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Junior Vasquez

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Yes, his website fee is retardedly huge, but .... my collection of Junior's Worlds that I have is priceless. I can't believe I got that much for free over the years. I have almost every show on my iPod and it keeps me *alive*! I'm jonesing for some more beats ...... where dem at?

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junior needs to play friday or saturdays like 11 pm to 6 am

who ever is doing his booking is killing his career & since hes among the greatest djs/producers ever its really criminal./

the website $$ was the last straw I am basically no longer supporting jnr unless smthng big changes happy 2008 :)))

Everybody falls from grace = even Junior. Just be greatful for all the great memories he has given us over all the years.

I believer Jerome Farley does his bookings, but to think that Junior could ever re-create the past is just unrealistic, but that doesn't mean it has to be as it is today which at times is dreadful - I just do the Cielo thing when I can it's just easy and I don't expect much.

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Oh Junior, Junior. Wherefore art thou Junior?

I would have to agree with the reviews of Junior's New Year's Day Party for 2008. I arrived fairly late (a little after midnight) to a sparse room (which never has stopped me from having a good time). Did the usual rounds, say your hello's blah blah blah....

THE MUSIC: Junior, the electro sound is not working. As the modern times are changing and technology is on the rise, we, the people, cannot relate or be touched by music that is "electro driven" or "machine sounding"...it simply lacks soul! How can a human soul relate or be touched/driven by such a sound? People want an experience that allows one to step away and forget about the monotony of life, not be reminded of what is occurring in the world.

It is apparent that Junior is working with current trends and what is selling in the industry, but isn't originality what always made Junior different and special? I understand that we all have to make some money to survive, but don't forget the people! (Word to the wise, if money is your drive, prepare to see everything fall apart!)

When most go out, we want to be inspired, moved and touched by the music. I always thought and believed that house music and dancing were both spiritual in nature...please correct me if I am wrong!

As the night progressed and he started going into the more classic house sound, there was definitely a much better response from the crowd. If he had started the night with the way he was ending, the results would have been much better. Word gets out, this one calls that one, the text messages start flying out, before you know it more people do arrive. We all know how it works... People are just not willing to take risks or deal with the unpredictability of the parties nowadays, especially with the rough times and bad economy. Everyone wants their bang for their buck! lol It's difficult to please all, but it seems many are not pleased.

Emails from his management commenting on the amazing acoustics and the special surprises are not enough to create hype or draw a crowd. We all have experienced the validity of those emails! Cute attempt with party hats and noisemakers on the tables... Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. They never said what happened for the third time lol ;-)

With that said and done, on to House of God @ Pacha! There is still hope. If Junior remains true to the musical theme of the party and hands out those miniature bible key-chains to everyone that attends, there is still hope! People love free gifts! Pacha has a great sound-system and am looking forward to it. Drape the place with white sheets, make it feel like heaven! Gates of heaven kinda theme.... Heck, even get a harp-player! come on now.... a little creativity and a shopping spree at the 99 cent store can go a long way!

I wish you all an amazing 2008 filled with all the good in life!



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is element/bank still open in 08? i think so?

maybe jnr can play there again and/or shelter??

those were my fave jnr spots in 2007 in what was, granted, not that good a jnr year.

jnr at bank on a saturday, or even WORK, actually, Id still go...

oh baby its cold in juniors world right now .... :(

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Jason Ojeda,

Got anymore info on this event and venue?

Room Service

Service Sundays.

Grand Opening Sunday, January 20, 2007 MLK weekend

Music by Junior Vasquez & Seth Gold

Lights by Derrick Vasquez

Sound by Jason Ojeda

Door by Claudio Guzzo

35 E. 21st St. (betw. Bway & Park Ave. So.) NYC

Phone: 212-254-5709

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Jason Ojeda,

Got anymore info on this event and venue?

Room Service

Service Sundays.

Grand Opening Sunday, January 20, 2007 MLK weekend

Music by Junior Vasquez & Seth Gold

Lights by Derrick Vasquez

Sound by Jason Ojeda

Door by Claudio Guzzo

35 E. 21st St. (betw. Bway & Park Ave. So.) NYC

Phone: 212-254-5709

I guess that means Pacha is off - not surprising

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Some information about the alleged House of God Party II from Vernessa Mitchell's myspace blog:

Saturday, January 12, 2008

I will not be in NYC in January!

Current mood: Mad they used my name like that!

