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Let's get theological for a second...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

if you believe in GOD, can you believe in LUCK at the same time? or would it be a conflict of intrest??? any GOD (Christian/Cath,Jewish,Muslim,Buddhist,Eckankar...etc) any Luck, Good, Bad, Void of ...

hmm i can only reply from a christian perspective (that is the only one i know). i don't think that one can believe in God and in Luck at the same time. Fortuna is a Goddess from classical antiquity, and though it was often represented (as an allegory) in Renaissance art, Chritian beliefs collide with the concept of Fate and Luck. Everything that happens to us, according to Church, is the will of God; Even if we for example die in an accident, that is not to be taken as bad luck, because through such a death one earns salvation, if one is not sinful that is....ugh, wel i hope this helps a bit...it's amazing how one gets intellectual at late night...:D

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Your answer is perfect.. thats just what i wanted to hear, and others opinions as well... this was something that struck me when i was speaking to my parents... theyre very Religious... big time... and yet they're constantly speaking about luck, and i said if you believe in GOD, how do you believe in LUCK? i think it was Com.1. that said "though shalt not believe/worship in false GODS before me) <hey btw, what about after him? hrrrm?> but yeah so i was trying to say to my parents its one or the other... and they just said " i like to cause probs cause im not a believer etc. blah " then they answered with the all time cliche... blah but lets not get crazy here.. just wanted hear/read other opinions...

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Why wouldn't you be able to believe in both? A lot of modern theologans (not that I can name any off the top of my head) subscribe to the 'God's backing off and watching things run' theory. Of course, the 'tended garden' theory is still more popular, but if there hadn't been belief in luck back in earlier Christianity, there would have been no reason for Calvin to have come up with the concept of predestination.

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not to oversimplify DG's argument ..but arent the IRISH which are one of the most deeply religious groups in the world..and arent they the ones who always refer to the LUCK OF THE IRISH....i hope no one misconstrues my intentions here (QUOTH AHAH)..but if youre going by that then LUCK and Religion can co-exist

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Originally posted by brickhouse

Why wouldn't you be able to believe in both? A lot of modern theologans (not that I can name any off the top of my head) subscribe to the 'God's backing off and watching things run' theory. Of course, the 'tended garden' theory is still more popular, but if there hadn't been belief in luck back in earlier Christianity, there would have been no reason for Calvin to have come up with the concept of predestination.

I agree with this. I believe God set the wheel in motion, and let's things take their course. If you subscribe to this theory, both concepts are compatible.

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Originally posted by dgmodel



Your answer is perfect.. thats just what i wanted to hear, and others opinions as well... this was something that struck me when i was speaking to my parents... theyre very Religious... big time... and yet they're constantly speaking about luck, and i said if you believe in GOD, how do you believe in LUCK? i think it was Com.1. that said "though shalt not believe/worship in false GODS before me) <hey btw, what about after him? hrrrm?> but yeah so i was trying to say to my parents its one or the other... and they just said " i like to cause probs cause im not a believer etc. blah " then they answered with the all time cliche... blah but lets not get crazy here.. just wanted hear/read other opinions...

wow...it's like two hours since i posted and there are 12 replies...are we really living in the age of atheism?

speaking of religious families, my mother's geneaology is composed of 14 generations of priests (can be traced back to the 14th century, i needn't comment further on the aristocratic pretensions of such a geneaology)

yes, i think you were right - one doesn't pray to christian god for luck; happiness in however another thing, because one can enjoy happiness and not be lucky, ie in looking at the natural beauties and contemplating them as creations fo God.

is this really a clubbing website? i must be losing my mind, LOL. i think that this is the resulkt of the new anti-depressants i'm on....talking about compensation....;)

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

not to oversimplify DG's argument ..but arent the IRISH which are one of the most deeply religious groups in the world..and arent they the ones who always refer to the LUCK OF THE IRISH....i hope no one misconstrues my intentions here (QUOTH AHAH)..but if youre going by that then LUCK and Religion can co-exist

hmm the treasures of the irish folklore need to be distinguished from religious issues here i think


