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sex after a night of dancing and getting stinky?!?


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my friend, who always likes to be called "smokey" when i talk about her on this board, goes home with guys after dancing all night and getting grody and stinky. i'm not into casual sex so it's not really an issue for me, but i don't get it; i'd definitely be too self-conscious to get down with a guy after dancing for 8 hours and sweating out all my toxins :yuck: . what's that about? any thoughts?

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Well after a long nite of partying...I don't know, I guess it all depends what your on, how good you feel or how dirty you feel for that matter. Well I think I would probably do my thing but I would take a shower with the person cause I don't think I would like all the sweatiness....I also think that if I was rollin then I would be more inclined to bang...so pretty much it all depends

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If you're all sweaty from dancing and you've danced together and the sexual energy is high and you get back and you just rip each other's clothes off then whatever...hopefully you're going to make so much lovin in so many positions you'll get sweaty.....the shower is definitely niiiiiiiiiice either before, after, or both :) a hot bubble bath is even better lights out with a candle hehe oops, dropped the soap ;)

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Take a shower, before or have sex in it... problem solved...

Some ppl i know use baby powder, and shit like that however, i think after a couple hours of dancing and sweating that might turn into a nice stinky paste and thats just gross so I dont use that... however a pair of egyptian cotton briefs or a pair of high end underwear let you breathe well, and wont get all hot and sticky...

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apparently some guys like the STANK.

i had a lover once-upon-a-time. we had a date. before the date, i went to the gym. he said, "don't take a shower after you work out, come over smelly!"

so i did and he loved it. he was actually disappointed because he could tell that i had put on fresh deodarant BEFORE working out.

ALSO, one time, this other guy i was seeing, well we were on the dance floor at twilo *sigh* and he ran his fingers across my armpit and licked his fingers.

do i just attract freaks or what?

i mean, i agree, if you're in the mood, just go for it, even if it's been all day since you showered. but for women, especially, sometimes it's just necessary to take a short break to freshen up!

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Originally posted by snoozi8

If you're all sweaty from dancing and you've danced together and the sexual energy is high and you get back and you just rip each other's clothes off then whatever...hopefully you're going to make so much lovin in so many positions you'll get sweaty.....the shower is definitely niiiiiiiiiice either before, after, or both :) a hot bubble bath is even better lights out with a candle hehe oops, dropped the soap ;)

couldnt of said it better :D;)

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