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Ladies, what's the biggest you can take before it hurts?


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Seriously, I'm trying to get a feel (heh, feel) for what's the average size your lover's penis can be before it starts to hurt. Like, to the point where there's discomfort the next day.

Maybe you could post how big you think it was, in length and diameter, and then post how tall you are.

My girlfriend is 5'9", but we've started running into some problems recently, and I need to figure something out quick. I can't hang with this 1-day-on, 3-days-off schedule!

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They say female's can "adapt" to most normal size penis'... There are expecially large one's, (rare.... but hey ladies, we all run into at least one in our time's)... Seriously though, a woman can have babies... So theres an idea of just how pliable we are. Unless your considering one of those huge black dildo's from naughty but nice, I don't think your size should be anything your girlfriend ,regaurdless of her height, should be concerned with...

edit... Besides I dont think the size matters whether or not you may be sore the next morning, I think roughness has to do with everything though...

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Hmmm.... Good point.

Things have been more stressfull recently because there have been a lotta things going on, people visiting from outta state, general financial stress, lotsa parties to try to fit in.... Maybe the problem is stress related on her end. Does that make any sense?

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Originally posted by rammelsberg

Hmmm.... Good point.

Things have been more stressfull recently because there have been a lotta things going on, people visiting from outta state, general financial stress, lotsa parties to try to fit in.... Maybe the problem is stress related on her end. Does that make any sense?

Stress could definately be the problem... When a girl gets tense her muscles cramp up. When the muscle are tighter, it can cause pain. Give her a bubble bath, a massage, or she may need for you to just smooch the coooch sweetheart, get her hot and bothered... ready and willing... And trust me, the flood gates shall open...;)
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I don't quite agree with sparklez.....you're baby theory doesn't quite stand as most women need anesthesia and/or get cut further open in order to have the head fit through....also, after a woman gives birth, she usually isn't ready to have sex straight away but needs a couple of weeks recovery.

So therefore, I do believe that there is something "too big". Sure there is also discomfort that is related to stress so if you guys(rammelsberg) are having some problems lately and you aren't as relaxed as you could be....maybe she isn't getting wet enough and hence in pain afterwards.

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Unless you're talking, like John Holmes size, pain is not really going to be a problem... Except maybe in the beginning, and especially if she hasn't had sex for a while, it might take a little while to get used to it. Oh, and if it's really that big, some positions just are not happening.

But if she's been stressed that could definitely have something to do with it... How long have you been toghether, is this the first time she's been complaining about this?

Also, maybe some extra lube would help? Well good luck with this.

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Tasty, we've been seeing each other for a half a year, and the bed action has always been great! Never any problems until recently. But then again, I've been 'getting bigger' since we started dating. If that seems credible. I swear it's true! But that sounds like a topic for a different post on this board. :D

It could be the positions thing.

No bigger than 8", Chula? How tall are you?

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Originally posted by sassa

Doesn't matter...the bigger, the better...

oh sassa....now you just kicked most of the guys on this board right down the slope again....:laugh: :laugh:

Don't know about the statement though. There are positions that "poke" you right in your uterus....and THAT's definitely not what I call pleasure.

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Originally posted by chula22

hahahaha! That is so funny because i was talking about that the other day with this guy. The biggest i had was 8 and it hurt. So no bigger than 8.

:(:confused: I guess that meas I'm out of the picture Chula :confused::(

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Originally posted by flying_high

oh sassa....now you just kicked most of the guys on this board right down the slope again....:laugh: :laugh:

Don't know about the statement though. There are positions that "poke" you right in your uterus....and THAT's definitely not what I call pleasure.

i was gonna ask that...i was with a girl that was 5'3..small frame..105lbs wet size.. (im 6'6 and closer to 8 then 7.5") and i couldnt slam it deep because it would hit her cervix (i think?)...she definitly said that wasnt enjoyable..so we had to keep to positions where she was in control...like that was a problem for me :)

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Originally posted by shugabooga

one day on, three days off? man she's got you by the balls! that's not the way it's supposed to work, she should want sex more than that. i think she's got a man on the side. you better start sniffin' around!

No way, what I'm sayin' is that she hasn't been able to handle it 3 days in a row anymore because she's getting too sore!

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Originally posted by rammelsberg

I can't hang with this 1-day-on, 3-days-off schedule!

You clearly stated 1 day on, 3 days off.

Either way, it's not just the size that can make a woman sore. It's the frequency and duration. That's a delicate raw area down there and it can get sore easily - especially if she's not adequately lubricated. Stop thinking of your own needs and give the girl a break. She doesn't have to have sex with you if she doesn't want to. Realize how lucky you are to have a girlfriend and a sexual relationship. There are a lot of lonely people out there, and a lot of people who go for a whole hell of a lot longer without sex than just three days.

One other possibility is that she might have a yeast infection. If she's sore AND itchy, it could be that.

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Damn Shug, give the guy a break! First you imply his girl is cheating on him then you tell him to back off, she doesn't have to have sex with him if she doesn't want it!

All he's doing is trying to figure out how to make it better for her. And that is a win-win situation.

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Originally posted by tastyt

Damn Shug, give the guy a break! First you imply his girl is cheating on him then you tell him to back off, she doesn't have to have sex with him if she doesn't want it!

All he's doing is trying to figure out how to make it better for her. And that is a win-win situation.

sorry, my feminist side showing again.

the suggestion of cheating was meant in jest, sorry, sometimes i use the boards as a form of entertainment.

seems like he's not such a bad guy afterall. but i always try to read between the lines.........and what i was read between the lines was that he was more concerned about his needs than her pain. and if she's in pain, he actually does need to back off for a few days and take care of herself - like i said, it might be a yeast infection. if he wants to make it better for her, he should give her some space and not worry that his dick is too big. maybe it's the frequency and duration - even men get sore from that!

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