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How long will it last?

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Just been chatting with BlueAngel, we were talking about how long we have been going out etc.

Now the lives we live, are maybe not all that health. Even without the substances there are problems (I can't hear very much, due to standing infront of speakers). And I am sure nobody on this board wants to be the 45 years old (ex hippie) that you sometimes see. The age of people on this board seems to be similar to my own so I think it's a valid question for most of us.

No I know for a fact the music is in me, it's not my choice but I know it will always be with me. But assuming the music is here to stay, how long can it go on? Will we just stop going to clubs and get back into the bars (with House music of course)? What will we do to fill our time after it's all over?

I know I have started the extreme sports route, but I feel sometimes that swallowing 5 pills a night would be better for me!


I want to go out blazing not fade away.


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I've asked myself the same question over and over again. Until coming on this board, I was the only professional that went to clubs/raves with the frequency that I do. There will come a time when my life will no longer be able to accept this current lifestyle, but I don't know when that will be. Maybe when I get married, have kids, etc... For now I'm going to enjoy it to its fullest, but it does take a toll, both mentally and physically. Who knows what the effects of all the substances we do will be later in life. Nobody can truly say b/c it hasn't been out long enough, but we all do it none the less. I guess I really didn't answer the question, but I think its because there is no answer. Something will happen in each of our lives that will tell us its time.

I will always love and stay with the music, its just the scene and the drugs I'll have to leave behind. I don't know when that will be, but I know it has to happen.


Keep it movin'!



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When I will be 77, I'll still be dancing!

When I see those 45 years old hippy who continue do go out, I WANT to be one of them when I'll be older.

I hate to see that when people get to 25 (I'm 27) they get married, buy a house, get a car, get a dog, make some childrens (no problems with all that) and never go out anymore!

Fuck that! The party shouldn't end when you're making a family!

Of course if you drop 5 pills everytime you go out and go out as much as I do, you will be dead before being able to fund a family.

Keep on groovin'


Joël S.

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I can see us all coming up with similar answers. This has a good link to my last post about the a,b,c,d, I still go out just as much but I am now getting into mixing a little more (still don't want to be a DJ) and have promoted several parties.

When the clubbing end most people I know who don't go out so much, have gone into the industry and lets face it it's going to be a massive industry.

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Once on a hot Sunday afternoon, my bf and I were in Central Park with the rest of the New Yorkers baking our body. We took a walk around and came across the skating rink. The popular one, have any of you been there? It is so wild!! All these skaters and rollarbladers . . . blading and skating to disco music. It was so much fun just to watch. I saw this old couple (probably in their 50's) with these awesome bodies jamin' like they were 16!! The first thing that popped into my mind was . . . I wanna be like that when I'm 55!! They were all over that floor . . . dancing away - it was so nice to just to watch them cause you knew they were happy. Just happy to be alive.

So, I guess my answer would be that I don't think I'll ever stop dancing. Everything else in the scene (i.e. drugs) I don't quite know, but the music and the dancing . . . I think will probably live with me and die with me.



Music is the language of souls . . .

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Yeah in 20 years time we will be telling our kids etc... I remember the days at Twilo, kids nowadays don't know how to dance.

And this music it just sounds like noise to me:-)

or maybe not.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.


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Guest Divalicious

I plan on being the coolest cool.gif grandma who ever lived!! I'm going to keep on working out so that I can keep my hot body and wear all the cute clothes still. And I'm going to continue to party my ass off. I don't think I will have much of a choice since I looooove the music soooo much! I'm 28, and I party more now than I did when I was younger.

In about 10 years or so, someone should open the only phattest club that is like 35 and older to party so that we won't feel like old farts trying to hang on the our youths =)

Peace, Love and Happiness


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Last sat when I went to the Randalls Island party, I saw a couple with a baby carriage ..and I thought..that's going to be me!! I will keep going out to clubs as long as the good music keeps coming..I think the notion that you get "too old" is nonsense!

Some people do go "back to the bar-lounge scene" etcetc...when they get in their late 20's..that will never be me. I had been forced to go to a few bars in the past few months, and it was the most torturous experience..for me, I go out to hear good music, and to dance my ass off...that's it..and it won't change as I get older...

Great example..my parents are very into salsa..and go out dancing 2 or 3X a week..and ..my dad is almost 65..mom in her 50's. I remember going with them to the Copa one sunday evening, and a friend of theirs (who is in her 60's) was saying that she had been there till 4AM the night before...!! Now that's the way it should be!