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Originally posted by highmay

depends on how you define them...

im not elaborating because im not in the fucking mood

LOL perhaps you are just not lucky today? lucky as us who discuss religion instead of having fun...doing drugs....lol..oh yes - it is also by being a sinner that one can reach God...remember that:D

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

not to oversimplify DG's argument ..but arent the IRISH which are one of the most deeply religious groups in the world..and arent they the ones who always refer to the LUCK OF THE IRISH....i hope no one misconstrues my intentions here (QUOTH AHAH)..but if youre going by that then LUCK and Religion can co-exist

though im not religious, there is a strong belief in the luck of the irish,its not just a saying.

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things happen.

then other things happen.

it all seems to happen for a reason.

but humans simply cannot comprehend

that a controlling force is behind it all,

nor can they possibly decipher the plan

without getting muddled up in the details

and resorting to just being confused

and awestruck.

then more things happen...

next topic!

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. . . I don't believe a force is acting on anything . . . It's more . . . err . . . :smoke: . . .

. . . There was a Nissan commercial (I think) that started out with a closeup shot of a butterfly . . . A narrator came in with "A butterfly flaps it's wings in a South American Jungle, which causes a small breeze of air to startle a cow, which causes a stampede . . . " . . and so on . . . make a long story short . . . The narrator traces a chain of events all the way up to the thunderstorm that is now vexing the beautiful wax job on that new Sentra . . . :rolleyes: . . anyways . . . The point is that . . a small event causes another small event, which in turn could cause several more . . and so on . . These events exponentially increase until entire masses of the human race are killing each other over a strip of land in central europe and a cheese steak . . . . (don't ask me . . . It sounded right at the time . . . :smoke: . . ) . . .

. . . Now what does this have to do with so called "fate" that we, in theory, abide by, or the "luck" that is inflicted on us? . . . . Honestly I don't know, but I will make an honest stoner observation . . .

. . . Taking the above as plausible theory, one could speculate that the the universe's origin of existence is in fact driven by the consciousness of it's inhabitants . . . as if to say there would be no universe if there was no consciousness . . . Humans, in particular are able to control their own destinies . . . therefore, taking the theory into account, we control existence through our actions on a large scale . . . One human being walking a trail is one thing . . . Several Hundred riding in a train is another . . . And it's not just "us" that causes the reaction . . it's our inventions as well . . .

. . . We're the only species that can create on a monumental scale . . . No other biological force on this earth can claim the same . . . Our bridges and skyscrapers and busses and Ships and all that is large in human ingenuity . . . Our only legacy as a species, for we don't fit into the rational system that is nature in any logical sense . . . are our inventions . . . The creations that serve monumental needs of our species . . . Even the everyday stuff, like cars and cigarette lighters still come into play in shaping our existence . . . We create, and the universe is created in response . . .

. . . What about in the vastness of space? . . . except for the planets that are blessed to support life, there is no consciousness there . . . How do we disprove the notion that the universe is all just random chance? . . . The theory would exclude deep space since no consciousness spends time observing all of it . . . therefore it wouldn't exist . . .

. . . . you would think . . . realize though . . that people are going to be checking luggage in the morning . . .:smoke: . . . . .

.... . . . ... .. . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . errr . . . . ....... . .. . . . . . . . .

... . . .. . . Fuck!! . . . . I lost it . . . . I had the answer to existence . . . I saw it . . I really fucking did! . . :eek: . . and it just left me like so many bad nights . . . .

. . .arrgghh. . .