Category: Mad they used my name like that! Parties and Nightlife


There is some false advertising going on! I have not been contacted nor contracted to appear in NY, neither has my management, nor my lawyers.

I would love to come out and meet my NY family, but it's not right to use someone's name falsely. You guys, please don't spend your money to attend this function if you think I'll be there, because unless someone asks me soon, I won't be.

Whenever I have a date scheduled, it will be posted here so you all will be the first to know.

I am booking dates for 2008, so if you're a promoter, or you want me to attend one of your functions, please contact my management:

Juanita Vann @ Destiny Entertainment: info@destiny-entertainment.biz

Love you all,


You gonna reap, what you sow.....

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Some information about the alleged House of God Party II from Vernessa Mitchell's myspace blog:

Saturday, January 12, 2008

I will not be in NYC in January!

Current mood: Mad they used my name like that!

Category: Mad they used my name like that! Parties and Nightlife


There is some false advertising going on! I have not been contacted nor contracted to appear in NY, neither has my management, nor my lawyers.

I would love to come out and meet my NY family, but it's not right to use someone's name falsely. You guys, please don't spend your money to attend this function if you think I'll be there, because unless someone asks me soon, I won't be.

Whenever I have a date scheduled, it will be posted here so you all will be the first to know.

I am booking dates for 2008, so if you're a promoter, or you want me to attend one of your functions, please contact my management:

Juanita Vann @ Destiny Entertainment: info@destiny-entertainment.biz

Love you all,


You gonna reap, what you sow.....

Just when you think Junior and his camp can't get any more shadier - they do. What a joke and did they really think they/Jerome was going to get away with this - This is really bad and I don't know how JVM has any credibilty whatsoever - they are definetly get off on the wrong foot in the New Year - sad very sad

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Indeed, this is pathetic and frustrating. Not to mention that stupid website that still hasnt launched after 4 months.

I don't know why they are doing everything to fuck up whats left of his career. Is it that hard to pull off a decent house music party?

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Hahaha...not surprised here. Jerome definitely ruined Junior's career. But I think he did that on purpose cuz he wanst to become a deejay now......the lies continue:

DJ JEROME FARLEY (Tunnel, Twilo.....HAHAHAHAHAHA), January 27th, @ Room Service New York.

..I guess now that he fucked the whole world over there's only Junior left for him to shit on....!

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Yes. Work is a great club and the parties are consistently excellent. Junior burned his bridge the one and only time he played there when the club opened, on Thanksgiving Eve 2006.

Now that Peter Rauhofer is in charge of the place, I doubt Junior will ever be invited to play there!

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Hiro is ruling the gay nightlife on Sundays. It is a great party in a beautiful and big venue. All the gay kids go there, and it is packed weeks after weeks.

That "Room Service" party seems like an ill guided attempt which I don't expect to last very long!

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Jason Ojeda,

Got anymore info on this event and venue?

Room Service

Service Sundays.

Grand Opening Sunday, January 20, 2007 MLK weekend

Music by Junior Vasquez

& Seth Gold

Lights by Derrick Vasquez

Sound by Jason Ojeda

Door by Claudio Guzzo

No cover with this printed until 11pm

$15 after 11pm with this printed

$25 without

35 E. 21st St. (betw. Bway & Park Ave. So.) NYC

Phone: 212-254-5709

It's confirmed.


No cover with this printed until 11pm

$15 after 11pm with this printed

$25 without

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The bigger issue is not where Junior will eventually end up on Sunday at this point who cares - the issue is Pacha was probably never booked and we now know neither was Vernessa Mitchell - JVM/Jerome lied as it is not the first time for sure, but this time Vernessa herself has called JVM out - it is pathetic and I would love to hear how Jerome explains this one. As far as the their website some people are paying for you must be out of your friggin mind or have nothing better to do with your money because that will be the next scam they lured you into - demand a refund if it's not too late

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Hiro is ruling the gay nightlife on Sundays. It is a great party in a beautiful and big venue. All the gay kids go there, and it is packed weeks after weeks.

That "Room Service" party seems like an ill guided attempt which I don't expect to last very long!

At this point, the rule for most people is 'save money, time, and energy and avoid any JVM event'. It was fun when it lasted, but it's done and over with. Everyone moved on I'm afraid.

And now the fake Pacha ad, lying about Vernessa, the retarded non-existent website, and DJ Jerome Farley??? Stupidity that leaves you speechless!

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