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been thinking the same thing a lot lately too. Especially after 6th elelment. i love going to raves and clubs when there is a dj i like. i'm 27 and i have no problem with how old everyone else is, except that most of my friends don't go out to either anymore because they think they are to old. I keep thinking my ass is getting to old, but i just love the music. as people get older they seem to only dress up and go to say, twilo on fridays, where a lot of people my age go. i'm not into house music that much or dressing up all the time (only sometimes). Who know's how long it will last

And i only come out when there is a good dj (Smith/Selway, Mistress barbara, j. mills, rabbit, D. Glaude, icey). just have fun

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I remember 3 years ago I celebrated my friends 35th birthday at the factory. I remeber saying to myself oh my god I don't want to end up like him. Shortly after I left New York City and went to Texas to strip and make money but I really only worked and lived a normal life. However I came home this February and tried to avoid the club scene but I am addicted I can't decribe in words the feeling I get when the music is right. The freedom of being who you are and the vibe you feel is amazing. I want to die like the old lady in the movie studio 54 at the factory.

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i'm starting to wonder if i'm the oldest person here! i'm 30 and really got back into music and clubs in the past year. fortunately i have a few friends my age with the same interests and have had one of the best years in my life.

but there are still nights when there is a dj i want to see and cannot drum up the interest in going among people my own age. especially on a weeknight. which is too bad. or i will convince them, and we'll have every intention of going, meet for dinner, have a bottle of wine, and then around 11:30 start thinking about that 8am meeting we have the next day, and talk ourselves out of it. wish i could get by on 3 hours of sleep, life would be a lot more fun!

i think as we get older, we might be hanging with people much younger than us (like i do a lot), or modifying our tastes to more mellow music or scenes (i.e., lounges that play jungle or tech-house, etc) that appeal to an older crowd.


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the thing that worries me most, is whether i will mentally be done with clubbing, or if my body will first give in.

since i have started to club on a more regular basis, i can feel my health deteriorating. from a former overzealous athlete, i have become a overly working woman who works to afford my weekend habits. smile.gif well i guess you could call this living life to the fullest.

well i guess bottom line- i am down with people that want to be clubbing for a long time, but make sure your body can handle it.

imagine dancing at SF at the age of 60 and then throwing your back out, or having your hemmorhages inflame on the dance floor. eek.gif



*turn it around baby*

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Just look at the ages of most of the top DJ's in the world, Danny T 37, Junior is going to be 53 just to name to, most all are in their 30's and they are rocking the younger crowds, same goes for a lot of producers...I know one thing, that is my love for the music and music in general and the scene, that I will never give it up, not because of some # and now that it's later in life you should concentrate on other things...I want to know that when I'm 80 that I didn't regret not enjoying myself more, I do what I love...thats the end of it...and fuck anyone who says any different...and if my wife (when i meet her) can't appreciate that then fuck her, it's time for a divorce...you shouldn't let things in life take away from your passions, I never will, because I want to LIVE MY LIFE. As far as drugs that has never been a part of it for me, but the going out always takes a toll on you physically, mentally it puts me in the best moods. I go to Vinyl on fridays and for the next 3 Days Im on Cloud 9, just off the vibe and enjoyment...it carries over and out of the club for me...I think other people, especially my boy Abstrakt can relate to that...

Keep It Real, Be Yourself, No Matter What They Might Say...



"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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I'd like to thank back2basics for this post because reading it really made me feel good. I am 27 years old and 99percnt of my friends are settling, getting married and just don't do the superclub thing anymore. I was starting to think that there might be something wrong with me because I have no desire for the white picket fence,the mortage the husband or the kids. As far as your health it does take a toll. I am a trainer and lifegaurd and from monday to friday I eat right I workout heavily simply so I can party through the weekend. (and the tiny clothes ofcourse) Thanks


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It's interesting reading these, because I was forced to take about 6 months off of clubbing (which ended about 8 or 9 months ago) because I was working and clubbing really hard and it ruined my health. I got recurring lung infections and eventually pneumonia even though I don't smoke. So I had to rest and cure myself for a long time. But since then I started doing yoga, eating better, and some healing meditations and now I feel like I have more endurance than ever and can recover much faster from a hard night out.

I've seen a lot of people burn out on clubbing, and usually there are two themes I see. One is they did too much drugs, associated clubbing with drugs, and when they burnt out on the drugs, they burnt out on the associated activity clubbing. The other is that they expect too much from the scene and get dissappointed. Yes clubbing is after all a huge industry and no one is doing parties out of their own goodwill. No people are usually not as generally nice and good-hearted as they seem when you meet them in a club on E, and they may let you down at some point. A lot of people I see get cynical, but to me I take it all for what it is with a dose of reality and I am never dissappointed.

I think I will still be clubbing when I'm 40, but it may be more at lounge bar type places than superclubs. I think if you take clubbing for what it is and don't get too idealistic, and don't do drugs every time out, keep it a hobby rather than a necessity, you can keep going indefinitely. And no I don't want a wife who I couldn't go out and have a good time with every once in a while. Like I take much less E now than I used to, but I still like it occasionally, and I think it would always be fun to do every few months or so, even married with children and all.

