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Can men and woman be friends?

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I am friends with my buddies girlfriends and girls I dont find attractive. If I am attracted to them it is hard to be friends. IT is possible to be aquaintences but if I become friends with a girl Im attracted to and we hang out alot sooner or later Im gonna make a move and if it dosnt work than the friendship is over. This has happened numerous times and I always find that I would give up the friendship for the lovin!!!!

Therefore it is my theory that men and woman cant be friends.

What do you think

What do you think?

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i think girls and guys can be friends - most of my friends ARE guys as a matter of fact . . . i know with a few of them they settled for being just my friend, cause i'm out of their league (tee hee biggrin.gif) . . . but things are good now. As a matter of fact, out of my closest group of friends (there's 5 of us, 3 of the people are guys). They're not lookin for ass from me, or the other girl or anything like that, either.

So you have to realize that girls are people toooo, just not sex objects, and then you'll be good to go. biggrin.gif




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


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it does put stress on a friendship when one person is attracted to the other and it's not reciprocated. some people find that it's easier to spend less time together than to have to evaluate whether every action might give the wrong idea or hurt either party.

i'd like to add a point to your question. when some of my closest friends (guys) are dating someone, i tend to fall out of the picture as a friend. they still bring along the other guys, but as long as the chicky is around, i tend to be less. is that my friend's doing, or his gf's?

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Originally posted by kludgio:

it does put stress on a friendship when one person is attracted to the other and it's not reciprocated. some people find that it's easier to spend less time together than to have to evaluate whether every action might give the wrong idea or hurt either party.

i'd like to add a point to your question. when some of my closest friends (guys) are dating someone, i tend to fall out of the picture as a friend. they still bring along the other guys, but as long as the chicky is around, i tend to be less. is that my friend's doing, or his gf's?

I know how you feel...one of my closest friends is or was, (the way you look at it), a girl. We used to be hardcore party kidds. We always went to raves and clubs. We had alot of common, not just the scene. We were the bestest of friends. I was there for her, she was there for me. In the beginning, I was attracted to her but it faded and we just stayed friends. This past Feb., she started seeing this guy she met at a club. We still hung out, but she brought her man along. As their relationship grew, I slowly started falling out of the picture. We didn't hang out that much, our phone calls diminished...and we became very distant. Almost strangers again.

Now, I don't even know what's she's up to. She just emails me like once a month. I miss her too...I wish I knew too if it's her doing or her boyfriend. frown.gif

The thing is, men and women can be friends but if one of them gets into a relationship, it shouldn't break up a great friendship.

Oh yeah one more thing...if you ever hear this phrase by a friend, " don't be a stranger " it's usually the kiss of death to a friendship.

Alrighty, back to me listening to my Dave Seaman cds smile.gif


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Girls & guys can most definitely be friends.....I think a v.good attitude/philosophy to have is to ignore labels and drawing lines in the sand and just let nature take it's course, and if it's meant to be, it's meant to be, and if it's not, then it's not......if you are at a 'crossroads' with someone of the opposite sex that you've just met you can trot out this one.....

"We could end up having 10 children and living happily everafter, or we could end up murdering each other.....chances are it'll be something in between, I can't read the future.....can you?"

u should get at least a laugh! biggrin.gif


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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There is no way I can just be friends with girls fuck that. I know myself and the women know me, so they don't fuck with me unless they want some action. Afterwards we can be friends, until the next woman comes along.

I am not some soft dude who enjoys hanging out with girls to talk shite. I am a lad and I prefer the company of men most of the time. When it comes to shagging, talking shite and discussing feelings, I enjoy women.

But as Sean Connery said, "I would always rather golf with the boys than the girls".

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There is no way I can just be friends with girls fuck that. I know myself and the women know me, so they don't fuck with me unless they want some action. Afterwards we can be friends, until the next woman comes along.

I am not some soft dude who enjoys hanging out with girls to talk shite. I am a lad and I prefer the company of men most of the time. When it comes to shagging, talking shite and discussing feelings, I enjoy women.

But as Sean Connery said, "I would always rather golf with the boys than the girls".

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Originally posted by markds:

There is no way I can just be friends with girls fuck that. I know myself and the women know me, so they don't fuck with me unless they want some action. Afterwards we can be friends, until the next woman comes along.

I am not some soft dude who enjoys hanging out with girls to talk shite. I am a lad and I prefer the company of men most of the time. When it comes to shagging, talking shite and discussing feelings, I enjoy women.

But as Sean Connery said, "I would always rather golf with the boys than the girls".

Sean Connery's gay. And I think you are too.

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Casual sex between friends is one of the greatest ideas ever. It used to work out just fine for me, but you gotta be a certain kind of person.

As for guys & girls being friends...Maybe just for a bit.

