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taking E too often(if theres such a thing)...

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same shit happened to me....and probly all e users...trying to attain that first few times of euphoria...i have no tolerance either....but you probly get more dopey now....trust me man, just give it a rest.....you will start feeling really moody and stuff....it's not worth it....e should only be take 4-5 times a year....thats it, if even that. You will burn out....and youll start feeling like a traitor to the scene, becuase you always take drugs when you go....doing it every weekend is really, really, really bad.....and you should also not go back to the club for a few weeks, then go back sober....that way you will have forgotten about it, and when you go back sober, you will have a really good time. You'll then ask yourself, wow, I really don't need the E. Plus, the comedown really isn't worth it. You'll see. Be safe, and smart.

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I have been taking E for years . . . went through a real tough time with it . . . and if it's not addictive to some degree, then i don't know what it was that had my outside in the snow, mid-december, on my knees, crying and begging out loud for just one more pill . . . cause it happened . . .

i go out sober no problem now . . . but E was DEF. a major problem for me . . . and Casey, it wasn't being addicted to the scene like you said - i would take E whenever I could . . . at people's houses, when we were driving around, wherever.


I lost the whole "E" feeling for EIGHT months . . . before that I had been eating 10 pills in a night, I would imagine that had something to do with it. I took Zorros the other nite (and they're MDA, not MDmA), and I was retarded - but had also smoked something that was a combo of every smokable thing . . . we'll see if i get fuct up this weekend . . . i hope i'm back to me . . . that would be a-mazing.




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


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very good points have been made. and when you first start taking e, it just consumes your mind. it's a brand new feeling that you have now attained. why wouldn't you want to do it all the time?

god, for many reasons. i also dropped straight, every weekend in the beginning, for months on end. i didn't think it was big deal, and like you, i didn't think i was building a tolerance.

i was so wrong. once i decided to take a break, i was so depressed (from lack of seratonin), unhealthy (not sleeping well, smoking, etc), and it took me so long to finally admit it was e that was breaking my life apart.

i still craved it; even though e is not physically addictive, by all means is it psychologically. but it's about self control and moderation. you know that cliche- too much of a good thing is bad.

so, trust me, as am i sure all other E users will agree, you don't want to lose the magic of E. b/c it happens fast. i don't feel E anymore (without the aid of other substances), and i regret droppin so much, so fast. i've luckily stopped myself before it got out of hand. i just wish someone else had told me too.



*turn it around baby*

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Pershoot, I know what you mean! I think all drug users go through a denial phase (god, this sounds like a drug free america ad) of their usage. But users have to realize that if people point out that they are concerned about your usage, listen to your friends. that's why they are there.

i have friends where i tell them to chill out, and they just do more if i mention something, as if they have something to prove. so it's a catch 22-- do i not say anything? do you guys have friends like this?



*turn it around baby*

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I used to E every weekend, a couple of hits.

Now it's ruined for me. All I feel is dopey

WHICH IS THE WORST, and I wanna kill myself and everyone around me by Tues. (suicide Tues.)


E can be wonderful, but like everything else, IN MODERATION!!


Din Da Da

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stop worrying.

forget about it.

you're a crackhead, all our friends are crackheads, and-- goddamn it, i'm a crackhead. eek.gif

E,G,K,a,b,c,d... welcome to our world!

seriously tho'. GET SOME FREAKIN' WILLPOWER. i'm starting to worry about me, my friends, and everyone else in this scene. we party our asses off 2 days a week and then figure we're fine bcause we rest for 5. unfortunately, fun costs more than just ducats. someday you gotta pay it all back. be careful.

glad you are at least starting to think about the harm. good luck.

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Originally posted by kitty19:

i have friends where i tell them to chill out, and they just do more if i mention something, as if they have something to prove. so it's a catch 22-- do i not say anything? do you guys have friends like this?


keep telling them what you see. i often find myself telling friends (and myself) "you're a crackhead," or "seriously, you look like shit." its good to hear it occasionally. we get pretty bad sometimes.

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coming up to 4 yrs now for me.....no real ill effects, I've probably damaged myself more from the alcohol.....I have stopped taking pills every weekend tho, now prob once a month...I think a good trick is to rotate thru other drugs so u can try and keep e special.....of the 4 weeks in a month 1 is drunk and blurry, 2 maybe tweaking + drinking, 1 maybe e + ??? wink.gif


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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ok peeps...please help me out: is it bad that every Friday since the end of may i have rolled on 2 pills. i havet taken off a weekend yet. the thing is though, that as much as im doin it and as often s im doin it, i havent grown a tolerance and every roll(depending on the pills) is just as good as the previous.

also, does it sound like im addicted. during the week im not depressed and i dont get cravings for E but it might be beause i know i will probably do it the next weekend. pleeze help me.


YOUR world is an ashtray, we burn and coil like cigarettes, the more YOU cry our ashes turn to mud

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Well, let me be the first to tell ya that "technically" your body does not chemically develop an addiction to E. However, it sounds like you're addicted to the scene . . . and you're gonna burn yourself out REAL soon if you don't slow down. Trust me you don't want to do too much become jaded cause you're gonna spend a lot of time trying to find something else that gave you the same euphoric feeling that E gave you and you know what? You're never gonna find it. I've heard this happen many, MANY times. So, slow down . . . and take a break. A LONG break.



"Rehab is for quitters!"

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hmmmm thats a tough one.. maybe u should try taking a break for a while and see how u do? see if u start freaking out cause u havent taken it. i guess thats the only way to see if ur "addicted" although I dont believe E to be very addicting... there was a point and time where i did it every week for almost 3 yrs! anywhere from 1 - 4 a night, but i got tired of it and now i do it once in a while, but the whole time i always rolled and never really grew a tolerence either. and even to this day if its a good pill i will roll hard. smile.gif anyways good luck.


~Music Is The Answer~

[This message has been edited by neptune (edited 08-18-2000).]

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I have been taking for 12 years (giving up next year thought, honest!!). Anyway it's normal, your not getting cravings it's probably just the mid week blues making you crave the weekend.

But let me tell you slow down the first few years (I am presuming you haven't been taking that long) are the best. It's simple the more you take the less time the honeymoon will last.

You never quiet get back to the same point again. Now you have to ask yourself, why? Everybody that's been taking for a while will tell you they never experience anything like the first few years.

It's simple E does do permanent damage (well change is a better word) to your seratonin regulators. Tolerance doesn't last for years, so it must be having some form of effect. So MODERATION or you will regret it....

Take care.

Don't say i didn't tell you icon7.gif

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This may sound really technical, but I've kept a diary/research log (a few 100 pages now) ever since I did my first drug (this oct), and I write EVERYTHING down, to archive, learn, go back and re-read and evaluate (when I'm sober).

This is my "anchor to reality".

Regarless of your "level of depth" I applaud you for asking that question "am I doing it to much?".

For the first time in months I felt e last Friday at Exit. WHY??? because without planning or thinking about it, I had something happen to me that occured the first/second time I experience e, So I WAS in XTC. Whatever "gets you going" can't happen every week, it just won't. Sooo

Yes you need to take a break. Enjoy different things, when I needed to, I analized other people on e while being sober, it helped me to undersatnd what I was doing/thinking at the time.

am I going on to long here?

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i've been doing 'e' since 91

i hardly do it annymore because most of the time as soon as I feel it - i just wanna find a couch to sit on, the dopey feeling everyone else talks about. I have no energy on 'e' and I am depressed by tuesday




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