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Why is it that a girl....

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can't walk down a city street without hearing some sort of whistle or stupid ass comments. I was in manhattan today on an interview and wearing a skirt suit and I couldn't go one block without having to roll my eyes at someone for sounding like such an ass.

[This message has been edited by princess0621 (edited 01-24-2001).]

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You should just consider it a compliment and move on...but if you wanna make the guy who makes the comment look like a douchebag..next time turn around and walk up to him and pretend the comment really turns you on and ask if he'd like to go have sex RIGHT NOW..i guarantee he wont know what do do and he'll look like a moron

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Originally posted by njtype-s:

Becuz all us guys would give a pinky for one long passonate night alone with you?

took the words right out of my mouth


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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I usually just smile and take it as a compliment.

But I find when they say something like "hey baby, how you doing today" if you just look them straight in the eye and answer right back it usually catches them off guard and they put their tounge back in their mouth. cwm11.gif

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Originally posted by a691vcc:


Oh come on...she enjoyed every minute of it...damn she couldn't wait till she got home to tell us all about it!

Listen princess...I know certain comments can be rude, especially physical passes, but relax a bit...you know you enjoy the attention. Just be glad your getting it...cause 10 years from now you might not be getting this attention.





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I know what you guys are talking about

I walk to work everyday and i walk down the same street everyday also and I see the same ppl and sometime they say hello and I do also.

But then you get these delivery people that are rude and they hiss at you and growl at you and I can't stand it.

I just mind my own business and go about my business!


Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long.

Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

Aolimer: Glowgirl42000

Email: Sugar4@earthlink.net

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Originally posted by princess0621:

can't walk down a city street without hearing some sort of whistle or stupid ass comments. I was in manhattan today on an interview and wearing a skirt suit and I couldn't go one block without having to roll my eyes at someone for sounding like such an ass.

[This message has been edited by princess0621 (edited 01-24-2001).]

i think it's very simple really.. no man would bother even to give you a look if he didn't think you looked good. it's just that insecure men have serious communication problems that cause the whistling and rude comments.. don't brand them pigs.. at most, they don't have the guts to come up to you and tell you that you look good in the suit.. you should feel better about yourself rather than think they're assholes. after all, it's the woman that makes the dress, rarely the other way around..

i actually met a very gorgeuos woman at a south american airport just by complimenting her lovely dress. i didn't see her again, but we exchanged emails after a 10 minute conversation and we still write eachother..

i'd rather risk humiliation or being shut down by a pretty woman than risk never seeing anyone quite like that again. life passes us by pretty quickly ladies and gentlemen.. it makes no sense to pass up opportunites to meet new people, compliment what you like and as for those who get complimented: take it like a lady/gentleman.

oh and don't anyone tell me that they don't like being noticed.. i'm sure they could be happier wearing more plain clothes, if that's the case.

(i do have much more to say about this, but my low fat vanilla ice-cream is melting in my living room.. gotta go chill smile.gif )

morph_ cwm24.gifcwm27.gif


This is my church

This is where i heal my hurts

It's in natural grace

Or watching young lives shape

It's in minor keys

Solutions and remedies

Enemies becoming friends

When bitterness ends

This is my church

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Originally posted by morpheus_:

i think it's very simple really.. no man would bother even to give you a look if he didn't think you looked good. it's just that insecure men have serious communication problems that cause the whistling and rude comments.. don't brand them pigs.. at most, they don't have the guts to come up to you and tell you that you look good in the suit.. you should feel better about yourself rather than think they're assholes. after all, it's the woman that makes the dress, rarely the other way around..

i actually met a very gorgeuos woman at a south american airport just by complimenting her lovely dress. i didn't see her again, but we exchanged emails after a 10 minute conversation and we still write eachother..

i'd rather risk humiliation or being shut down by a pretty woman than risk never seeing anyone quite like that again. life passes us by pretty quickly ladies and gentlemen.. it makes no sense to pass up opportunites to meet new people, compliment what you like and as for those who get complimented: take it like a lady/gentleman.

oh and don't anyone tell me that they don't like being noticed.. i'm sure they could be happier wearing more plain clothes, if that's the case.

