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All this SHIT that people are sayion about EXIT

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Yes MENDEZ sucks and should not be there that is alright we all know that.

>So now i ask you this, why do i suck? I would totally appreciate your opinion if you where to give me reasons why. And i find it funny that you say i suck when i have recieved over 100 e-mails about how good i played last friday. Hey man no hard feallings, I am a kool guy and respect you opinion, but the only way someone can improve is if YOU THE PEOPLE critique what i do.

peace out!!!

happy clubbing...

Andrew Mendez :) :) :)

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Originally posted by momadance

I think you figured it out my friend. 'misk' is 'miss K'

there is no other explination for that post up there, i cant make any sense of it. someone do a bump of K and tell me what she said, i am lost.

actually....it doesn't stand for k..and they were not talking about me with that comment..but that's ok...not the first mistake u have made on this thread! anyway....since u r obviously the only one having trouble understanding my post...maybe u shouldn't be so quick to throw out harsh words!

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Originally posted by A to Z

Yes MENDEZ sucks and should not be there that is alright we all know that.

>So now i ask you this, why do i suck? I would totally appreciate your opinion if you where to give me reasons why. And i find it funny that you say i suck when i have recieved over 100 e-mails about how good i played last friday. Hey man no hard feallings, I am a kool guy and respect you opinion, but the only way someone can improve is if YOU THE PEOPLE critique what i do.

peace out!!!

happy clubbing...

Andrew Mendez :) :) :)

well said, I've only seen hate on this board lately.

btw, you were great at limelight last year.

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Originally posted by theorynyc

Bro. Calm the fuck down. Comeback? Even those people who aren't Jedi Fucking knights can figure that out. So don't fucking worry about who I am.

wrong answer you cockless freak..

dont fucking ask others who they are...let people make points and dont question their credentials, but question their opinion...

even losers in life can figure that out...you worthless piece of shit...

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Originally posted by highmay

wrong answer you cockless freak..

dont fucking ask others who they are...let people make points and dont question their credentials, but question their opinion...

even losers in life can figure that out...you worthless piece of shit...

You are trying too hard to be like Gravity. Except his responses were actually funny AND intelligent. Yours are mostly tasteless. Cursing doesn't make the drama better...get a clue. :blown:

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Originally posted by dolik

You are trying too hard to be like Gravity. Except his responses were actually funny AND intelligent. Yours are mostly tasteless. Cursing doesn't make the drama better...get a clue. :blown:

The only difference is gravity is a dork who sits behind his computer and contemplates every one of his sly remarks in order to vent his aggression towards not being accepted in school and society.......whereas highmay is actually a chill kid who just likes ripping on people.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

The only difference is gravity is a dork who sits behind his computer and contemplates every one of his sly remarks in order to vent his aggression towards not being accepted in school and society.......whereas highmay is actually a chill kid who just likes ripping on people.

;) sup bro?

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

The only difference is gravity is a dork who sits behind his computer and contemplates every one of his sly remarks in order to vent his aggression towards not being accepted in school and society.......whereas highmay is actually a chill kid who just likes ripping on people.

now thats some funny ass shit right there my friend!! :laugh:

and kestrel, if you read earlier, youd see we dont want to start listing all the places where we go. the word got out on vinyl, and look at in now. no way am i gonna blow up another spot.

i dont have strong fealings about exit, just the constant flow of newbies that come on here every once in a while with the same immaturity and they all seam to be all over exit as if it was the one and only club to go to. plus this guy has no clus since he promotes his list, which is against clubplanet rules.

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Originally posted by kestrel

to highmay and momadance,

you obviously have some pretty strong feelings about what you don't like - exit, for one. ;)

i'd be interested to hear what club(s) you do like and why.

- kestrel

Very good question Kestrel...but I'm going to agree with MoMa this time and plead the 5th, because that party will expierience the NEWBIE REVOLUTION.

I WILL tell you, though, that I am from Bklyn, but I'm currently in Philadelphia as I'm posting this, and also am pretty familiar with the scene here. I'm a junior at St. Joseph's University. If you want to talk further, I'm on AIM, Highmay9. Feel free with contact me whenever possible.

