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Exit Security Stole My Elements

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Last night I went to Exit way early (because I didn't want to be in the mob of people seeing Cher @ Roxy). At the door, I underwent the most intense search by security EVER- this guy squeezed up and down my legs all the way into the crack of my tush, under my jewels and pushed all around my dick looking for elements. He squeezed all seams of my pants/jacket etc really going at it.

Up to that point I was clean, but then I got busted when he made me take my shoes off (first time I've ever been asked to do that). There in my shoe were 12 rolls and 3 jars that they took. They let me into the club after taking a picture of me and saying if I ever got busted again they'd contact the NYPD.

Whats the deal with the intense search- I've never been searched like that before (but I usually go at about 8 am).

Is this standard @ Exit now? The real shitty thing is that I think these guys probably just kept my shit for themselves or sold them. Anyone else have a similar encounter @ Exit?

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yea exit is one of the few clubs where they actually make you take off your shoes @ security check. that happened to my friend, he had 3 taken away...same thing, took down his name/picture @ the security office and told him that they'll report him if it happens again.

they usually only make you take off your shoes if you either look too raverish/thugged-out/suspicious or have this drug dealer appearance.

i dont think they make you take off your socks tho so maybe you could try putting your party favors into your socks under the sole of your foot? just a guess...i go into exit clean so i wont have to deal with their shit.

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Originally posted by dolik

yea exit is one of the few clubs where they actually make you take off your shoes @ security check. that happened to my friend, he had 3 taken away...same thing, took down his name/picture @ the security office and told him that they'll report him if it happens again.

they usually only make you take off your shoes if you either look too raverish/thugged-out/suspicious or have this drug dealer appearance.

i dont think they make you take off your socks tho so maybe you could try putting your party favors into your socks under the sole of your foot? just a guess...i go into exit clean so i wont have to deal with their shit.

nope, D that's where i had it, in my sock, and they found it

i think they just pick randon ppl to search like that, cuz a guy in ufos before me went clean almost without a search, i was wearing pants, shoes and a leather jacket and they searched me

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Originally posted by drbabybutt

Last night I went to Exit way early (because I didn't want to be in the mob of people seeing Cher @ Roxy). At the door, I underwent the most intense search by security EVER- this guy squeezed up and down my legs all the way into the crack of my tush, under my jewels and pushed all around my dick looking for elements. He squeezed all seams of my pants/jacket etc really going at it.

Up to that point I was clean, but then I got busted when he made me take my shoes off (first time I've ever been asked to do that). There in my shoe were 12 rolls and 3 jars that they took. They let me into the club after taking a picture of me and saying if I ever got busted again they'd contact the NYPD.

Whats the deal with the intense search- I've never been searched like that before (but I usually go at about 8 am).

Is this standard @ Exit now? The real shitty thing is that I think these guys probably just kept my shit for themselves or sold them. Anyone else have a similar encounter @ Exit?

They do that cause stupid fucks like you bring drugs into clubs all the time.:bigfinger

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Originally posted by karch

They do that cause stupid fucks like you bring drugs into clubs all the time.:bigfinger

this coming from u, werent u the mess at roxy wandering around and a dopey mess on the couch. oh karch ur smarter u buy shit inside the club :laugh:

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The EXACT same thing happened to me. Showed up at the club just before 6 and everyone was being searched and molested like craaaaaaazzzy. I knew it was a mistake going so early.

I had a jar in my crotch that he found, only after digging around like he was searching for his last freakin quarter. He also made me take my shoes off. Still got away with a little something in my sock, don't know how that happened. ;)

If you're gonna go, and you wanna avoid the nazis at the door you have to arrive after 8am. Jr's crowd won't put up with that level of harrassment. After 8am u, usually can just walk right in.

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here we go AGAIN with stupid exit.

you will get searched if you are NOT dressed like a skanky hoe (no offense to you ladies but it's b/c you have no place to hide shit.. wow next time i'll make a skanky hoe take shit in for me).

everyone else, particularly ASIANS AND RAVERS, be prepared to have fingers inserted into your asshole/vagina, your balls molested, your shoes/socks taken off, your breasts cupped, your underwear checked numerous times.

they do this b/c that place was a nice, nice CRACKHOUSE when it first opened up.. you could've walked in their with 100+ pills and numerous jars and no one bothered you..

hence why things are different now..

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you will get searched if you are NOT dressed like a skanky hoe (no offense to you ladies but it's b/c you have no place to hide shit.. wow next time i'll make a skanky hoe take shit in for me).

