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Ever hook up with someone and......


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Ever hook up with someone and then not remember what they look like??? Like you know their name, age, etc. etc....But for the life of you you picture the face....Damn alcohol:laugh2:

I am gonna have to say no to this one, I think I would feel really bad, even worse about myself.....:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by xtcgspot

i dont know if i ever forgot what someone looked like after hookin up...but after i've met a new girl, and i'm talkin to her on the phone the next day or a few days later, i sometimes cant remember what they look like. but i recognize them when i see them again, its not like i forget who they are ya know

lol that shit happens to me sometimes. its scary because sometimes i dont think i will recogonize them but i always do luckily.:laugh:

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Originally posted by somebitch

lol that shit happens to me sometimes. its scary because sometimes i dont think i will recogonize them but i always do luckily.:laugh:

LOL...my roommate and I were talking about this the other night, whenever we double date& are meeting the guys somewhere we always cross our fingers & hope that at least ONE of us will recognize them :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by ReginaP

LOL...my roommate and I were talking about this the other night, whenever we double date& are meeting the guys somewhere we always cross our fingers & hope that at least ONE of us will recognize them :rolleyes:

thats awesome... i need a roommate who can help me out :laugh:


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OMG one time i hooked up with this girl... i remembered everything about her name, where she was from... even telephone number but i couldnt remember her face. I just remember her being real hot... anyway i called her and arranged another meetup. When the time came we finalyl met up she was soooooo fucking ugly... i like jumped a little when i saw her... and the entire night she was all over me... i was mortified then to make matters worse theres so many pictures of her like ontop of me and me with this real sullen face on... worst night of my life i remember telling my friend "Bro i need a lot of alcohol... here get me 3 shots..." looked at the girl "HURRY!!!"

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

... i was mortified then to make matters worse theres so many pictures of her like ontop of me and me with this real sullen face on... worst night of my life i remember telling my friend "Bro i need a lot of alcohol... here get me 3 shots..." looked at the girl "HURRY!!!"

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! I figured someone would admit to this one...... So how much alcohol did it take to make her "real hot"?????


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My biggest problem along that lines was I was at this party and hooked up with the hottest guy i had ever seen and we wanted to exchange numbers but by the end of the night we were so drunk he was passed out and I was tring to figure out were i lived. But i remember his name and what he looked like and where he lived but i never got his number. My roommate said i should of gone to his house i didn`t. But he still lives there should i go?

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Originally posted by laurie619

:D NEVER HOOKED UP AND DIDNT REMEMBER....But, I did meet up with some people and dont remeber you know that SPYGIRL...BMW4JAY...:laugh: :laugh:

P.S His ass called me last night at 5:00 and asked what I was doing.....:laugh: TRY SLEEPING BABE!:mad:

Who the hell needs sleep??????

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