Stagnation = death


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Take it from someone who knows, the kids don't have to change anything. I'm 28 with 2 kids, divorced but happy in a new relationship (I met him through friends @ Exit). The main thing is that you just need to know when to act responsible. I go out every other weekend when the boys are w/ my ex, it's not that often to most people but I make sure I live it up when I do. It's a perfect balance to me. I have the job, the family, and the club life. It's just a matter of what order you put those things in. Naturally the kids come first and then the job...or is it the clubs? Hehe! I have thought about when this is all over and it does make me sad because I really am having the time of my life. Then again, maybe it doesn't have to be over. It may not happen as frequently but you can always find some time to enjoy yourself, even after marriage and kids. Keep yourself young, you're in complete control of that. I've had to be responsible for the past 11 years (when my first son was born, yup, got knocked up senior year!) but all that responsibility has not taken away my ability to have fun. I actually feel younger than ever since I started clubbing!! Keep it up no matter what!

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Cathyo, hands up to you girl!! You give a whole new meaning to the word "SUPER-MOM". wink.gif

Taylorbabe, don't fret . . . I'm 29 and ALL of my friends are married, but that doesn't stop me and bf. We still go out and have the time of our lives. biggrin.gif

B2B, SEVENTEEN more days til IBIZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eek.gif



Music is the language of souls . . .

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This is what is gonna happen!

We are all going to be really old and past our primes at some wedding and we are going to be harrassing our second-cousins daughter's wedding dj to play some Underworld or Thrillseekers and people are gonna be really pissed. The Dj will play the stuff because he wouldn't want to get his assed beat by an over-the-hill raver. Some young "whippersnapper" is going to hear our music and wonder what the fuck it is and be really angry that the dj played what great uncle Jeffrey wanted. Then they are going to be shocked at how well the eighty year old geezer moves. My wife of fifty years is gonna break out the glow sticks and we are gonna groove. All will be scared for our health. But we will be happy.


It is a vicous circle. I can barely handle my dad's music let alone my gramps tunes.


Or maybe I will be dead by then! Out in a blaze of glory :-)

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After reading all of this, I couldn't resist putting in my 2 cents. I think it all boils down to why we all go clubbing and I think it's pretty divisional from all these replies. If you're the type that's going out to party and have a good time and escape all the bullshit from the week, then first off good for you, but I have a feeling these people will burn out in time. If on the other hand you go out for the music and teh vibe, I don't think you'll fade out. I don't know about everyone else, but 50% of the reason I go clubbin is because I have a healthy obsession with dance music. The other 50% is for that one moment in the nite, when that one song comes on, and whether you're E'd up or not, you get those shivers up and down your spine and you go absolutely ballistic and you look around and everyone else is havin it too. So in the end I'd have to say if you're doing it for the escape, I bet eventually you'll burn out (if not, more power to ya), however if your doing it for those tingles, I just can't see it getting old.

Alright and about getting burned out on the physical note. I'm not sure why everyone thinks clubbin is so hard on your body. Granted the drugs most definitely take a toll, but the drugs and clubbin, in my personal opinion, shouldn't be one in the same. If you're goin clubbin because you like to take drugs and of course what better place to do E than a club or rave, then fine, do your own thing. But in my idealistic world if the drugs are wearin on you so much, don't do em and just go dance your ass off sober. I mean I get way more out of the music and dancing than the drugs (although the drugs are nice too).

And one last thing, I'm definitely in the same boat with everyone who doesn't want the white picket fence yet, if ever, and god knows livin in New York sure as hell encourages that. But I know when I do get married (if I do), it'll be beucause some girl completely knocked me on my ass and it changed what I really valued. Chances are though, she'll be livin my type of lifestyle.

At any rate, everyone keep on dancin for whatever reason that may be!

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I was going to say the same thing, freedomtat...it depends why you go clubbing.

I was just talking to a guy today who's 30 and said he's sick of the club scene, but his idea of a night at a club is getting drunk and picking up girls. I told him how different it is for me. He can't understand the incredible rush a person gets when a song comes on that just takes control of you or the unity you feel with everyone at the club when we're all dancing and loving how the dj is moving us.

Other things have taken priority in my life as I've gotten older, but I'm not planning to break away from the scene any time soon if at all.


"I love the things that we should fear"

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I was going to say the same thing, freedomtat...it depends why you go clubbing.

I was just talking to a guy today who's 30 and said he's sick of the club scene, but his idea of a night at a club is getting drunk and picking up girls. I told him how different it is for me. He can't understand the incredible rush a person gets when a song comes on that just takes control of you or the unity you feel with everyone at the club when we're all dancing and loving how the dj is moving us.

Other things have taken priority in my life as I've gotten older, but I'm not planning to break away from the scene any time soon if at all.


"I love the things that we should fear"

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I think you hit it right on the nail. If your not there for the love of the music then you will eventually burn out. Especially if your there for the drugs and or to jsut pick up girls etc.

I don't know about other cats out there but i can still see myself falling into a trance with the right beat.

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