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CD vs. Vinyl


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Originally posted by kwek426

what's your opinion? i wanna start djing, what do u guys suggest?

learn with cd's and move to vinyl. its the cheapest and easiest way to get into the business and see if you like it.

if you become hardcore into, spend your money on vinyl, caus it is a very expensive habit.

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Originally posted by pangelid

learn with cd's and move to vinyl. its the cheapest and easiest way to get into the business and see if you like it.

if you become hardcore into, spend your money on vinyl, caus it is a very expensive habit.

I agree, plus records scratch and warp fast if you don't take care of them, and you can't save songs and re burn them like you can with a cd.

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i have equipment for sale if youre seriously interested about getting started...

2 american DJ pro-DJ2s, a gemini BPM mixer, and an odessey case...to buy new every thing goes for around 800.....im looking for 500, and ill throw in a pair of Sony 500 headphones...

just in case you are looking to get quality equipment but dont feel like spending a ton of money...its a great startup set

email me or IM me if youre interested


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Originally posted by ibclubbin

i have equipment for sale if youre seriously interested about getting started...

2 american DJ pro-DJ2s, a gemini BPM mixer, and an odessey case...to buy new every thing goes for around 800.....im looking for 500, and ill throw in a pair of Sony 500 headphones...

just in case you are looking to get quality equipment but dont feel like spending a ton of money...its a great startup set

email me or IM me if youre interested


i'd seriously like to get into this. maybe i'll look into your equipment

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by pangelid

learn with cd's and move to vinyl. its the cheapest and easiest way to get into the business and see if you like it.

if you become hardcore into, spend your money on vinyl, caus it is a very expensive habit.

couldnt have said it any better

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Originally posted by pangelid

learn with cd's and move to vinyl. its the cheapest and easiest way to get into the business and see if you like it.

if you become hardcore into, spend your money on vinyl, caus it is a very expensive habit.

tru to that, and vinyl def gets expensive in the long run, so make sure ur serious before u end up blowin ur whole paycheck on new vinyls.

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Hey... Here are my two cents about djing CDs vs. Vynil.

I spin. I only spin CD's. For me, this is about MUSIC. I want to come out everytime I spin, and introduce my crowd to new sounds. I want them to experience somehing new somehing fresh something unheard or maybe even something that they have heard once or twice.

For me, it is a waste to spend money on VYNIL. I don't have that many gigs. So if I bought a vynil, and by the time I come out to spin next may be a month or two, the song is already old or played out so you have to throw your vynil in the back of the pack... There goes your money.

However, I've had numerous arguements from people who claim that I am not really a DJ because I use CD's. I tell them 'Well, I am not about showing off, I don't care what you think of me, I stand in front of you and play to you the music and you like it, so why do you complain?' My theory, and I may be wrong, but those dj's who ONLY use vynil and <talk $hit> about CDs, are only after the fame, because obviously I have to admit, one looks better behind a set of turntables than a pair of cdplayers. But for me, it's all about the music.

Anyway, to whoever that said that cd's are easier than turntables, I could argue that... I don't think it's easier, beatmatching is the key to mixing, and its the same for vynil or cds. But if it's not, if CDS are truly easier to spin with, why wouldn't you want to do them? I mean, don't humans always look for 'easier' ways to do things? Why do you drive to a club?? That's easier than walking... Maybe you should walk there next time if you prefer to do things the 'hard' way.

Also, reading an interview with Danny Tenaglia a lil while ago, he says 'CD's are a GODSEND to me'... This was in the DJ Times magazine.

Also the following djs prefer CD's:

Plasmic Honey

Johnny Vicious

Eddie Baez


I know this because I personally stood behind them while they were spinning, and even though Johnny Vicious has a few vynils with him, 80% of all the tracks he plays are on CDs. Thats because most of these big (N.Y.) dj's get music directly from producers, and it's quicker for a producer to burn his song on a cd than have it pressed on a vynil.

That's all for now.

- DJ Arsen

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very good points......i am in a similar boat as you, and i couldnt agree more....

however, the bottom line is, if you want street credibility, you have to at least have the ability to spin on vinyl.....what happens when you walk into a club that has cd players that you arent familiar with?(hint hint hint to anyone who knows WHO im talking about:laugh:)


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I have always liked vinyl much more then cds. Vinyl is better in a lot of ways. Although some of that may be that I'm a turntablist and I'm alot better on decks then one cd players.

Cds do have some advantages over vinyl, easier to make and cheaper being the main ones. But lets face it vinyl is the best form for the music to be in as for as one the fly remixing goes. Unless you really want to just stand there and let the compter auto sync your bpms for ya. And skratching, how do you skratch a cd. The best I've seen wasn't even close. Although you may not need to skratch for some forms of music(house and trace)(which I like to skratch to anyway).

