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Wow! So they went on strike.....

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I'll throw my 2 cents in just because I feel like venting.

The TWU is so out of line they should all be made to have to go through what we are going through to get to work. There is a REASON why it is illegal for certain public service occupations to go on strike. If your job provides a neccessary function for the continued safety and public health of the city then you are not permitted to strike. That includes teachers, fire fighters, police, and TRANSIT WORKERS.

My wife is a teacher, both of my parents are retired teachers, I have close friends in both the fire and police departments, and NONE of them went on strike when they were without a contract for YEARS! My wife is just starting to get residual payments for the 3 years she worked without a contract. I think TWU employees could do the same.

How would they all have felt if they couldn't bring their children to school? Talk about RESPECT, how much do people respect teachers? Firefighters? Police Officers? How much respect do they hope to get when EVERYONE is against their strike including their own international parent union?

I believe in a fair deal for everyone, I believe a solution can be found that will satisfy both parties. But to do this to the city, at this time of year, with the cold and the business impact is disgraceful. And to say that the mayor/governor is holding the city hostage is a joke. There wasn't a lockout, they went on strike. And the mayor/governor repeatedly said that they would not interfere with an internal matter between the union and the MTA when the negotiations were still going on. So way to pass the buck TWU.

I mostly feel sorry for all my co-workers and our night staff who have to figure out how to get here to work so that we can stay open this weekend. One of our managers is actually sleeping here in the office right now so he can work tonight. I myself had to get up at 3am to drive here before the HOV went into effect.

Just plain selfish and sickening...

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I'll throw my 2 cents in just because I feel like venting.

The TWU is so out of line they should all be made to have to go through what we are going through to get to work. There is a REASON why it is illegal for certain public service occupations to go on strike. If your job provides a neccessary function for the continued safety and public health of the city then you are not permitted to strike. That includes teachers, fire fighters, police, and TRANSIT WORKERS.

My wife is a teacher, both of my parents are retired teachers, I have close friends in both the fire and police departments, and NONE of them went on strike when they were without a contract for YEARS! My wife is just starting to get residual payments for the 3 years she worked without a contract. I think TWU employees could do the same.

How would they all have felt if they couldn't bring their children to school? Talk about RESPECT, how much do people respect teachers? Firefighters? Police Officers? How much respect do they hope to get when EVERYONE is against their strike including their own international parent union?

I believe in a fair deal for everyone, I believe a solution can be found that will satisfy both parties. But to do this to the city, at this time of year, with the cold and the business impact is disgraceful. And to say that the mayor/governor is holding the city hostage is a joke. There wasn't a lockout, they went on strike. And the mayor/governor repeatedly said that they would not interfere with an internal matter between the union and the MTA when the negotiations were still going on. So way to pass the buck TWU.

I mostly feel sorry for all my co-workers and our night staff who have to figure out how to get here to work so that we can stay open this weekend. One of our managers is actually sleeping here in the office right now so he can work tonight. I myself had to get up at 3am to drive here before the HOV went into effect.

Just plain selfish and sickening...

This post makes way too much sense and is too well written for CP. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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Phil i Totally AGREE with you.thats ok TWU is getting fined one million a day that they are on strike.They broke the law went about this the wrong way.its ok i heard the twu networth is only estimated at 3.4 million soo i don't think this will last long.any Mta workers on here go back to work u morons u make more money than the average city worker, have better health benefits,your stopping childern from getting there education,people from opening there buissnesses and making it such a hassle to commute.u picked a GREAT time right around Xmas....

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I blame the leadership of the union more than it's members. They are just doing what they are told. Look at these quotes from their leader: Taken from Channel 7 (www.7online.com)

Burkett: "Any regrets?"

Toussaint: "No."

That's great. He could have at least lied and said he regrets that millions of people have to re-arrange their lives because of their decision to strike. Or at least showed a little sympathy for someone...

Burkett: "None at all?"

Toussaint: "On what? I regret that the MTA and the mayor and the governor did not do their public duty in terms of negotiating in good faith."

Here he goes with the Mayor/Governor BS. Hey, I don't agree with either of them a lot of the time, but neither the Mayor or Governor had anything to do with this. They said repeatedly that this was a private matter between the MTA and the TWU and theirs to settle themselves. Toussaint is just trying the popular pass the buck to the politicians tactic, but has no leg to stand on.

Toussaint: "It seems to me they intended all along to provoke a strike and to use it for their own agendas. The MTA's agenda, the mayor's agenda with respect to pensions, Pataki's agenda for his ambition nationally. New Yorkers are being taken hostage not by us, but by them."

Burkett: "When will you return to work?"

Toussaint: "When we have a reasonable settlement for us and that all our members could live with and protects all members with pension and health."

Burkett: "Do you see the members returning to work tomorrow?"

Toussaint: "No."

Burkett: "Do you see them returning to work the next day?"

Toussaint: "Possible. These matters could be resolved in hours if there's a will."

It's just sad that a union like the TWU is lead by an idiot like this. So full of bullshit...

What agendas? What the hell is he talking about? Every time he is interviewed he talks like there is some kind of conspiracy by the mayor and governor to hurt the TWU, his issue is with the MTA.

And to answer some of the above...

Way back when people actually MADE SENSE on internet message boards, CAPS were used for emphasis, so I use caps when if I were speaking, I would emphasize a word.. And less often _underscores_ for bold to show emphasis since BBS systems back then didn't allow boldface.

I know this is too well written for CP, so for those who need to make sure they are in the right place...

<Insert Club> SUXX!!!111one <Insert DJ> SOld OuT/Is SooOO Commercial/Is Just Bam Bam Bam

Long L1ve TWILO!~~ SF Forever!!!! Remember when house music was all Vinyl and underground?? Those were tha DAYZ YO!!! <insert about 25 smileys>

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Phil i Totally AGREE with you.thats ok TWU is getting fined one million a day that they are on strike.They broke the law went about this the wrong way.its ok i heard the twu networth is only estimated at 3.4 million soo i don't think this will last long.any Mta workers on here go back to work u morons u make more money than the average city worker, have better health benefits,your stopping childern from getting there education,people from opening there buissnesses and making it such a hassle to commute.u picked a GREAT time right around Xmas....

I agree too...at first I was trying to have some sympathy, but then I realized that these people are making twice as much money as most of the people they are preventing from going to work. Not to mention that some of the demands they are making are ridiculous...who retires at 55? I'm sure most of the MTA workers probably don't even want to be on strike. Toussaint is acting like he's on some crusade for workers everywhere, but in reality he's just on a power trip that he can basically shut down the city during the most important week for retail and tourism...arrogant douchebag

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Phil i Totally AGREE with you.thats ok TWU is getting fined one million a day that they are on strike.They broke the law went about this the wrong way.its ok i heard the twu networth is only estimated at 3.4 million soo i don't think this will last long.any Mta workers on here go back to work u morons u make more money than the average city worker, have better health benefits,your stopping childern from getting there education,people from opening there buissnesses and making it such a hassle to commute.u picked a GREAT time right around Xmas....

speaking of education... when you say this:

"stopping childern from getting there education" the word you are looking for is their

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