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Jonathan Peters @ Pacha, Sat 4/15

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Cops are planning a raid as we speak

You know, I thought the same thing. I was talking to a few people about this today and we reached a conclusion: I don't even think this party will get raided. Pacha hasn't even been open for six months, normally they wait until the club starts to mature (aka a year).. also, its gonna take a lot for a club like that to get raided.

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Pacha hasn't even been open for six months, normally they wait until the club starts to mature (aka a year)

I don't know about that considering it got raided on the very night it opened

also, its gonna take a lot for a club like that to get raided.

Not really sure what you mean by that, but all they need is to have some undercovers purchase some drugs and they can do whatever the hell they want.

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I don't know about that considering it got raided on the very night it opened

Not really sure what you mean by that, but all they need is to have some undercovers purchase some drugs and they can do whatever the hell they want.

...From what I understood from 12/9.. a girl overdosed and therefore EMTs had to be brought in thus the cops and then it got raided. Fuck all of the stupid people that don't know their limit with drugs.

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You mean from sales of drugs from the drug dealers or for the club itself?

drug dealers always make money and yes for the club itself since i heard Pacha wasnt making the digits they are supposed to be making.....imo why you think they got old johnny back there?.....LOL....

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I don't know about that considering it got raided on the very night it opened

Not really sure what you mean by that, but all they need is to have some undercovers purchase some drugs and they can do whatever the hell they want.

yups, and there is probably a plan in the works for some DTs to be there that night. esp. if its a JP show. of course they would jump at the opportunity to close down yet another club.

lol then again im just MAD that David Guetta isnt spinning at Pacha that night, that WAS the plan initally. ;(

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Ironic how I met some of the best and worst people in my life at JP parties. And despite his "pots and pans" moments.. I still keep coming back for more. Damnit.

its ok jen, i wont pick of you because of that lol

sucks u cant make it out on friday.....u gonna miss a good party.

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yups, and there is probably a plan in the works for some DTs to be there that night. esp. if its a JP show. of course they would jump at the opportunity to close down yet another club.

lol then again im just MAD that David Guetta isnt spinning at Pacha that night, that WAS the plan initally. ;(

Jus look at Nikki beach this year at the WMC.when JP was performing. I counted at least 20 cops inside the place and i dont know how many undercovers there were. ....this place....already has a history and so does the jp events....

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I don't know about that considering it got raided on the very night it opened

Not really sure what you mean by that, but all they need is to have some undercovers purchase some drugs and they can do whatever the hell they want.

Ok, from my understanding from being there actually, the fire code was broken thus to many people where let and the line was about long the whole street, that and because some poor moron ODing.... is in it ironic? dont you think? lol

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