Peace. ;)

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~~~ ok jayme!!! thats enough!!.......now i know u love vinyl i do too but i also love, exit, roxy and sf.....its all about to each his own....so just stop!!

and dont even get me started on underage ppl at vinyl .............ive been going there since i was 15-16...how's that for underage...and i know plenty of ppl who r 15-16 gonig to vinyl every friday both guys and girls........so pls dont talk about little kids at exit......there are just as many of them at vinyl !!~:rolleyes:

ALSO..... werent u the one who went to SF every freaking sunday morning...huh?! just b/c ur "grew up " from that doesnt mean u have a right to rag on ppl who still like it.............and dont u ever forget...TO EACH HIS OWN! RESPECT PPL'S OPINIONS!!!

~~~btw im not specifically defending that promoter kid...im just saying my opinion:cool:

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Originally posted by sexxyh

~~~ ok jayme!!! thats enough!!.......now i know u love vinyl i do too but i also love, exit, roxy and sf.....its all about to each his own....so just stop!!

and dont even get me started on underage ppl at vinyl .............ive been going there since i was 15-16...how's that for underage...and i know plenty of ppl who r 15-16 gonig to vinyl every friday both guys and girls........so pls dont talk about little kids at exit......there are just as many of them at vinyl !!~:rolleyes:

ALSO..... werent u the one who went to SF every freaking sunday morning...huh?! just b/c ur "grew up " from that doesnt mean u have a right to rag on ppl who still like it.............and dont u ever forget...TO EACH HIS OWN! RESPECT PPL'S OPINIONS!!!

~~~btw im not specifically defending that promoter kid...im just saying my opinion:cool:

huh?? :confused: where did THIS come from??

i never spoke of little kids at vinyl...in all actuality, I don't notice them in vinyl as I do at exit, where you can walk through a hallway and notice the immaturity all around you...the kids at vinyl are not as easy to notice as exit kids because the crowd is older and more dedicated to all things positive, other than exit kids who are more concerned with how they look and what 10 year old song draper will play next...

and this is last time im gonna explain this...for the love of highmay i cant believe why people don't understand what i mean when i've said it again and again:

I NEVER BASHED SOUND FACTORY OR THE PEOPLE WHO GO THERE. I never said I "grew up." I wanted to explore new DJs and new music while enjoying my sunday afternoon, which I am doing. And I've never put down anyone else who goes to SF Sundays because I know EXACTLY what they're thinking since I've participated in it. So I have no idea where you're getting that I bashed people because they go to SF Sundays.

And yes, I respect people's opinions, but not when it is an ignorant one, which isn't well thought out. That's where disagreements come in.

No, I don't think I'm always right, but lets say I post my opinion and I get attacked for it...as long as I understand where and why the disagreement took place, then I'll try my best to educate myself to make a more educated opinion than previous.

If you want to talk about this more, please, by all means, IM me. I'm always available.

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Originally posted by highmay

And yes, I respect people's opinions, but not when it is an ignorant one, which isn't well thought out. That's where disagreements come in.

~~ an opinion on taste can't be an ignorant one.......u cant say that someone is ignorant because he says blue color is the best! same way u cant say someone is ignorant b/c he says exit is the best.........its an opinion thats all

~~now he is ignorant b/c he promotes on the board and cant type......but when u were trying to bash him ur argument was mostly that he is an exit person.....and thats what pissed me off..........there are smart and stupid ppl at every club....so in future arguments dont bring up names of clubs when ur trying to insult someone..........thats all i ask for

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Originally posted by sexxyh

~~ an opinion on taste can't be an ignorant one.......u cant say that someone is ignorant because he says blue color is the best! same way u cant say someone is ignorant b/c he says exit is the best.........its an opinion thats all

~~now he is ignorant b/c he promotes on the board and cant type......but when u were trying to bash him ur argument was mostly that he is an exit person.....and thats what pissed me off..........there are smart and stupid ppl at every club....so in future arguments dont bring up names of clubs when ur trying to insult someone..........thats all i ask for

An opinion can be an ignorant opinion. How about if the color blue is the only color you know of? If something about it attracts you, then you're damn skippy that's an ignorant opinion since you don't know about red, black, white, orange or yellow, not to mention its many different shades...

And I never bashed the club...Exit is an amazing venue...I bash the people there, and I feel I have legit beef and have the right to say what I feel when someone displays a microcosm of the negativity surrounding the people who party there. Hell, it's in front of your face when you go, how can you NOT say something?

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