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Do ya ever catch yourself ::speaking of accents::

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talking with an accent that isnt even yours?? Like i do it all the time.....I start talking ::the way i do, normal i guess:: and i end up with a british accent!!!:confused: ::feelin like madonna::

And i noticed that i do it the most when im talking to people that have accents...i start imitating them ::as if id understand them better if i spoke like them:: :rolleyes:

"Good morning trouble!...how are you today?" :laugh:

::uk'ers are the best::


::say yes and ill smack your ass:: :confused::D;):)

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Originally posted by clubkat

talking with an accent that isnt even yours?? Like i do it all the time.....I start talking ::the way i do, normal i guess:: and i end up with a british accent!!!:confused: ::feelin like madonna::

And i noticed that i do it the most when im talking to people that have accents...i start imitating them ::as if id understand them better if i spoke like them:: :rolleyes:

"Good morning trouble!...how are you today?" :laugh:

::uk'ers are the best::


::say yes and ill smack your ass:: :confused::D;):)

no i hear ya totally. for example i went to school down south and occassionaly i will say "yall" (no drawl though)... and i grew up in mass and although i dont talk like 'pawk the cah in havahd yawd..." i do catch myself saying "wicked" still *ouch*

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lol I've done that too. Back in april i went down to florida and I met lots of ppl from different countries. We would all hang out n shit like everynight, and i would catch myself imitating their accent even when i wouldnt be around them. Like right after I came back to ny I caught myself talking in a british accent and I was like wtf is wrong with me? lol....:laugh: I thought it was weird. lol

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Ohhh god yes.

When I get mad but stern a Southern Accent from all the time I spent in the carolinas. Rubbed off way to much.

When i get crazy pissed it's all Puerto Rican. I even start getting made and speak spainsh and people are like WHOA. :D

I don't really have a NY accent minus the GAWD=GOD, CAWFEE= Coffee, TREE = THREE stuff

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Ok, let's see what accents Tasty has lurking inside her:

If I spend too much time with the family, the Lawngislander in me sometimes comes out to play

If I'm tired burnt or sometimes fucked up a New Orleans drawl may emerge- it's easier when the words are said slowly and several syllables are blended into one

My years in Carroll Gardens instilled a Brooklyn-bred Italian in there somewhere- fuggedaboudit!

And every so often, although not so frequently, a thug even emerges- so wut up yo!

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Hell yeah I catch myself all the time doing that... I get so annoid... however the most irritating shit is when someone brings a baby into room everyone turns into a moron... and they talk like idiots... Talk to the kid normal hes gonna understand whether you have that stupid baby accent or not... lol its funny then gets irritating...

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Holy shit, i do this in so many forms, it's like a past-time and a habit rolled into one. There are varying degrees, like the occasional words that you only say in accent (precisely), the full phrases (nice one bruva), the brit/aussie/scott slang (get fucked mate) that I love to use....

But the real fun starts when you just decide to BE british for the evening! I did this all the time when I was in Italy, since I found the men were harshest on American girls. So me and my friend would become Sarah and Charlotte from Soho, Brighton, Dabblederry, fill in a UK locale, on holiday from Uni, and off we'd go...whoever could last the longest/fool actual brits would win!

Another variation of this trend is throwing in one or two words from other languages, even though u can't speak them...

I say "Danke" instead of thanks all the time and "Cosa?" instead of what?...truly obnoxious habits, especially since not tons of ppl know German and Italian, including me, so it just confuses them. And yet, they are so fun to say.

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Originally posted by clubkat


::say yes and ill smack your ass:: :confused::D;):)

No, in fact your'e not . . . I got it worse with the accents then you:

Some History :

My dad is a Jewish ex NY cop from the Bronx, My mother is an Italian School Teacher from New Rochelle AND . . I lived down in Florida for 10 years, so depending on the time of day, what situation I'm in and what my mood is like I can sound perfectly like one of the following :

A New York Jew,

A New York Italian,

A good ole boy from the south,

A nasty Chicagoan,

OR . . a neutral accented white boy from the Suburbs . .

. . In short, I'm a fucking cartoon character . . :laugh: . . I do have an uncanny ability to imitate certain people though . . It depends on how distinctively the person talks, the heavier the accent, the better I can usually immitate it . .

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Originally posted by clubkat

::say yes and ill smack your ass:: :confused::D;):)

you promise?!?

i grew up in a black neighborhood so i find myself talkin like a brotha all the time..its funny cuz i live in a white spot right now and if i'm with locals and run into a brotha it comes out automatically..all the yos start comin out and shit..even mannerisms like hand movements come out

then da white folk look at me strange when its all done and there like what was that all about..they think i'm makin fun and might get my or our asses kicked but its nothin like that..some people are so paranoid

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

I do have an uncanny ability to imitate certain people though . . It depends on how distinctively the person talks, the heavier the accent, the better I can usually immitate it . .

haha...that's me...although i think humans by nature have a propensity to do this...we are natural born immitators...

i also think its hilarious when we think a foreigner will understand us better when we speak our english with an accent - as blowflyii stated...

i can do it all: ny, souther, italian, greek, spanish, irish, scottish (sometimes), hindu, etc. but the hardest and my favorite was a friend of mine that was Greek but born and raised in South Africa...now that was a tough nut to crack...the accent that is...

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growing up, my folks spoke english to me at home, but w/ a filipino accent. it's funny, but i speak english w/ an americanized accent on a normal basis (whatever that means), but as soon as i visit my parents and set foot into the house, i start speaking english w/ a HEAVY filipino accent, then it goes away when i leave again - go figure

i also grew up in a black neighborhood, so sometimes the sistah in me comes out - LOL

oh, yeah...and down here we say ya'll...


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