You know, although your skanky hoe assertion makes sense, I resent the implication you make there. Not only was I dressed in normal club clothing (and I saw for the first time what "exit hoe" dress is... whoa :woah: ) but I had a big fluffy coat on too. :blank:

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Originally posted by chrisdez25

actually if you went to the left the securiy there wasn't searchin anybody for some reason the people and the right we all over everybody.....

you don't just go to the left.. they will direct whoever the hell they want to the right, the direction towards the security office. this is where you get raped.

vixenfoxxy, in no way was my implication of only skanky hoes avoiding a search meant to be a direct insult to you. i am sure many people get through without a hardcore search that are not dressed in skanky clothes.

however, i do feel that asians, ravers, and "suspicious" looking people get more picked on than anyone.. so my problem is with Exit itself and it's racial practices.. nothing against decent people like yourself.

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Originally posted by kitty19

you don't just go to the left.. they will direct whoever the hell they want to the right, the direction towards the security office. this is where you get raped.

vixenfoxxy, in no way was my implication of only skanky hoes avoiding a search meant to be a direct insult to you. i am sure many people get through without a hardcore search that are not dressed in skanky clothes.

however, i do feel that asians, ravers, and "suspicious" looking people get more picked on than anyone.. so my problem is with Exit itself and it's racial practices.. nothing against decent people like yourself.

ok lol nevermind :tongue: I get what you're sayin now. And on that point I agree - in fact, I heard a lot of comments at the club about there being too many Asians there... wtf is that? I can't see why that should cause a problem for anyone, and there's no reason to complain about or look down upon people for their physical appearance :rolleyes: you'd think we'd be past all that by now :(

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well i duno how true this is but i heard it from a life long Limelight employee ..n e way...he told me that exit is workin with the local precinct and that they got DT's all up in that mother and stupid cameras all over the place...maybe the simple reason that it was a crack house back in the days is why u gota go through Kremlin Security when u go now..i duno...but seems like the moral and upstanding thing to do..but then again..what r clubs without people rollin , bumpin etc etc etc

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

ok lol nevermind :tongue: I get what you're sayin now. And on that point I agree - in fact, I heard a lot of comments at the club about there being too many Asians there... wtf is that? I can't see why that should cause a problem for anyone, and there's no reason to complain about or look down upon people for their physical appearance :rolleyes: you'd think we'd be past all that by now :(

cool. :cool:

sadly, this world, hell.. new york city, still has many racial barriers and stereotypes to overcome before we can truly live together peacefully. it's terrible that a place we consider an escape from the daily grind of our lives, ie Exit, is capable of fostering racial tensions and practices as well.

so fuck that place you will never see me there. :laugh:

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Ok amatuers...have you figured out the pattern yet??

Since the club is so big, and since they know drugs will always be a part of the scene, the best they can do is profile the patrons for potential suspects...if you don't look threatening, they won't search you...

when i started goin to exit, i was a little antsy for gettin searched, so they made sure they did a thorough check on me...

after i started recognizing faces...and they knew who i was and that i was no threat, they let me go straight upstairs...

confidence, non-threatening aura, and/or expeirience: earn that with the staff and you wont be harassed...


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Originally posted by highmay

Ok amatuers...have you figured out the pattern yet??

Since the club is so big, and since they know drugs will always be a part of the scene, the best they can do is profile the patrons for potential suspects...if you don't look threatening, they won't search you...

when i started goin to exit, i was a little antsy for gettin searched, so they made sure they did a thorough check on me...

after i started recognizing faces...and they knew who i was and that i was no threat, they let me go straight upstairs...

confidence, non-threatening aura, and/or expeirience: earn that with the staff and you wont be harassed...


Thanks professor highmay, but I think the problem here was not WHY people were being searched, but HOW the candidates for search were chosen. btw, you just incriminated yourself... exithead ;) hehehe

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

Thanks professor highmay, but I think the problem here was not WHY people were being searched, but HOW the candidates for search were chosen. btw, you just incriminated yourself... exithead ;) hehehe

professor highmay now?? guess I'm crossing milestones here on CP! :cool::D

and yeah, I might not be particularly fond of my past (Yes, folks, Highmay was a former die-hard Exit head: Fridays AND Saturdays, baby!!), but I definitely took notes on how Exit security PROFILED their customers, which was part of my point of HOW the candidates were chosen.

but, people, now that the cat's out of the bag...ssssssshhhhhhhh :tongue:

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