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i think the entity we refer to god is a mathematical law. something like the concept of infinity. theres this really interesting book called the Myster of the Aleph, basically this famous mathematician named Cantor wanted to explore the depth of the concept of infinity, he gave us many valuable mathematical laws, yet went insane, because he was unable to deal with the understanding of true infinity. The jews have an ancient mythology called the Kabalah, which is a mathematically based transcription of God's laws and edicts. its a very complicated issue, but dont you find it funny how everything has a mathematical law behind it? Mathematics is the language of naturrrrreee! i think the whole vision of god as an old guy in the sky is very silly. if there is a fundamental law that encompasses the structure of the universe, and the dynamics of the chaos theory and dark matter, it may be our 'god'. God may be nothing more than whirlpools of photons and electrons. by the way, Juri Hulkonnen = mini God, im listening to his Fjord mix, awesssooome!

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . I don't believe a force is acting on anything . . . It's more . . . err . . . :smoke: . . .

I can't believe you slapped chaos theory onto a Nissan commercial...that was just MEAN! :laugh:

Anyways, to meander through what phunk is saying and onto my own...

The compatibility between "luck" and "god" very much depends on how you define those two words. It's very much important in trying to resolve the two to develop your own definition of what the two means.

For instance, if "god" as you understand it really doesn't interfere with reality, then still, there is no such thing as luck. Because reality, even if it is infinite, is ultimately a closed system (because there is no "outside" influences), and within a closed system with NO outside influences, order reigns supreme. If you believe that "god" DOES interfere, however...then it comes down to what you believe "god" really is (IE, how much power does he/she/it/whatever hold over reality and if reality is capable of having any counter-impacts)

And yes, I'm an agnostic (quite insufficient at describing my mindset...but whatever). It's the finer details of personal belief that the question that DGmodel asked must address.

And as for Tribal...Mathematics isn't so much the language of nature...as it is our way of understanding the manifestations of order in nature (or as I believe, the order that IS nature)...imho, of course...

By the way...

I'd like every single one of you that's reading this sentence to take a moment out of your day and try to behold the concept of infinity...

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Originally posted by xpander

I'd like every single one of you that's reading this sentence to take a moment out of your day and try to behold the concept of infinity...

stole my line dude.

i always tell friends of mine,

when i'm going on and on about my theories

about parallel universes and how things are

inconsequential and yet driven by some invisible

force all at the same time, about how for all we

know we could be living countless parallel

existences all at once -- that we are all things

to all people to all entities in all situtations,

all at once -- but our view is limited only to

a single timeline among innumerable timelines,

and it's possible that the only way that can be,

is that nothing really exists; things exist

because our perception, our five senses,

even our senses themselves, are merely

figments of imagination, and we are all

just viewing, in any given situation/scene,

the equivalent of one frame of stop motion

animation, among endless frames, among

endless reels of film all turning at once, and

how significant events can cause our view

to shift from one strip to the next...

and then they look at me funny.

they'll rap their knuckles on a nearby

piece of furniture and say "you're telling

me this doesn't exist? that's absurd!"

and then i ask them to take five minutes out of their life...

and try to just clear their mind of all thought

and attempt to grasp the mere concept of Forever.

and i say how i've done it before,

and it scared the shit out of me,

but caused me to feel somewhat enlightened.

they try.

but they fail.

some try harder, and at least sort of

understand what i was driving at...

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my point being, in all that theory and conjecture and speculation...

that it's pointless to try to quantify one's life events.

there are just too many variables.

too many possible futures.

not even possible futures, but too many

possible pasts and presents as well...

it's just not meant to be understood.

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so where does that leave each of us?


you can accept that most things are utterly beyond your control,

develop some form of blind faith (be it religion -- not the routine

of it, but the why of it; be it belief in a faceless, nameless

all powerful force; be it just plain simple acceptance) and

take life's journey for what it is... and appreciate the

sheer wonderment and chaos of it.


you can spend your entire life trying to find meaning

in what happens to you and those around you.

the choice is entirely yours.

i've already made mine.

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the mistake most people make,

is that they heed social pressures instead

of their own inner guiding voice about what to do...

i truly believe everyone knows what's the right thing,

both for them, and for others... follow and see where

it takes you. i have yet to be disappointed. and the

times that i have been, it has been those times

i blatantly ignored it, and knew it at the time.

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