(i do have much more to say about this, but my low fat vanilla ice-cream is melting in my living room.. gotta go chill smile.gif )

morph_ cwm24.gifcwm27.gif

Don't get me wrong of course every lady/gentleman love to recieve a compliment and I fully agree with what you wrote but just as you said approach them like a person. What I don't appreciate is the whistling and the(no offense to anyone because i am puerto rican..although I don't look it)but the spanish guys who say shit under their breath like I don't understand them especially when I am tired and walking almost 20 blocks to get to penn. There's more to it than that but I am sure everyone get's the point.

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I don't have a real big problem when a guy whistles or makes a quick stupic comment on the street. What I do have a problem when guys turn the harmless 'compliment' into something crude.

Just to back myself up before I tell you the story, I NEVER give a guy a dirty look for making a comment or whisteling.

So one night I'm walking home and I pass by this car of two guys when one of them yells out the window "Hey baby, get in my car!". I turned around and glanced back and without saying anything, kept walking. Then he yells, "Hey can I lick your pussy?!" I kept walking. Then he yells out, "You got a fat ass!" I turned back and said, "You got a fat mouth!"

Now to get back to the matter at hand. I have the feeling that Princess was, as am I, wondering why guys feel the need to make comments like this. Maybe someone can explain.


"I may have a fat ass, but no, you can't lick my pussy."


Footsteps on the dancefloor remind me baby of you

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Hardly ever youll have 1 guy doing this. Most of the times shit like that happends with a couple of guys or more who will try to impress each other by yelling shit out cause neither one has the balls or brains to actually have anyting meaningfull to say....thats just how i see it



"Nobody picks on a strong man." - Atlas

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Well i just finished reading everyone's responses and I have to tell ya that I agree with a lot of people and I disagree with alot of people.I agree that girls should take the whistling and shouting as a compliment but I definetly disagree with how guys should approach a girl.Guys whistling,and shouting at a girl usually gets you nowhere with a girl.Try my appraoch if I see a girl walking by and she is really hot.I first try to make eye contact and if she smiles then I usaully walk over and introduce myself, and ask her if she would like to join me for a drink.Fellas trust me on this, it works thats why I have a girlfiend for 1 and a half yrs. cwm32.gif

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aaaaaaight aaaight, yo listen itz really about havin fun at someone elsez xpence. if the guy really really wanted to hit it, he would act just like all these "sensitive guyz" on this board right here. Of course, the guy would love for the chick to run up and say please stick it in me, but i don't think that iz the response they R xpecting. U rarely ever see guyz do this alone either. the only way that I can possibly feel for u ladiez iz if some dirty ass dirtbag muthafuka gives u a problem. I'm glad I never have to xperience that.

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You guys keep on talking about how us, girls, should be flattered . . . well . . .yea, if someone told me "You're beautiful" or something to that extent I normally reply with a simple "Thank you."

However, when you have some guys growling at you and shouting some things like "Damn baby, wanna come home with me?" or "Let's see what's under that skirt." Well, it's a lil' hard to take that in a flattering way. Ya know? cwm1.gif

To answer your questions as to why some men do this. I believe it's because there must be women out there that are attracted to men acting like this. Other wise, why would they do it. I mean if they get rejected time and time again then I'm pretty sure they'll give up. But there MUST be some women out there that give in to these type of hooting and growling. Just my opinion.



"Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them." -John Updike


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I hear you girls, sometimes on the subway I find guys staring at me and they just keep fucking staring, it makes me really uncomfortable. I start thinking I have a booger in my nose or something! cwm25.gif

And the the lude, rude comments that we always recieve, I JUST YELL RIGHT BACK!!!



A bag of KB's, $60

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Ok..I have alot to say about this topic..since I have been continually harassed since I was 12 years old...

I HATE when guys make comments, whistle, harass..etc...HATE. Mikey, yes..its true. I purposely put on my walkman as soon as I step out the door every day of my life so I do not have to hear this shit. The best thing is..guys still try to talk to me..even though its apparent I can not hear them! Middle of winter..snowing..wrapped up in a down coat and boots..stupid guys still yell out "hey sexy.." etcetc...its sick. I will not wear a short skirt..or shorts..ever in manhattan. No way.

Now..in some cases..there is a cultural reason why this is done. In latin american countries..to call out, whistle, hiss, make comments is considered ok..its what "the males are expected to do" Now when some of the people move up here, they take that with them, even though in America we are supposed to think differently than this. This comment is not meant to be rude to anyone from latin america..it is what I learned in my communication classes in college. Its a cultural thing.

This kind of attention is NOT flattering or enjoyable. Its harassment. Plain and simple.


" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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