy the club. It had taken Crobar a few years to get the cred that I has now. You have to go to Crobar before you can say you want to change anything about it. Pacha, the music is going to be more VIP friendly, but I understand that you have to keep the people happy. In Crobar, you can go off-the-hook if you want to. This is what a lot of DJs like about Crobar. This time, I’ll be playing with DJ Loco dice and Victor Calderone; he’s closing for me.


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be careful sergio...you have both backupqueen and warpdrive in the same thread...don't want to get the two of them upset. if I were you I'd sleep on your back tonight...just in case

Come to think of it, This Alpha Macho type Image you portray to us, is just a massacred to hide how much your were molested as a child by the local priest, I hear you were brought up Catholic but molested Baptist.

Poor Thing, no hugs for You Biatch!!!!!

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I still dont think a club can be number one in the city if they dont space for people to sit. I think its fucked up that you have to be spending 150$ just to sit, thats bullshit.

i just stand against walls.. it does suck.. they must be doing something right though with all these crazy lineups coming up

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relax queenie...im pretty sure vic is honored to even share the decks with someone like carl cox...ur not talkin about johnnie johnson from nutley new jersey...its carl fucking cox

I just think it sounds lame; it's as if Victor was quoted as saying that Crobar asked Cox to be his opening DJ.

Also, Back Off!

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I dont know why everyone's trippin about cox playing before victor.. its two diffrent sounds all together like someone mentioned before ,but their both Great DJ'S i'm listening to a set from last year where cox is going nutz the whole time.. he's fucking INSANE....!!!! cant waitttt!!!!

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I had a blast on SATURDAY NIGHT. Carl was playing some really hard shit, its hands down the hardest set I've ever heard him spin (not necessarily the greatest set...I loved all the tracks.... the mixing was ok. He played this one track that was had the beat to "Enter Sandman" by Metallica shit was hot. And P.DIDDY even made a cameo appearance on stage. He even played one record, I think...... Good time all in all

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I had a blast on SATURDAY NIGHT. Carl was playing some really hard shit, its hands down the hardest set I've ever heard him spin (not necessarily the greatest set...I loved all the tracks.... the mixing was ok. He played this one track that was had the beat to "Enter Sandman" by Metallica shit was hot. And P.DIDDY even made a cameo appearance on stage. He even played one record, I think...... Good time all in all

I thought P.Diddy was Morillos biatch?

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relax queenie...im pretty sure vic is honored to even share the decks with someone like carl cox...ur not talkin about johnnie johnson from nutley new jersey...its carl fucking cox

Hey! Watch it! Johnnie Johnson kicks ass!

Why does everyone like to put down Jersey when so many things comes out of there? NJ rules except for the music. KTU should really broadcast out of Jersey City.

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