And the cost of records, well who cares its worth it. Granted you could get a self full of cds for less then the cost of a crate and get you own shit recorded alot easier. So I guess that is the main advantage. But remember there plenty of rare grooves that are only found on vinyl. Unless of course you know a good beatdigger who wants to rip it for you. Do you?

Another question to ask when deciding if cds are better then vinyl is if you wanna make live music or play a producers tracks. If you want live music go with turntables, if you know a producer and wanna play his shit and he has a cd for you...well go ahead. Alot of the time I like to have cds on hand my self (mostly if I'm the only dj for a night and I want sometime to chill and enjoy things).

I dunno I've always spun under the assumtion that all you needed to dj was two turntables and a crate of vinyl. And really all you should have since I always figured that it was best to bring the least equipment possible to gigs. That way if something happens you lose as little as possible. I guess you could just take cd players but if you only have one insterment then it should be decks. Another facter is when you go some where to play what equipment will be set up at the venue meaning you only gotta bring your vinyl(or cds*snicker**sorry*). Back in the day the only thing that was always set up was turntables. And come on it wasn't all that long ago. Seems like its still like that in most places. Another factor might be your market. If your worried about your market I have no respect for you. What! Your market, whats that like a wedding or something. I don't play weddings. (if you play cds thats fine do your thing. Its just the commerical type dj I'm talking about...and guess what his set up is?)

I always knew the day was coming when people would find something they liked better then vinyl. One day in the future I think everybody'll move into on the fly production(which would better then cds)...but guess what? I'll still be right here behind the turntables.

come on kids vinyl is better. vinyl gets ya laid more. vinyls the real thing. it smells better. its easier to manipulate

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Originally posted by klohe

be a real DJ...use vinyl

Insulting and ignorant.

My Opinion:

After 14 years spinnin, when people ask me which I prefer:

IT DOESN'T MATTER. Its all tools that can be utilized. Mp3, CD, MD, 12", ect...

Soon enough the argument will be Vinyl/PC or CD/PC (which by the way I'm already hearing from my friends in the (strip) club market.

People will always judge you (see quote above).

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A NERO WWW.ANTHONYNERO.COM:idea: :idea: :idea:

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i just started mixing myself and am using mp3s for the time being. at first i was seriously considering getting TT and starting with that. however, since im a total newbie i figured that learning with mp3s first and then stepping up to TT would be most cost effective in the beginning and allow me to get up and running quickly because i have a ton of mp3. ultimately vinyl is the goal but starting with mp3 is not a bad choice.

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I've been spinning for quite some time now and I started out with vinyl and will always be a vinyl lover at heart. I use vinyl a majority of the time now with the exception of those tracks I can only get on CD (so I'd say I use CD's 5% of the time, the other 95% is records). A lot of DJ's (even the famed NY ones) use both mediums these days...but I can assure you that they all started out using 100% vinyl. I think for you to grasp the true concept and feeling of djing you should at least get your hands on some vinyl first...it has a warmer sound than CD's and I think is personally better to manipulate and experiment with. Using CD's is def. an easier skill and comes with a lot less credibility and respect coming from other dj's and ppl who are really into the scene. But, it is a cheaper way to go about things, as record shopping does get mad expensive. Use CD's if u want...but do not neglect the vinyl! It' still the number one choice for a lot of dj's regardless of what others may think.

-S Dee

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Without a doubt, a real dj spin vinyl. Vinyl sounds different on a large system than cds. CDs, as crazy as it sounds, is too clean and electronic. Vinyl gives you the option of scratching, making beats with your hands and you can touch and visually know what you are doing as opposed to reading numbers. I also like hearing a little click or hiss every now and then. It brings realism to the music. Anyone can by a dual cd player with bpm matching and put two cds together. If you are looking for the street credibility, challenge and joy of djing then vinyl is the only way to go. The disadvantage of vinyl is that you must perform record maintenance, not to say that I haven't heard cds' laser skipped and of course it is much larger than a cd and heavier which requires more muscle to transport. Get some flight cases that can hold 80 or so records. Records are also susceptible to dust, scratches and it being warped (don't do a beach party or block party and leave them in the sun or near your radiator). Whenever I see a dj who only spins cds I do not consider them a real dj. I have also noticed a trend with MP3s. One dj I saw in South Beach Miami came with two MP3 hard disk and had over 16 hours of music stored on them. As technology makes its move on music, one should embrace the technology (I have a pro tools system on a Mac G4) but one should never forget what got you there in the first place. Long live the the turntable. DJ Ernest Acosta, Bronx, New York (Paradise Garage Veteran).

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