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rest in peace: blueangel


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i met Casey once, and and spoken to her countless times on this board, moastly inane nonsense (my specialty). And she was a truly wonderful sweet girl. She brought many of us together and I wouldn't have the friends I have from here (p00h, Jammy..etc) if it wasnt' for her effort to bring evryne together.

I feel when a young person goes, I find solace in the fact that they had a glimpse or enlightenment that the rest of us do NOT have, and their time here is finished, they must move on to do higher work. And I beleive that with Casey.

Now she can take care and bring more people together that her time on Earth would not allow.

She was a diplomatic, a clubber, and truly and Angel.

My sincerest thoughts and prayers go out to her family, Mitchell, and her firends. She will be missed, but not forgetten, THe friendships that were made becasue of Casey is a living testament to her memory.

Rest in Peace, BlueAngel

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I never met her. My prayers go out to her family and friends and to all those others who died.

This is a sad and tragic thing.

I have faith that those who perished are in a better place and do continue to exist.

I'm sure Casey is seeing this and knows how much she is missed. She seems to STILL BE an incredible soul.

Toall those who knew her: I have faith that you have not seen the last of her......if you know what I mean......

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When Tomorrow Starts Without Me

> > When tomorrow starts without me, > > And I'm not there to see;

> > If the sun should rise and find your eyes > > All filled with tears for me;

> > I wish so much you wouldn't cry

> > The way you did today,

> > While thinking of the many things, > > We didn't get to say.

> >

> > I know how much you love me,

> > As much as I love you,

> > And each time that you think of me, > > I know you'll miss me too;

> > But when tomorrow starts without me, > > Please try to understand,

> > That an angel came and called my name, > > And took me by the hand,

> > And said my place was ready,

> > In heaven far above,

> > And that I'd have to leave behind > > All those I dearly love.

> >

> > But as I turned to walk away,

> > A tear fell from my eye,

> > For all my life, I'd always thought, > > I didn't want to die.

> > I had so much to live for,

> > So much yet to do,

> > It seemed almost impossible,

> > That I was leaving you.

> >

> > I thought of all the yesterdays, > > The good ones and the bad,

> > I thought of all the love we shared, > > And all the fun we had.

> >

> > If I could relive yesterday,

> > Just even for a while,

> > I'd say goodbye and kiss you

> > And maybe see you smile.

> > But then I fully realized,

> > That this could never be,

> > For emptiness and memories,

> > Would take the place of me.

> >

> > And when I thought of worldly things, > > I might miss come tomorrow,

> > I thought of you, and when I did, > > My heart was filled with sorrow. > >

> > But when I walked through heaven's gates, > > I felt so much at home.

> > When God looked down and smiled at me, > > From His great golden throne,

> > He said "This is eternity,

> > And all I've promised you."

> > Today for life on earth is past, > > But here it starts anew.

> > I promise no tomorrow,

> > But today will always last,

> > And since each day's the same day > > There's no longing for the past. > >

> > But you have been so faithful,

> > So trusting and so true.

> > Though there were times you did some things, > > You knew you shouldn't do.

> > But you have been forgiven

> > And now at last you're free.

> > So won't you take my hand

> > And share my life with me?

> >

> > So when tomorrow starts without me, > > Don't think we're far apart,

> > For everytime you think of me,

> > I'm right here, in your heart.

You're dancing with a bigger crowd now!!!

Adios mi amor!!

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There are two ways to judge a person's life:

1) in years. . .her's weren't nearly enough

2) by what they accomplished while they were on earth with us. In Casey's case, she did so much in such a short period of time. She brought people together. In many cases, she helped facilitate friendships and bonds between us that will last a lifetime. So, her impact on us is indelible.

I would feel comfortable saying that Casey welcomed and brought more people together than anyone I know, CPBBS or otherwise.

I have a feeling she's probably up there comforting and soothing the other souls that were with her on September 11. They're probably all good friends by now. Even though I hope it won't be for many, many years, I look forward to seeing her at the next meetup. . .in the great beyond.

