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Which drug makes you Horny?


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Alcohol is what makes my juices flow.

With *e*, I get too lubby dubby. Sex feels great, but it doesn't make me horny for it.

Weed & *C*...I always get too distracted on other things (i.e., trying to find a glass of water) to concentrate on trying to hook up.


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I dunno...E does it for me..so does alch sometimes...but when i trip i cant concentrate on the girl...usually the bed\floor\wall\pillow swallows her up and i get all lost and lose my..stature quickly trying to figure out whats goin on...course i last for days on any of the above so its all good when it happens :)

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Alcohol.......although I don't need it to be horny.

Can't say anything about coke unfortunately cause I don't do it (yeah I know, double standard but I just don't) but most other drugs I get a little on the horny side.....fuck, who am I kidding, I don't need anything to fuck.

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Let me tell you something, if you ever get the opportunity to take a capsule of pure MDMA... like Nike says, just do it! Take one and you'll get much more than wanting to touch and feel, it will blow your mind. I took two at the Factory one night and I couldn't keep my hands off a good friend of mine. At first she was like what the fuck, then hers kicked in and she wouldnt leave me alone. It was definately an interesting night!

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

I dont need any substance... but sometimes when i do E i become a monster!!! i give my friends the little walking sign with my hands and they know im goin to find ass... lol


im most horny when im sober lol.. BUT depending on the mood and atmosphere.. e gets me crazy... like trancer said... i become a monster... and alcohol will usually get me horny too.. but those who know me know i dont need anything but hormones to get me :hump:

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