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Stolen Sidekick


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You mean, this level?: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/06/12/technology/12link.html?_r=2&oref=slogin (scroll down)... BTW..this reporter never contacted me... if he had, he would have known the brother confirmed her ID...and that's all that's needed.

BTW..I hope you guys are near a TV tommorow night.


You need a NYT account to view the full article, ill paste your part for others to see below. Not bad evan:

The episode might have served as an object lesson, had they seen it, for a few residents of Queens, N.Y., including a teenage girl, who were accused last week by a Manhattan man, Evan Guttman, of having picked up the T-Mobile Sidekick (a phone, e-mail, camera and Web-browsing device) that his friend had left in a taxi.

On a Web site that Mr. Guttman erected (www.evanwashere.com/StolenSidekick), he claimed that he had sent a message to the phone, asking that it be returned. The reply, which must be paraphrased, was an impolite and rather aggressive "no."

For all of their savvy in knowing how to use the gadget, however, the "new" owners of the device seemed to fail to appreciate that their activities — the call records and the cheeky photos they took, apparently of themselves — were, by design, automatically saved to remote Sidekick servers. Upon purchasing and registering a new device, Mr. Guttman's friend gained access to the digital trail left by the folks in Queens.

Mr. Guttman posted their images on his site in an attempt to shame them into giving the phone back, and in the space of two days, the site exploded into a "Save the Stolen Sidekick" campaign of Ferris Bueller proportions. Dozens of blogs were ruminating on the topic, thousands of users flooded the MySpace pages and e-mail boxes of the accused into oblivion, and a bumper crop of amateur artists were rudely altering images of the alleged thieves.

On Thursday, a recorded anthem could be heard — accompanied by solo guitar — at myspace.com/blindroutine: "We should have trust in our fellow man / You're a disgrace to us today / And we, we think that / You should give her her Sidekick back."

Of course, as one commenter pointed out at week's end, if Mr. Guttman erred in his assumptions when he posted the photos, he may regret the extensive digital wake he himself has left behind.

"Evan's going to feel even sillier when it comes out that the 1,600 scathing comments he triggered went to the wrong girl," wrote Emily at google.com/group/stolensidekick. "Wonder what his favorite flavor tort is?"

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Let's go over some facts:

MILLIONS of people have seen the site (I have analytics to back that up). I get over 2,000 mails a day (have 3,000 unopened in my box right now). This is from people in EVERY part of the country as well as EVERYWHERE in the world. I can provide you with emails that you will find amazing. 99% of responses are positive and supportive.

I am one of the most blogged about websites in the history of the internet. In 1 day I amassed 50,000 links in Google...2 days, 100,000 links.. Right now I have 160,000 websites pointing to me: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22How+NOT+to+steal+a+SideKick%22&btnG=Google+Search This has been on the front page of the biggest websites including Digg.com (largest number of Diggs for the month), Gawker, Slashdot, and MSNBC. Quote from MSNBC: "Two stories dominated online chatter last night (pre-Zarqawi news), the first is the story of a stolen sidekick". http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6409077

We have an active forum server with over a thousand registered users. We had much much more but we have killed THREE hard core servers and ISPs trying handle the traffic. As soon as I pont a link on my website, 1,000 people visit that link within ONE MINUTE.

A band has also written a song about the incident. This is the first song the band released. In 2 days the song has been played a total of about 34,000 times. Unheard of for an up and coming band with no other music.

Are u scared yet?

SICK DUDE DONT STOP !!! Gotta teake this all the way to Good MOrning America!!! Im talkin Evan Milanokis Show !!!

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Update #49 June 18th, 12:15 a.m. For the first time I missed a an update...I told you guys I will be extremely busy this weekend. The wedding and all. Anyways, I tried calling the precinct 2 times yesterday and still no answer. I have NO time as well as no patience to call today. I will see what I can do tomorrow. Also some of you may have noticed the forum is gone.. Unfortunately, there are people in this world (about 4 of them) that insist on showing everyone gay porn. I don't know if they realize that you can get that at the local gay video store, or just by visiting a gay adult website. But none the less, they feel the need to show everyone on the forums it. We tried deleting these posts, but the "gay porn attacks" were becoming numerous...and rather than having people being subjected to it...especially a underage person's eyes, it was shut down. So I apologize to everyone for the stupidity and selfishness of others. I am always available via email below. There is one other way which has not been corrupted yet.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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good jobn Evan!

i just hope they dont have the nerve to sue

MAJOR LOL at the crapflood on evans board, LOL!Congrats on the NYTIMES storyEvan why did you take down the link to Clubplanet on your page?

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