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question for older posters here

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why does it make you weird if you party when you are older?? when i was in my early twenties i thought people over a certain age were supposed to behave a certain way. it changes when you get older. the way you look at things changes. it doesn't make a person "weird" b/c they like to party. age is just a number anyway. you'll remember asking this question when you get older and then you'll think YOU were the "weird" one for asking something so stupid!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny with spring fever!!!


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Originally posted by andwhysee:

in a recent thread i was surprise to find many of you are over 25 yrs of age. i was just wondering if you keep on partying mainly because you didn't partied enough when you were younger or because you are weird.

'cause we're weird rolleyes.gif

Let me tell you one thing, the fact that I can hold down a full time job, take care of my 2 boys on my own and still have the energy to throw down at a club once in a while is something to be proud of!

Not to mention, it's not like I'm some irresponsible girl who refuses to grow up. I do what needs to be done in life to be June Cleaver at home and Ally McBeal in the office. Nothing wrong with finding the time to blow off steam and have a good time. I got my priorities straight and that's all that matters. I put my kids and my family first, my job second and clubbin' wherever it fits in. I got it all baby and that doesn't come easy!



"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions."

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~ blossom.gif

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I'm an immature, irresponsible older guy that doesn't give a shit... so next time you ask that question I'm gonna kick you upside your head...


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So the day we all turned 25 we should have stopped going out because someone who doesn't think before they write something might think we're weird? What exactly are we supposed to be doing according to you? Please don't make our rules, they'll be broken.


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

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at the ripe old age of 28,(note the sarcasm) i find that i didnt miss a day of partying in my earlier years. weird??.... without question, but that has nothing to do with why i still go out. truth is i don't party like i used to, i would say half of my nights out these days are totally sober, and i over indulge as i was prone to do when i was younger. i think i have found a happy medium, with one thing that remains constant... i go out for the music, bottom line.



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First off..I think you have that backwards.. people who are over 25 are finally starting to make some money and do something with their life...they are the ones who deserve to and should go party!! Why should college students who haven't done anything yet and are being supported by mommy and daddy be the ones who are supposed to party...I think not!

But you are right in one respect..I was not in NYC from 18-22 and they did not have any clubs down south where I was...so even though I first started going out when I was 18..I didn't have the chance to do it on a regular basis till I got older and was back and settled in NYC..

and..alot of us "older folk" go more for the music and less for the "partying" aspect..where by I think the youngsters go more to "party".


" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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I started clubbing when I was 15/16 . . . not for the music but because I was young, wild, reckless, and self-destructive. I'm 29 now and I party because I LOVE the music. Can't seem to stay away from it! I guess if that makes me wierd . . . then I am!



“Life is like music, it must be composed by ear, feeling, and instinct, not by rule.” - Samuel Butler


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Music makes the world go round! If it can bring us together, that's what it is there for. I hope we all can enjoy it without age limiting us! After all age is just a number, it's your state of mind that counts!


"Play every record like it's your last"

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older people arent allowed to go to clubs?!?!?! you kidding me???

im 28, work 12 hours a day on a trading floor, and when i go out i do it to blow off some steam.

you'll find that the best clubbers are the older ones. why? we have more money, we know how to have fun...ie, we dont need drugs or to get fawked up to enjoy ourselves (well, at least i dont), and appreciate the scene more.

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Haa these young children... they are just worried when they get to our age that they won't be able to hack it..

Tell you what andy, when your 28 lets see if you would rather still be having fun or sitting in watching cable or going for a meal every night. Because i find that weird.

So what is it andy are you 22 and still having problems keeping up? Or getting it up? Listen fella when i come to NY i will give you the banafit of me EXPERIANCE, that will sort you out wink.gif


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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i plan to have fun and party until i am in the grave. having a good time, clubbing, partying does not have an age limit.... my father is in his mid fities and still loves to party and have fun... he states that it keeps him alive. as you mature, you will realize that a good time does not have an age limit and just because you are over the age of 25, does not mean you cannot hold your own.... additionally, i now can afford to party, know my limits, and that equals a better time.


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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I am 25 and have been partying since I was 18. Raves back then, but now that I'm older I go to clubs instead.

Even though we are engaged-- my finacee and I still party. (so obviously our reason for going out is not because we're single and looking to hook up with someone or because we didn't get the chance when we were younger.)

We go out because we love the music and clubs are the only places to hear the best djs and the newest underground music.

We are going to keep going out because who cares how old you are as long as you're still having fun!!! That doesn't make us weird.

p.s.(There is a 65 year old guy "Captain Birdseye" who is a regular at Pacha in Ibiza and he still goes out all night. More power to him.)

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Originally posted by abgrover:

p.s.(There is a 65 year old guy "Captain Birdseye" who is a regular at Pacha in Ibiza and he still goes out all night. More power to him.)

LOL, catain birdseye... that guy cracks me up.. every big club i have ever been to has it's grandma or grandad.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by andwhysee:

...wondering if you keep on partying mainly because you didn't partied enough when you were younger or because you are weird.

Here's a revelation: we old folks party because it's fun.

Personally, I partied my way through six years of college (no guilt since I paid) and proceeded to party even harder after graduation (more $=more party). Now, I'm happily married, have a respectable job and pay my taxes on time. Do I feel "weird?" By definition, weird connotes something that's out on the fringe. Judging by this message board, clubbers over 25 are quite common...hardly the fringe element.

BTW: watch how you word your questions or us geezers will beat you with our canes!



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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Haa these young children... they are just worried when they get to our age that they won't be able to hack it..

Tell you what andy, when your 28 lets see if you would rather still be having fun or sitting in watching cable or going for a meal every night. Because i find that weird.

So what is it andy are you 22 and still having problems keeping up? Or getting it up? Listen fella when i come to NY i will give you the banafit of me EXPERIANCE, that will sort you out wink.gif

AHHHH, the wit and wisdom of back2basics...i think i'm in love.....


as far as being old at 25? I would love to know how old this kid is? that is the fucking stupidest thing i have ever heard...



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I don't want to grow up, I'm a Toys 'R Us kid, there's a million things at Toys 'R Us that I can play with. From bikes to trains to video games, it's the biggest toy store there is... GEE WIZZ!!! I don't wanna grow up cause maybe if I did, wouldn't be a Toys 'R Us kid. More games more toys oh boy!!! I wanna be a Toys 'R Us Kid.

26 yrs young and like Puffy once said... "I thought I told that we won't stop..."


Neo: You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?

Choi: All the time. It's called mescaline, it's the only way to fly.



[This message has been edited by ricfutures (edited 02-26-2001).]

[This message has been edited by ricfutures (edited 02-26-2001).]

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Ever get on a train with all these young ravers that are all decked out... and they give you these looks like you're one of 'them', a part of the system? It's like, okay kiddies, when you move out from Mommy's house then let's see how much money you're spending on the latest variation in baggy pants.

Unfortunately I did party much more when I was in college because rent was a non-issue in those days... Plus parties were much cheaper where I went to school. But I'm lookin' for a better job because I truly have no intentions of quitting any time soon.

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