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I am very sad to say that I did not know BlueAngel... Especially after all the good things I've read about her and the impact she had on so many lives.. even w/ one meeting.. Truely amazing.. I don't doubt that she is in a better place.. may god smile upon her and her loved ones always.. as well as all the other victims and their families... I am sure she is smiling, and sending hugs and kisses to everyone who has posted here in this thread.. and saying all is well.. Much love and Respect ....

*~Mouse~* :(

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This is such a weird thing, but the first time I met Casey was when I answered her post of a opening for the CP trip to Ibiza, and I was extremely skeptical about sending someone I didn't know money. But when talking to Casey more, then meeting her at the ICE meet-up just the person that she was, was a soothing person with a gentle voice and manner about her. Ironically, at the time of this tragic act I was on a plane flying to NYC to go on the trip to Ibiza that she had planned but was unable to go to because of her starting her new job at M & M. I want to say a few things, I hope in my own heart that Casey did not suffer and that the end was something that wasn't a scary thing, because someone like her never deserved something like this, not that anybody involved in this tragedy did. Casey, if you are up there, I hope that you know the American people will not let this act of violence go unpunished and the person(s) who planned this, will get theirs weather it be here on earth or in the after life. Casey, your star will shine brightly here on earth and in the sky at night, the people on CP, your, family and friends will always think of you when they look up in the sky at night and know that you are an angel in sky looking down on us.

Casey we all love you!


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this is a very sad time in new york history, in america's history. and it's even more horrible to find out that one of our own is missing. i don't even know what to say about her. she was a great person.

no amount of the right words can make her family or boyfriend feel better.

for what it's worth i'd just like to say my heart and soul aches for your hurt and loss and that goes for every family that was affected by this stupid violence.

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i have never posted anything before........i usually just like to read what everyone else has to say...........but reading this really brought me to tears.........it makes you reaize just how unfair life is........and that what happened on sept. 11 will live in our lives forever.........and although time might help........we will never get back the people we lost or the happiness we had before it......... the one thing we can do is to remember those who were taken away from us that day..........and although i dont know blue angel....and i dont know anyone else lost in the world trade center personally....it still feels like such a great loss.........i hope that her family wil be strong and get through this and keep her memory alive for ever............

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i've never had the honor of meeting casey, but she seems to be a great person, judging from all the kind things posted here about her...i've only seen her pic - a very beautiful girl...i believe it was from the ice bar meet-up that was earlier this summer...it wasn't until i saw the pics and saw how much fun everyone was having that i decided to go to a cp meetup last month while we were in nyc on business...my prayers go to mitchell and her family...rest in peace, blueangel...

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i thought everyone i knew got out..and reading this pains me so much..but it also makes me ask myself..what have i been doing with my life..casey made such an example for everyone to strive for...no matter how much we accomplish..we can all look up to her

i am lucky enough to work in the MMC midtown offices...but we were there helplessly watching, as we knew our people where at the top of tower 1...but the numbers are becoming faces now..i knew after the first couple days...the hardest times were still to come...

in terms of the memorial..we lost 315 ppl, so even many employees cannot get into the service. only WTC employees and families, and even some of them will have to watch on screens



aol, aim: alibrot

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~i never got to meet casey either....but i have read many things on here that she has wrote and like all of you have said previously...she was a total sweetheart and an angel...now she really is one...we all have lost somebody close to us or we know in this tragedy....hopefully all this closeness and love for each other continues not just this week, this month, or this year, but for years to come...my heart and my prayers go out to her family and all the others who have lost someone....may they rest in peace~

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]:( ...Just wanted to say that I share her family's pain. I lost my sister, her best friend, her brother-in-law and a few others in the collapse. Hopefully this feeling of pulling together as earthlings will continue so that something good can come out of this insanity. :worry:

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i havent visited cp since the summer, but i happened to log on and see this message, and it brought tears to my eyes... i never met blueangel, but saw her posts here over the past few years and its so sad that such a wonderful person is no longer with us. my heart goes out to everyone that was personally affected by this horrible tragedy. im sure that they are all in a better place, and that they are all angels watching over us. all we can do is help out in any way possible... remember, UNITED WE STAND! may god grant us the strength to get through all of this.

- 'chelle

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