My boyfriend now was my best friend.




Din Da Da

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Well, actually, all my life I have gotten along better w/ guys than w/ girls. I feel more comfortable talkin and playin around w/ a guy. Most of the time, at clubs, i wind up hangin out w/ so many guys. And if u think that I probably wanna hook up w/ em or something, I don't cause I am actually there w/ my b/f. And I would never think of cheting on him. Although, sometimes he does get kinda jeolous even though he knows he can trust me. smile.gif





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I always seem to have this ridiculous thing happen where my guy friends who I'm NOT attracted to develop crushes on me while guy friends who I find attractive can go one of two ways: either I discover something about them that makes me stop wanting them sexually and then we can be friends (hallelujah!) or else I get attached to them, and you know...it ends in pain sooner or later. Sometimes later, later is definitely better.

But the "can men & women be friends" thing is a pretty big "if." Most of the time I'd say yeah, sure. But it takes the strongest person in the world to get over it and save the friendship, if there was an attraction and stuff happened, and the feelings between the two people aren't equal. I say that having been on both sides of the situation.

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I think chris rock summed it up...they'll never be friends... Guys dont have friends that are girls...they're just girls "they havent banged yet"... and girls, GIRLS! girls have tons of guy friends!!! why??? simple...The dick in a jar syndrome....YA NEVER KNOW!!! IN CASE OF EMERGENCY BREAK GLASS!!!!! smile.gif



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Originally posted by atf104:

I think chris rock summed it up...they'll never be friends... Guys dont have friends that are girls...they're just girls "they havent banged yet"... and girls, GIRLS! girls have tons of guy friends!!! why??? simple...The dick in a jar syndrome....YA NEVER KNOW!!! IN CASE OF EMERGENCY BREAK GLASS!!!!! smile.gif

HaHAhHahHAhhAhahaha laugh.gif


It's here today but it's gone tomorrow,

It's here today and today will never come again. - KmFdM


[This message has been edited by shadowchaser (edited 08-02-2000).]

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Casual sexual relationships have a way of evolving in interesting ways.....sometimes into something more serious, sometimes you become closer friends.....in any case have fun, be cool, you never know what might happen biggrin.gif


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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Yup, I called it 'cause I know what I've been through the past two years and what my friends have been through. rolleyes.gif

I'm choosing to be single at the moment. I don't need anymore stress right now in my life. I'm just going to wait for the one that's right for me. smile.gif


It's here today but it's gone tomorrow,

It's here today and today will never come again. - KmFdM


[This message has been edited by shadowchaser (edited 08-03-2000).]

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I think that it is easier for a girl to have a platonic friendship with a guy, then a guy can with a girl. Girls seem to be able to separate the "attraction" from the "friendship" easier then a guy..... (I’m not saying ALL girls, but for the most part..) I have a ton of guys friends, and I don’t think that they just hang with me cause they wanna get some butt, but I’m sure its a thought crammed somewhere in the corner of their little brains. It always gets tough when your friend of the opposite sex has a g/f or b/f.... jealousy is a wicked emotion.

As far as casual sex, I guess if its something you can handle personally then go for it... as far as myself, I couldn’t do it. I can’t have sex with someone purely for the physical satisfaction, and convenience.

But in general, I do think it is possible for men and women to be friends and only friends, I just don’t think it is easy.

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My best-friend is my boyfriend. I have girlfriends of course, but when ever I'm down, scared, stressed, worried, happy, excited, sad and hurt the FIRST person I call and think about is my boyfriend.




Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

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Im good friends with all my friends' girlfriends. My philiosopohy is, if your my boy, then I'm gonna make sure I get along with your girl. Plus, if your seeing her, she's gotta be at least decent. Would I ever maintain being friends with a girl that my friend just broke up with? Sure. We just probably woudn't speak as much though (off topic). But, is it hard to be friends with a woman? For a guy, I think it might be a little bit harder. Especially if you start developing an attraction for the girl. This fear of wanting someone (to not be alone); wondering if you can "sweep her off her feet" (so to speak). We react more / upon those type of feelings towards the opposite sex, then I'm sure women do. They react on different angles (if in that situation). For me, one of my best friends is a woman. I haven't seen her in like 3 years. I had feelings for her in the beginning, but it didnt work out. We went on being friends, and it was hard on me. I don't think she gave it another thought. But, my feelings slowly dissipated, and I love her as a friend, today.

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It is very possible for men and women to be friends....most of my friends are guys. But Im insanely attracted to one of them and he has a girlfriend and they've been dating for like ever....so its a no go there frown.gif

Sometimes I wonder....it adds a weird quality to the friendship when theres an attraction but it doesnt necessarily make it bad...hmmm



~*A friend in needs a friend indeed a friend with weed (or E) is better*~

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