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shave down there!?!! cwm1.gif I do once in a while. My boyfriend is away at school and we only see each other on the weekends, so I do it once in a while to surprise him. I show up shaved, no underwear, and a skirt. The first few times I did it I thought it was a pain in the ass, but now I think it's fun, and it feels awsome...until it starts to grow back. cwm3.gif -SIN


Damn the man, save the empire!

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OK, I'm not a girl, but I loooooove shaving women, one of my favorite alternate playing styles... It's soooo fun! It really shows you trust someone. I love rewarding the woman afterwards too!! So smoooooth! cwm35.gif

I understand the itch thang too, having been on the receiving end of the razor as well.


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i have to tell u girls i love that so much .. it really makes such a difference ( to me anyway ) i liek it all shaved ... not a lil line , nuttin shaved ...

i dont have hair on my gums now .. i'd like to keep it that way !.

=) heheheee



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Obviously, most guys don't really like to look at a varitable forest down there. Especially if they like to eat pussy. I just can't do it if there's a huge bush because it's sick getting hair in my mouth.

I suggest a little dragstrip and bald lips! smile.gif


Know your body. Know your mind. Know your source. Know your roll.

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gotta have bald lips, or i am not treckin downtown. the top can be whatever design, i like a little bit there as to remind me that the girl is post pubecent.

this goes for us guys too, guys should groom and shave down there by all means....

i know i do...


get off my dick already...

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Originally posted by scramble360:

gotta have bald lips, or i am not treckin downtown. the top can be whatever design, i like a little bit there as to remind me that the girl is post pubecent.

this goes for us guys too, guys should groom and shave down there by all means....

i know i do...

Thumbs up! I totally agree both men and women need to keep their shit clean and trimmed biggrin.gif

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OK, of course everyone keeps their shit shaved. or they should. anyways. How many of you shave the "a" hole? I hate chicks who have hair on their asshole. One of my pet peeves. Especially Spanish brods. They seem to have the most hair there. Even the finest of them. I bet Salma Hayek has a rainforest cafe down there. Is it the burritos or what???

I'm not being a bigot or racist here. Just speaking from personal experience.


Yes mama!

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Originally posted by wellhung:

OK, of course everyone keeps their shit shaved. or they should. anyways. How many of you shave the "a" hole? I hate chicks who have hair on their asshole. One of my pet peeves. Especially Spanish brods. They seem to have the most hair there. Even the finest of them. I bet Salma Hayek has a rainforest cafe down there. Is it the burritos or what???

I'm not being a bigot or racist here. Just speaking from personal experience.

Oh god you just made me choke on my lunch.. Rainforest cafe LOL..

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well..i dont shave because i HATE shaving. have very sensitive skin...but i do WAX...everything. its borderline obsession with me. not only do i get the legs and pits done but the arms too...and for my privates-i get the brazillian bikini wax. they do it all from front to back and for four weeks you have the smoothest most beautiful nana...ass too. there are several salons in new york that do it. its under fifty$. but let me tell you this-if your girl gets it done you better lick and kiss her like she is fucking godiva chocolate because that shit hurts for the first day the first two times you get it done. reward her bravery. any questions ladies you can pm me.


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Originally posted by wellhung:

I bet Salma Hayek has a rainforest cafe down there.

I love to eat at the rainforest cafe!! This seems to be one of those energizer rabbit topics, it just keeps going and going. And, once again, I'm the only one that's down with the 70's dew down there.

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Originally posted by dlish:

I love to eat at the rainforest cafe!! This seems to be one of those energizer rabbit topics, it just keeps going and going. And, once again, I'm the only one that's down with the 70's dew down there.

ewwww! ...I used to love Selma but now I'll never look at her the same way again



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Personally I hate shaving...it annoys the fuck out of me...I did it once completely and I hated it....I felt like I was 10 years old again...it was eww...and when it started growing in I wanted to have a pussy transplant or something...it itched like a MOFO!!!! cwm13.gif Now I keep it trimmed and neat....nothing jungley...lol... cwm27.gif and I shave aroung the lip area to keep it even neater...anyway...




~*A bad little kiddie doing bad little things*~


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ha ha, the first time i ever shaved myself completely bald was after happy hour down the shore. i just got so free with the razor that b/f i knew what i was doing there was not a single hair left....the thing is i didn't remember i'd done it and the next day it freaked me out!! as for red razor bumps, divalicous, you can get something called tend skin from salons...use it after you shave and those annoying little bumps never appear!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Originally posted by imaqtxoxo:

Its definatley more comfortable and sexy to go bald....I know smile.gif TIP: To stay away from razor bumps, try shaving with hair conditioner, seriously, it works.......

<A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.djcentral.com" TARGET=_blank>www.djcentral.com</A>

your not only bald but you are now silky smooth!!! yummy!!!




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